
The 5th edition of Nanotech France 2019 International Conference and Exhibition

Conference Speakers

Conference Chairs

Prof. Jacques Jupille

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), CNRS Paris, France

Prof Jacques Jupille is Leader of the group “Oxides in small dimensions” at Institut des Nanosciences de Paris. He’s since 2003 Senior scientist CNRS of 1st class. He’s working on the following research areas: Physical and chemical properties of surfaces and interfaces, from ultra-high-vacuum to ambient conditions, crystallographic and electronic structures, reactivity, catalytic activity, adhesion, wetting, hydration. Tools – Electron spectroscopies, near field microscopies (tunnel and atomic forces), vibrational spectroscopies (high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy), vacuum related techniques, synchrotron based techniques (x-ray diffraction and absorption edges), transmission electron microscopy.

Since 1979, he has been actively involved in the management and support of many societies and institutions including:

  • 1979 – 1986 Member of Section “Inorganic chemistry, catalysis and surfaces” of Comité National of CNRS, Chemistry Department of CNRS
  • 1982 – 1986 Member of the Council of the Chemistry Department of CNRS
  • 1993 – 1997 Member of the Program Committee “Chemistry absorption” of LURE
  • 1996 – Member of the “ Surface and Interfaces Section ” (Condensed Matter Division -  European Physical Society)
  • 1996 – Member of the ECOSS (European Conference On Surface Science) Bureau
  • 1996 – 2002 Member of the Program Committee “Solid state physics” of LURE.
  • 1998 – Member de Board of Editors of Surface Review and Letters
  • 1998 – 2004 Member of the Surface Science Division - International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA)
  • 1998 – Member of the Council of the French society of metallurgy and materials (SF2M)
  • 2001 – Member of the SF2M bureau
  • 2002 – 2006 Member of the Executive Committee of FEMS (Federation of European Societies of Materials)
  • 2003 – 2006 President of French Federation of Materials (FFM)
  • 2004 – 2008 Member of Section “Condensed Matter : organization and dynamics” of Comité National of CNRS, Physics Department of CNRS
  • 2005 – 2008 Member of the expert panel of the Section “Catalysis, Electrochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry” for recruitment of Junior Scientists, Chemistry Department of CNRS
  • 2005 – 2007 Vice-President of SF2M
  • 2007 – President of SF2M

Prof. James M. Hill

University of South Australia, Australia

Prof. James M. Hill has received two five year fellowships from the Australian Research Council; an ARC Senior Research Fellowship in 1997 to work on Granular Materials, and an ARC Australian Professorial Fellowship in 2004 to work on Nanomechanics. Since 1983 he has received 13 major research awards, including ARC Large Grants, ARC Discovery Projects, National Research Fellowship, National Teaching Company Scheme. He has published five books, and almost 300 research publications in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics. He is the recipient of the 2008 ANZIAM medal for contributions to research and the Applied Mathematics discipline.

Prof. James M. Hill is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. He has been an Associate Editor since 1982 of the ANZIAM Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, which is published by the Australian Mathematical Society. His work has received international recognition through his appointment to the Editorial Boards of four international journals: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Journal of Applied Mathematics and the Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, both published by Oxford University Press, Journal of Engineering Mathematics published by Kluwer Academic Press and Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids published by Sage Science Press.


Keynote Speakers

Prof. Kenneth A. Dawson

Professor of Physical Chemistry, University College Dublin, Ireland

Professor Kenneth A. Dawson is Director of the Centre for BioNano Interactions (CBNI). The scientific focus of this Centre is to understand the interaction of nanoparticles with living systems ( The Centre seeks to clarify the controlling factors for these interactions, and to support applications in nanotherapeutics and nanosafety. Prof. Dawson is Chair of Physical Chemistry, Chairman of the National BioNanoscience Action, and co-ordinator of the European Infrastructure in the arena. He has experience in the management of large scale EU projects, including multi-sectoral cross-disciplinary research projects and other international programs. He has received several international prizes, including the 2007 Cozzarelli prize from the National Academy of Sciences USA, as well as IBM, Packard, Canon, Sloan and Dreyfus prizes.

