
Plasma Processing and Technology International Conference 2021

Speaker's Details

Prof. Bert Ellingboe

Dublin City University, Ireland

Albert R. Ellingboe, PhD. Has been Research Director of the Plasma Research Laboratory at  Dublin  City  University  since  2000.  In  this  role  he  heads  a  group that  develops  the engineering-physics of plasma sources and their applications. Most recently the group has invented  engineering  systems  that  enable  the  application  of  scalable,  high-VHF, capacitively coupled, plasma sources for large area applications including 450mm and LCD manufacturing.Prior to joining DCU, Dr. Ellingboe was Sr. Member of Engineering Staff at Lam Research Corp.  where  he  was  the  key  technologist  in  the  development  of  the  300mm  Exelan dielectric etch chamber including design and development of the rf-system, the plasma facing components, and the gas distribution and pumping. Prior to Lam Dr. Ellingboe help positions at AKT, Varian, and IBM, with responsibilities of R&D leading to tech transfer to manufacturing.Dr. Ellingboe received a BS degree in Applied Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in the USA, and a PhD in Plasma Physics from The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.