
NanoMedicine International Conference - NanoMed 2023

Speaker's Details

Prof. Nathalie Mignet

CNRS, INSERM U1022, France

Dr Nathalie Mignet is a CNRS research director, performing her research activities at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Université de Paris, where she is in charge of the UTCBS laboratory "Unité des Technologies Chimiques et Biologiques pour la Santé" and of the team “Vectors for targeted therapy and molecular imaging”. Her research dedicated to nanoparticles is interdisciplinary, at the interface between chemistry, physico-chemistry, cell biology and in vivo studies. In 2005, she was awarded as Young Research Scientist in Biophysics by the CNRS/CERC3. She has signed 99 articles and 12 book chapters. From 2012 to 2013, she was president of the GTRV; French Group dedicated to Vectorisation. In 2013, she founded SFNano, the French Society for Nanomedicine, from which she became the president in 2014 till 2020. Dr Mignet is a highly dynamic researcher involved in a number of collaborative projects with academics and industries. She was involved from 2014 to 2018 at the Ligue for Cancer, commission Technologies for Health. She is in the board of Nanomedicine, nanotechnology, biology and medicine journal as well as the DDTR: Drug Delivery and translational research