Prof. Dawson’s professional roles include representing Ireland on various international bodies, including the OECD and ISO working groups on standards for Nanotechnology. He has been an advisor on nanoscience matters in the EU New Risk Committee of the European Commission, as well asthe Advisory group of the European Medicines Agency.


Prof. Willie Peijnenburg

Leiden University, Netherlands

Willie Peijnenburg is currently employed as Senior Researcher at the Center for Safety of Substances and Products of the Dutch National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Thereupon, he is professor at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) of Leiden University in the Netherlands, holding the extraordinary chair position “Environmental Toxicology and Biodiversity”. His research interests include:

1- Implementation of bioavailability of heavy metals in risk assessment procedures. The aim of this research is to develop methodologies for assessing soil-type and water-type specific heavy metal standards. Models are developed and validated that combine chemical insights in the area of metal speciation, with biological insights regarding uptake of metals as influenced by compartment-specific and organism-specific factors.

2- Development and application of quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) for the estimation of physical-chemical properties and transformation rates of chemical substances in the environment, with the aim of using these QSARs in models for ecological risk assessment.

3- Biotic and abiotic transformation processes of chemical substances in natural ecosystems: development of methods for extrapolating data obtained in laboratory settings to realistic field conditions.

4- Fate and effects of organic and inorganic nanomaterials in the environment: fate studies as affected by interactions with biotic and abiotic matrices, and effect studies on aquatic and benthic organisms following assessment of the bioavailable form of the nanomaterials.

In addition, he has served as lecturer in various bachelor and master courses in Europe and in Asia, was a member of over 20 national and international Ph.D. committees, is member of advisory boards of PhD-students, and acts as supervisor/promotor of  10 PhD students at Leiden University (CML), was invited as session chairman/moderator at various national and international workshops and conferences, and acted as co-organizer of one-week conferences on environmental degradation processes. He has published over 180 manuscripts in peer reviewed journals, 11 publications in non-peer reviewed publications, 17 book chapters and books, and 41 reports.


Prof. Shin-ichi Shamoto

Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan

Dr. Shin-ichi Shamoto (Ph.D. in Physics), is Senior Principal Researcher in Advanced Science Research Center of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). He got his B Sc in chemistry, M Sc in inorganic chemistry at Kyoto University, Physics Doctor's degree (Ph.D.) at the University of Tokyo. He was a research associate and a lecturer at Department of Physics in Nagoya University from 1991 to 1996. Then he became an associate professor at Department of Applied Physics in Tohoku University from 1996 to 2004. There, he got the 37th Harada Award in 1997. Then he moved to Japan Atomic Energy Agency as a Group Leader. Currently Dr. Shin-ichi Shamoto’s researches focus on nanostructure and dynamics of functional materials such as iron-based superconductors, carbon and magnetic materials. His works received more than 5500 citations and his activity is ranked with H index of 21 (Scopus Database source).


Prof. Zheng Cui

Printable Electronics Research Center (PERC), Suzhou Institute of Nanotech, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Professor Zheng Cui had his PhD in 1988 and worked in the UK from 1989 until 2009, first at Cambridge University and then at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory as a Principal scientist and group leader. In 2009 He joined the Suzhou Institute of Nanotech, Chinses Academy of Sciences, where he setup the Printable Electronics Research Center (PERC) which was then the first in China. The research themes conducted at PERC in the last 10 years range from electronic ink formulation to printing process development and applications, including printed solar cells, printed thin-film transistors, printed organic/quantum dots light emission, and printed flexible/stretchable/wearable electronics. He has published over 250 technical papers, 8 books and over 60 patents.


Prof. Ricardo Ibarra

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Professor M. Ricardo Ibarra was born in Baza (Granada, Spain) in 1955. In 1979 moved to the University of Zaragoza, where he obtained a PhD in Physics in 1983, under the supervision of Prof. A. Del Moral. He has been developing his academic and research activity as Full professor at the University of Zaragoza since 1995. He was head of Condensed Matter Physic Department (1993-2000), commissioned for the foundation of the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon (INA) in 2000, and Director since its foundation in 2003. Furthermore, he is Director of the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (LMA) since 2007.

