
Nanotech Dubai 2013 International conference and exhibition

Speaker's Details

Prof. Vasco Teixeira

University of Minho, Portugal

Prof. Vasco Teixeira has a PhD degree from University of Minho, Braga-Portugal in Applied Physics. He’s Professor, Entrepreneur and Researcher in the field of nanotechnology, nanomaterials, surface engineering, smart materials, layered nanocomposite functional thin films and nanostructured surfaces.

He is Editor-in-chief of Journal of Nano Research, JNanoR ((Honorary Editor is Nobel Prize Sir Harry Kroto). He is author or co-author of more than 110 international scientific papers (ISI), 3 ISI journal volumes, 5 book chapters, 3 awarded industry projects in national industrial innovation contests and he gave 25 invited lectures at international conferences.

He is Vice-President of the SOPORVAC-Portuguese Vacuum Society. He is member of the Executive Committee of the SNN-Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. He is the Chair for the European Advisory Scientific Committee of the SNN. He is member of the Executive Council (Councillor-2004-2007) and 2007-2010 Triennium of IUVSTA-International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications. He is member of Directive Council of the Portuguese Materials Society. He is Coordinator of TTES-Surface Engineering and Heat Treatment Division of the SPM-Portuguese Materials Society and Technical Advisory Member of Tribological and Decorative Coatings of the SVC-American Society of Vacuum Coaters.