
NanoMaterials for Energy and Environment 2017

Media Partners

Future Markets, Inc.

uture Markets Inc., is an advanced technology consultancy with a focus on the development and commercialisation of nanomaterials and nanotechnology. We provide global business intelligence and strategic consulting across a wide-range of technology sectors to industry, governments and investors worldwide. Future Markets, Inc. provides both publicly available and privately commissioned reports on commercial aspects of nanotechnology and other emerging technologies. Future Markets Inc., has worked in a wide variety of markets, from Plastics and Packaging to Environmental Technology, providing technology advice on all aspects of the realities of emerging technologies across all these markets.

Coatings - Open Access Journal

Coatings is an international peer-reviewed journal for the rapid dissemination of the latest research findings in coatings science and technology. It publishes original research articles that span fundamental research and advancement in applications. Multidisciplinary research is also welcome. In addition, Coatings publishes high quality review papers that systematize and discuss the frontier of knowledge. Since its establishment in late 2010, Coatings has experienced a constant growth and is now affirmed as a primary platform for the dissemination of research within the surface and interface science and engineering community. Coatings is expected to receive its first official Impact Factor in July 2017. We look forward to receiving your contributions! is an online platform dedicated to micro-and nanotechnology products, services, research, investment, news and events. offers a stage for international visibility and provides services including answers on technical questions or finding the right partners, suppliers, products or technology for companies or institutes. Nanobay’s visitors are scientists, researchers, business people, government, academia, and enthusiasts. Register for free under