His research has been developed in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. During the past few years his research activity has been focused on the magnetic properties of nanostructured materials and the application of nanotechnology in biomedicine.

He has coordinated large scale national and international R&D projects on nanotechnology and the application in biomedicine. He is first author or co-author of more than 400 publications -414 papers belonging to the Science Citation Index (18 of them cited more than 100 times). He has an H-index of 49 according to the ISI Web of Knowledge database on 28 September 2015.

He has been invited to many relevant Congresses and Workshops during the last years and selected as Member of several Advisory Committee Boards. He has been the head of the Magnetism Section of the European Physical Society since 2000, and he was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa by the AGH University (Krakow – Poland) in 2008.


Prof. Nathalie Destouches

University of Saint-Etienne, France

Nathalie is graduated in 1998 as an engineer in optics from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Marseille, France. She got her Ph. D. degree at Fresnel Institute and University of Aix-Marseille III in 2001. Her research work dealt with scattering and speckle interferometry for the characterization of both diffraction gratings and rough surfaces. Then she was a postdoctoral member at the Laboratory of Glasses in Montpellier, in the field of surface characterization at the nanometer scale. In 2002, she joined the Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et Instrumentation (LTSI), which became the Laboratory Hubert Curien (LabHC) in 2006, and the University Jean Monnet (UJM) where she’s currently professor. Since 2006, she’s leading the "Nanoparticles" team at LabHC where they use light to tailor the optical properties of metal nanoparticles.  She’s also the coordinator of master degree Optics Image Vision Multimedia and I serve as the scientific leader of the division "Perception engineering & white light processing" of the Laboratory of Excellence MANUTECH-SISE. She co-authored 55 articles in peer reviewed international journals, 1 book review, 3 book chapters, 3 patents


Dr. Laurent Cognet

CNRS/ LP2N - Institut d'Optique, University of Bordeaux, France

Laurent Cognet is Research Director at CNRS and Principal investigator in nano-biophotonics at the Institute of Optics - University of Bordeaux, France. He obtained his Ph.D in physics at University Paris-Sud in 1999. He then joined the CNRS- University of Bordeaux in  2000 as researcher and since 2009 as Research Director. Over the last 20 years, he has played a leading role in the development and application of single molecule microscopy to address key biological questions. His current research interests include the spectroscopy of single nano-objects with a particular focus on single-wall carbon nanotubes, the design of novel super-resolution microscopy approaches, and their applications in neuroscience and oncology. He has published over 85 peer-reviewed papers in highly impacted international journals and received several prizes.


Prof. Miikka Dal Maso

Tampere University of Technology, Finland


Dr. Lucia Gemma Delogu

University of Sassari, Italy

Lucia Gemma Delogu, Ph.D., is the head of the ImmuneNano-Lab at the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Padua (UNIPD Padua, Italy) After acquiring her experience in Immunology and Material Science at the University of Southern California (Los Angeles, USA) and at Sanford-Burnham Institute (San Diego, USA), she served as Assistant Professor at the University of Sassari (Italy) and as Visiting Professor at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD; Dresden, Germany).

Dr. Delogu has been the Scientific Coordinator of two interdisciplinary EU projects, under HORIZON2020, including a RISE project on nanomedicine and immune interactions of nanomaterials, involving more than 10 leading Institutions and high-profile international scientists on nanotechnology and nanomedicine. In this field, she has received several awards, including the “Marie S. Curie Individual Fellow” at TUD under HORIZON2020 from the European Commission, the “200 Young Best Talents of Italy 2011” from the Italian Ministry of Youth, and “Bedside to Bench & Back Award” from the National Institutes of Health, USA. Since 2020, Dr. Delogu is in charge of the Italian chapter and a member of the road map working group of the Advanced Material Global Pandemic & Future Preparedness Taskforce (AMPT) She introduced the “NanoImmunity-by-design” concept, for the design of nanomaterials based not solely on their physicochemical characteristics but also on their immunomodulatory characteristics.

