
The 5th edition of Nanotech France 2019 International Conference and Exhibition

Speaker's Details

Dr. Juan Antonio Zapien

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Antonio is Associate Professor at City University of Hong Kong where he teaches undergraduate and doctoral courses in optics, materials science, and nanophotonics, among others. He received his Physics degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 1994 and his Ph. D. degree from The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State, USA) in December 2000. His current research interests include optical characterization of nanostructures for plasmonic and photonic applications, energy generation and storage, light emission, and optical sensors. He has co-authored three book chapters and 138 publications indexed in SCI who have received more than 4900 citations with h-index 37 (Google Scholar 6,200+ citations with h-index 40). He has participated as invited speaker in more than 28 international conferences and is involved as organizer of several workshops and scientific conferences in Mexico, the United States and Hong Kong. Antonio is the main organizer of NANOMXCN: Mexico-China Workshop on Nano Materials / Science / Technology ( a series of workshops with the main objective of promoting scientific and technological collaboration between Mexico and China, including Hong Kong.