
The 6th Edition of the European Graphene Forum

Speaker's Details

Prof. Vito Di Noto

University of Padova, Italy

Prof. Vito Di Noto is full Professor of Chemistry for Energy and Solid State Chemistry in the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova, Italy, where he is the current head of the section “Chemistry for Technologies”. He is the founder and the team leader of the Chemistry of Materials for the Metamorphosis and the Storage of Energy group (CheMaMSE), whose research activities include the development of new materials for application in the electrochemical energy field. Currently, the research of Prof. Di Noto focuses on the synthesis and studies of the structure, relaxation phenomena and electrochemistry of ion-conducting, dielectric and electrode materials. He is currently involved in collaborations with several top-level universities, research institutions and companies worldwide. Prof. Di Noto is and was Chairman of the most important international conferences on his research topics; he is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Energy Technology Division of the Electrochemical Society (ECS). Prof. Di Noto has also been recently elected in the Advisory Board of Electrochimica Acta. He is author or co-author of more than 240 publications on “peer-reviewed” journals and 21 patents.