She pioneered the use of systems immunology approach by high-dimensional single-cell strategies in the context of nanomaterial applications. Her research focuses on the biological interactions of nanomaterials and nanoparticles, with a particular focus on their immunomodulation properties, biomedical applications and toxicological profile.


Dr. Ismael Díez-Pérez

King's College London, United Kingdom

Dr. Díez-Pérez obtained his degree in Chemistry from the University of Barcelona in 2000. He completed his Master’s degree in Electrochemistry at the Physical Chemistry department of the same university, and continued with his PhD project trying to deepen into the fundamental aspects controlling Passivation and Corrosion processes at metal/electrolyte interfaces. An essential part of his PhD training was conducted in several international renowned institutions such as the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in USA (Prof. Miquel Salmeron) and the University Pierre Marie-Curie in France (Prof. Philippe Allongue). His PhD research resulted in the development of a novel electrochemical tunneling spectroscopy approach to interrogate meta/electrolyte interfaces at the nanoscale; work that was awarded with the ISE-prize Hans-Jürgen-Engell in 2008. After graduating in 2006, he was awarded with a Marie-Curie fellowship to develop his postdoctoral project in Arizona State University under the supervision of Prof. Nongjian Tao. There, he explored fundamental aspects of charge transport of metal/molecule interfaces and was immersed in the field of Molecular Electronics. He actively helped in the development of new single-molecule junction methods and was able to demonstrate several basic electrical behaviors in a single-molecule wire, namely, diode effect, transistor behavior and electromechanical effects. Such results were published in prestigious journals of the Nanotechnology and Chemistry fields. In 2011, he received an European Reintegration grand to work as a senior researcher at the Institute for Bioengineering for Catalonia, where he opened up a new research line in BioMolecular Electronics. In 2012, he got his assistant professor position at the Physical Chemistry department of the University of Barcelona, where he currently supervises a wide variety of projects involving the study of fundamental charge transport in (bio)molecules, spanning from simple synthetic backbones to complex biomolecular moieties that participate in biological electron transfer. In the last 4 years, his group has already presented original results in single-molecule devices showing a variety of novel responses to external stimuli such as photo-switching and magnetoresistance, and has developed tools to study electro-catalytic processes at the single-molecule level.


Dr. Juan Antonio Zapien

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Antonio is Associate Professor at City University of Hong Kong where he teaches undergraduate and doctoral courses in optics, materials science, and nanophotonics, among others. He received his Physics degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 1994 and his Ph. D. degree from The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State, USA) in December 2000. His current research interests include optical characterization of nanostructures for plasmonic and photonic applications, energy generation and storage, light emission, and optical sensors. He has co-authored three book chapters and 138 publications indexed in SCI who have received more than 4900 citations with h-index 37 (Google Scholar 6,200+ citations with h-index 40). He has participated as invited speaker in more than 28 international conferences and is involved as organizer of several workshops and scientific conferences in Mexico, the United States and Hong Kong. Antonio is the main organizer of NANOMXCN: Mexico-China Workshop on Nano Materials / Science / Technology ( a series of workshops with the main objective of promoting scientific and technological collaboration between Mexico and China, including Hong Kong.


Prof. Lluis F. Marsal

University of Rovira i Virgili- Tarragona, Spain

Lluís F. Marsal is Full Professor at the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Engineering of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain. He graduated in Physics in 1991 from the University of Barcelona and obtained his Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1997 from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, between 1998 and 1999. He was awarded with the 2012 URV's RQR Prize for the highest quality in research. In 2014, he received the ICREA Academia Award from the Generalitat of Catalunya and the UniSA Distinguished Researcher Award 2014 from the University of South Australia. He was named Distinguished Professor of the University Rovira i Virgili in 2017.

Since 2013, he is the President of the IEEE Spain Electron Devices Chapter. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and of the Optical Society of America (OSA). Dr. Marsal is a Distinguished Lecturer of the Electron Devices Society (EDS-IEEE). He is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Research Center for Engineering Materials and Micro/Nanosystems. He has been visiting professor at several universities and research institutions (CINVESTAV - Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico, McMaster University, Canada, ICMM-CSIC, BiomaGUNE, Spain, Mawson Institute, Australia) and has been a member of advisory and technical committees in several international and national conferences (ECS, PSST, CDE, ICOOPMA, CEN).

