
The 6th ed. of Biotech France 2024 International Conference

Speaker's Details

Prof. Elisabetta Esposito,

University of Ferrara, Italy

Elisabetta Esposito is an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology (CHIM09) at the University of Ferrara (Italy). She achieved her University Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Ferrara, Italy in 1991. From 1993 to 1997 she trained a PhD internship on Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Department of Pharmaceutical Science, at the Ferrara University, reaching her PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1997, discussing the thesis "Microparticulate and semisolid systems for controlled release of drugs" at the University of Pavia. From 1998 to 2018 she continued her research activity at the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department, University of Ferrara with 8 fellowships. In 2017 she obtained the qualification of Full Professor in the competition sector 03/D2, Technology, Socioeconomics and Medicine Regulations BANDO D.D. 1532/2016, participating at the National Scientific Qualification Competition.

From October 2018 to September 2021 she was Researcher in Pharmaceutical Technology, Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Ferrara.

From October 2021 she is Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Technology, Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Ferrara sector 03/D2 DRUG TECHNOLOGY, SOCIOECONOMICS AND REGULATIONS – CHIM/09 PHARMACEUTICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS OF CHEMISTRY.

Elisabetta Esposito is Member of the SITELF society, of the “Cosmetology Centre” of the University of Ferrara and of the PhD board for the “Doctorate in Chemical Sciences” at the University of Ferrara.

Her research activity in general concerns nanosystems for the controlled release of molecules with biological activity. The main research topics are the production and characterization of ethosomes for topical delivery of natural drugs, the production of nano-and microspheres based on completely biocompatible materials, the production and characterization of semisolid smart dosage form.

Elisabetta Esposito has published 145 articles in peer reviewed international scientific journals, 140 of them indexed on Scopus (ID: 7102536463), 76 congress contributions and 12 publications in books.

h index 38. ORCID: 0000-0002-8416-3629.

In 2023 Elisabetta Esposito won the national Italian grant PRIN with the project “Ethosomes for transdermal delivery of phytocompounds as tools to prevent skin damage” as Principal Investigator.

She is lecturer of the “Pharmaceutical Technology" course, Degrees in Medical Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, University of Ferrara, Italy.

Member of the editorial board of “Antioxidants”, “Life”, “Cosmetics”, and “Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology”.

Guest Editors of the Special Issues: “Bioactive Molecules from Vegetable Sources for the Treatment of Cutaneous Pathologies and Disorders – Parts 1 and 2” in Current Pharmaceutical Design (2019); “Nanostructures for Antioxidant Delivery” in Antioxidants (2020-2021); “Polyphenolic Compounds and Their Nanoformulation, Metabolism and Impact on Human Health", in Life Journal; “Novel delivery Systems for Dermocosmetics Applications” in Cosmetics (2023-2024).

She is Reviewer for many indexed journals.