The Nano Materials for the Energy and the Environment, NanoMatEn 2025, conference topics include :
Nanomaterials for solar cells and Photovoltaics
- Nanomaterials for clean energy production and delivery
- Nanotechnology for Solar Energy Collection and Conversion
- Advanced Silicon solar cells
- Inorganic Thin Film cells & modules for cost efficient technologies
- Nanowire based cells and new tandem architectures
- Light management and new cell designs and concepts
- Nanomaterials for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
- Alternative solar related technologies
- Technology versus market needs
Nanomaterials for Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Thermal Energy
- Hydrogen storage in single and multicomponent systems
- Reaction mechanisms/pathways in complex systems
- Hydrogen storage in nanoconfined systems
- Scaled-up systems
- Hydrides in energy storage applications
- Technological development/challenges in solid-state hydrogen storage
Nanomaterials for energy conversion and storage
- Recent development in nanomaterials and nanotechnology for energy conversion and storage
- Synthesis and characterization of advanced nanomaterials and nanostructures
- High-performance supercapacitors, solar cells, rechargeable batteries, and fuel cells
- Theoretical understanding of renewable energy conversion and storage process
- Energy Storage, Batteries, Capacitors and Novel Generation
- Nanocatalysts and nanoparticles for hydrogen storage
- Nanomaterials for thermal or thermochemical (heat) storage
- Alloys, design and processing in Renewable Energy Technologies
Graphene Nanotechnology for Energy Production and Storage
- Preparation of graphene using different methods
- Graphene composites
- Application of graphene supercapacitors
- Application of graphene solar cells
- Application of graphene batteries
- Electrolytes, electrodes, and separators that are related to graphene energy devices
- Performance of graphene based electrodes
- Electrochemistry of graphene related electrodes
Nanotechnology for Fossil Fuels and CO2
- Nanoscale Processes and Techniques
- Nanotechnology for Improved/Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Flow Assurance Nanotechnology
- Drilling and Completion Products and Processes
- System Safety and Asset Integrity
NanoNuclear Materials
- Nuclear medicine
- Nuclear physics
- Advanced materials
- Nuclear Energy
Nanomaterials for environment protection and remediation
- Nanotechnology for water, air and soil protection
- Nanotechnology for water desalination
- Nanomaterials and nanostructures for gas sorption, storage, and sensing
- Nanomaterials and photocatalytic nanoparticles for water/air detoxification