He has co-authored more than 220 publications in international refereed journals and conferences, 2 books, 5 book chapters and holds 3 patents. He has presented over 28 invited lectures at international conferences and has participated in over than 80 national and international projects. He has supervised 15 PhD theses and 10 MEng students.

His current research interests mainly focus on nanotechnology and low–cost technologies based on micro- and nanoporous materials for optical biosensing and biomedical applications. He is also interested in organic and hybrid nanostructured materials to enhance light-matter interactions for optoelectronic devices and energy applications.

He served as a Director of the PhD program in Electronic Engineering (2001-2006) and Director of the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Engineering (2006-2014). He is currently Vice-Rector for Teaching and Research Staff at the University Rovira i Virgili.


Prof. Abdelhafed Taleb

Chimie ParisTech/CNRS - Sorbonne University, France

Abdelhafed Taleb is an associate professor at Sorbonne University in the “Institut de recherche de Chimie Paris” (IRCP / ENSCP), where he is leading the group “Elaboration and Modelling of Nanostructred Films” group. He received his PhD diploma in nanomaterials science under the supervision of Prof. Marie Paul Pileni from UPMC in Paris in 1998. During his PhD, he pointed out a new collective’s properties due to nanoparticles organization. In 2000, he joined the UPMC, where he worked on the synthesis of inorganic-organic hybrid nanomaterials and the development of new strategies to assemble them in different structures of coating. Since 2009, he leads the group focusing on the design of nanostructured films with novel architectures and their applications in different areas such as electrochemical sensing, self-cleaning (superhydrophobic) coating, photovoltaic (DSSC), batteries, anticorrosion coating, magnetic storage supports etc … He has more than 18 years of experience in nanomaterial synthesis, characterizations, the study of their physical properties and their applications. He authored and co-authored a number of publications and patents on various topics, focusing on advanced materials and their applications.


Prof. Piersandro Pallavicini

Department of Chemistry, inLAB, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Prof. Piersandro Pallavicini is Full Professor in Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Pavia, Italy, and leads inLAB - inorganic Nano chemistry laboratory, a laboratory and research group specialized in the tailored synthesis of spherical and non-spherical noble-metal and inorganic nanoparticles and of nanostructured surfaces, oriented towards optical, sensing, photothermal and antibacterial applications. Prof Pallavicini obtained his PhD degree in Chemistry at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, in 1990, then joined the University of Pavia where he was first Researcher, then Associate Professor and, from 2017, Full Professor. He is the director of the PhD school in Chemical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Industrial Innovation, at the University of Pavia.

Prof. Piersandro Pallavicini is the author of 155 papers (source: Scopus), H-index 42, with >5600 citations.


Dr. Lifeng Liu

International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal

Lifeng Liu is currently the Leader of the Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Conversion (NESC) group at INL. Lifeng Liu has a PhD degree in Condensed Matter Physics from Chinese Academy of Sciences and did his post-doctoral work at Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics during 2007-2009. Before joining INL in 2011, Dr. Liu was a staff scientist and group leader at Max-Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics. He is Associate Editor of Science Letters Journal, and Editorial Board Member of Advances in Nano Research, Journal of Nanomaterials Science, and Science Advances Today.


Dr. Ali Abou-Hassan

Sorbonne University, France

Ali Abou-Hassan is an Associate Professor at Sorbonne University, Paris, France. His multidisciplinary research ranges from setting up new synthesis and self-assembly strategies combining his knowledge in microfluidics, colloidal chemistry, nanoparticle synthesis (magnetic and plasmonic ones) and out of equilibrium phenomena for the elaboration of multi-scale multifunctional materials ranging from nanomaterials to microcapsules with applications in nanomedicine and biomedical fields. Fascinated by out of equilibrium phenomena in nature and chemistry he also studies the nucleation and growth of materials in a biomimetic approach assisted by microfluidics and auto-organization of oscillating inorganic chemical reactions such as BZ. Since several years A.A-H oriented his research to the biomedical field with an interest to nanomaterial bio-modifications in cells using material science approaches. In 2018, he was granted an ANR JCJC project which aims to elaborate multifunctional theranostic nanoassemblies using high throughput microfluidics, to study their biotransformation and cellular re-engineering in biomimetic conditions with the hope to produce "safe by re-design" bio-stamped nanohybrids for nanomedecine. 



