The Nanotech France 2018 Conference topics include:
Advanced Nanomaterials
Nanomaterials Fabrication, Characterization and Tools
Nanoscale Electronics
Nanotech for Energy and Environment
Nanotech in Life Sciences and Medicine
Nanotechnology safety
Nano Applications
Focused sessions
The focused sessions will run in parallel:
Dimensional metrology of nanoparticles (NP) in complex media
Dr. Carine Chivas-Joly, National Metrology and Testing Laboratory (LNE- Trappes), France
Description: The dimensional metrology of nanoparticles (NP) in complex media is a major challenge for industry (e.g. cosmetics, food, polymers, health etc.) to control performances of products and answer regulatory requirements, for risk assessment agencies with environmental (water, soil etc.) and biological samples or authorities to enable reliable control of regulation (labeling in EU for example). But no single technique currently allows performing size and size distribution measurements leading to reliable and accurate data. Only few Reference Materials are indeed today available with matrices most of the times non representative of real samples and direct consequences on uncontrolled bias due to the increase of media complexity. This session intends to address the topic of metrological tools for NP characterization in complex media including sample preparation methods and limitation of experimental techniques. This session organized in link with the Nanometrology Club (French network dedicated to characterization at the nanoscale) will be followed by a roundtable to identify priority needs regarding metrological developments.
The following are the session topics:
Nanotechnology for drug and gene delivery
Dr. Sonia Trigueros, University of Oxford, UK
Dr Olivier Sandre, Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux – LCPO, France
Dr. Claude Fermon, Institut Rayonnement-Matière de Saclay (Iramis), CEA, France
Dr. Vincent Cros, Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, Université Paris Sud, Universite Paris-Saclay Palaiseau, France
Nano-generators and piezoelectronics
Prof. Keon Jae Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Rep. of Korea
Nanotechnology for water treatment
Prof. Joydeep Dutta, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Prof Marco Stoller, Sapienza University, Italy
Nanomaterials for Clean and Sustainable Technology
Chair: Dr. Michael Holzinger, CNRS - Grenoble Alpes University, France
Description: Clean and Sustainable Technology represents a vast field that includes processes with no or reduced negative environmental impact in terms of energy efficiency and the use of natural or nontoxic resources. The challenge is to create eco-friendly procedures and materials maintaining or even improving present needs by producing less pollution and healthier environment. Nanomaterials have an increasing impact in such technologies related to their size and surface area providing particular properties. In particular, nanocomposites formed with abundant components and produced via “green” processes are considered as beneficial alternatives in the renewable energy sector.
This session invites researcher and engineers to present recent achievements in green nanotechnology for reduced energy consumption and improved energy/fuel production using eco-friendly nanomaterials or composites. The program of this session will also include discussions and critical statements about the potentially negative effects of engineered nanoparticles on human health and environment. We propose following session topics (non-exhaustive):
Nanomaterials for food packaging
Dr Clara Silvestre, ICTP/CNR, Naples, Italy
Dr. Giovanna G. Buonocore, ICTP/CNR, Naples, Italy
Invited speakers:
1- Dr. Ana Sanches Silva, National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research (INIAV), Portugal
2- Prof. Elena Torrieri, Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Description: Nanomaterials are increasingly being used in the food packaging industry due to the wide range of advanced functional properties that can be imparted to packaging materials. They can be generally divided into three main categories: i) packaging with enhanced properties such as high gas and moisture barrier as well as better mechanical properties; ii) active packaging which interact directly with the food or the environment to allow better and longer protection of the product iii) intelligent/smart packaging designed for tracing and monitoring the condition of food during transport and storage as well as systems developed to trace food safety or to avoid counterfeit. Of course, in the development of food packaging obtained using nanomaterials, it is of outstanding importance the evaluation of the potential migration of packaging constituents into food and the assessment of their potential hazard for a comprehensive risk assessment. For this reason, there is the need for further migration and toxicological studies in order to ensure safe development of nanotechnologies in the food packaging industry.
This session aims to gather material’s scientists, engineers, chemists, food technologists and microbiologists interested in learning and discussing the latest advances and future trends in the use of nanomaterials in food packaging applications. The program of this session will illustrate the state-of-the-art of this emerging field with the involvement of international experts that will have the opportunity to present their most recent advances in the following topics:
Mathematical Modelling in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Prof.Natalie Thamwattana, University of Newcastle, Australia
Prof. Duangkamon Baowan, Mahidol University, Thailand
Prof. James M Hill, University of South Australia, Australia
Description: Mathematical modelling in nanoscience and nanotechnology is an emerging area of research where analytical and computational tools and techniques in mathematical sciences are used to investigate arrays of problems in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Modelling can generate important new insights into complex processes, and reveal optimal parameters or situations that might otherwise be difficult or costly to obtain, especially through experimentation. The ability to predict the performance of nanomaterials under various conditions can lead to successful development of nanoscale devices for applications, such as clean energy and medical technology. This session aims to gather mathematicians, engineers and scientists who are interested in learning and discussing the latest development and new directions in the use of mathematical formulation and computational approaches to enhance the properties of nanomaterials in various applications. The programme of this session will showcase the state-of-the-art of this fundamental field of research with international experts and participants will have the opportunity to present their most recent advances in the field.