Dr. Raul Arenal

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Dr. Raul Arenal received his Ph.D. in Solid State Physics from Univ. Paris-Sud (Orsay, France, 2005) and in 2013, he obtained his Habilitation (HDR) also at this University (now, Paris-Saclay University). He joined the Electron Microscopy Center in Argonne National Lab. (ANL, USA) as post doctoral fellow. In 2007, he became research scientist (Chargé de Recherches) at the CNRS (France; LEM, ONERA-CNRS). From 2010 to 2011, he was visiting scientist (sabbatical position) at the Laboratorio de Microscopias Avanzadas (LMA) at the Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon (INA) of the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). Since 2012, Dr. Arenal is on leave from the CNRS, and he is currently ARAID senior research scientist at the LMA, INMA, CSIC-U. Zaragoza. Since 2018, he is the Director of the TEM area of the LMA-INA. Dr. Arenal has published more than 200 papers in refereed journals ( and edited one book (Springer).
Arenal’s broad area of research interest lies in electron microscopy focused on materials science and nanoscience: TEM (EELS, HR(S)TEM, electron diffraction, electron tomography). These studies are mainly focused on the growth mechanism, structural and physical properties of low dimensional materials based on carbon, boron and nitrogen as well as other nano-structures (in particular, metallic nano-objects for plasmonic/photonic interest). Among his scientific activities, Dr. Arenal is the chair of the HeteroNanoCarb conference series ( focused on graphene, NT and related 1D-2D nanomaterials


Prof. Roberto Romeo

Department of Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche ed ambientali, Università di Messina, Italy

Roberto Romeo is Professor of Organic Chemistry since 2004, his main research activity deals with the organic synthesis methodologies, addressed to the design and development of new synthetic processes for the formation of new carbon carbon bonds and hetero- and carbocyclic systems, based on radical and peryciclic processes. Recently, particular attention was devoted towards the design, the synthesis and the vehiculation of modified nucleosides with potential antiviral and/or antitumoral activity. He is also carrying out research on the isolation from plant sources and characterization of natural compounds with bioactive potential.

Moreover his research activity regarded the organic functionalization of nanostructured materials for biomedical applications.

Member of the “Interuniversity Research Center  about Pericyclic Reaction and Synthesis of Hetero- and Carbocyclic Systems” and of the “National University Consortium for Innovative Methodologies and Synthetic Processes”.

Scientific advisor of  Fort Dodge Animal Health (Wyeth Lederle S.p.A Division) for “Studi innovativi di sintesi e di delivery systems di nuove molecole ad interesse farmaceutico per la salute degli animali”.

Prof. Roberto Romeo enjoys a number of national and international scientific collaborations. He has been the Scientific Director of International and National Research Projects. He has been an invited speaker  in Ph.D. Schools and in many National and International Conferences. He has coauthored over 100 publications, presented over 50 lectures, and supervised many students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scholars with research interests in developing stereoselective methods and applications in natural product syntheses.


Prof. Xavier Fernandez Busquets

University of Barcelona / IBEC, Spain

Dr. Xavier Fernàndez-Busquets has a background training in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from where he has explored biomolecular interactions in a number of models: histone-DNA association, glycosaminoglycan-based cell adhesion, amyloidogenesis in neurological disorders, and enzyme-substrate interactions at the single-molecule level, among others. His current research activity focuses on the design of nanosensors for the biodiscovery of new antimalarials and on the engineering of nanovectors for drug delivery. He has developed his career in several research centers, among which the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Ciba-Geigy AG (Basel, Switzerland), the Friedrich Miescher Institute (Basel), the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory (US), the Universitat de Barcelona, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia and the Barcelona Center for International Health Research. He is leading ISGlobal's Nanomalaria Group, a joint unit participated by the last two institutions.


Prof. Nello Li Pira

Centro Ricerche FIAT S.C.p.A. (CRF), Italy

Prof. Nello Li Pira obtained a PhD degree at the Polytechnic of Turin in 2010. He currently works as head of Physical Analysis department in Group Materials Labs. He is involved in the development and engineering of functional systems for vehicle applications. He master in surface and coating metrology and plastic electronics since 2009. He has international experiences in EU projects as project coordinator: FP7 ICT PRIAM, FP6 NANOPRIM, and scientific responsible in FP7projects: LAMP, LIGHT-ROLLS, E-STARS. Furthermore, he was involved in the OE-A, EPOSS and OLAE platforms.


Dr. Antonio Abate

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany

Antonio Abate is Team Lead at the Helmholtz-Centrum Berlin in Germany and Associate Professor at University of Naples Federico II in Italy.  He is researching novel materials to make stable perovskite solar cells.


Before to move to the Helmholtz-Centrum Berlin, Antonio was leading the solar cell research at the Adolphe Merkle Institute within the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. He was a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Fellow at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne within the group of Prof. Grätzel.  He worked for four years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Prof. Snaith and the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Prof. Steiner. Antonio graduated summa cum laude from University of Naples Federico II in 2006, and he got his PhD summa cum laude at Politecnico di Milano in 2011 under the supervision of Prof. Resnati and Prof. Metrangolo.


Prof. Paulo J Ferreira

International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), Portugal

Paulo Ferreira is currently the Head of Department of Advanced Electron Microscopy, Imaging and Spectroscopy at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), Portugal. He is also a Full Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal and an Adjunct Professor, Robert & Jane Mitchell Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Engineering in the Materials Science and Engineering Program at the University of Texas at Austin, USA.

Before joining INL and IST in Portugal, he was Robert & Jane Mitchell Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Engineering and Full Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, USA and the Director of Electron Microscopy at the Texas Materials Institute at the University of Texas at Austin. He has a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Illinois, USA and has done his Post-doctoral work at MIT in Materials Science and Engineering. He concentrates his scientific research in the areas of Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Electron Microscopy applied to Alternative Energy Technologies. At the educational level, he teaches graduate courses in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, Structure and Electron Microscopy. In parallel, he has been involved in initiatives with various American and Portuguese institutions in the areas of Education and Higher Education, Systems of Innovation, and Science and Technology.

He is a co-author of three books, namely “Materials 2000”, IST Press, 2003, “Investing in the Future: University-Industry Collaborations in USA and Portugal”; and “Nanotechnology for Architects, Designers and Engineers” with co-authors D. Schodek (Harvard University) and Michael Ashby (University of Cambridge, UK). He is also the author of 177 scientific articles published in international journals and conference proceedings. Prof. Ferreira has also acted as a special advisor to the Minister of Economics and Innovation, Portugal, on Government Strategy for Science & Technology.


Dr. Pietro Perlo

President of P-GEVS and President of Torino e-district, Italy

Pietro Perlo (I-FEVS): General Physics at the University of Torino in 1980 where he continued his activities for over 15 years as contract professor. As senior director at Centro Ricerche Fiat he has originated quite a number of EU projects on advanced systems development and integration for efficient electrical mobility. He his author of over 150 technical and scientific publications and holder of several patents that have led to large-scale productions. In 2011 he founded "Interactive Fully Electrical Vehicles" I-FEVS. He is a member of the European Commission H2020 Advisory Board on "Smart, Green and Integrated Transport" and Contract Professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In the last decade Pietro started quite a number of projects on advanced systems development and integration for efficient road, water and air electrical mobility. In 2011 he founded his company "Interactive Fully Electrical Vehicles" IFEVS. Pietro is the vice president of the cluster Torino e-district including SMEs and large companies of the Torino areas committed to the development of enabling technologies for novel forms of electro-mobility and advanced robotics.

Read more here.


Prof. Sascha Sadewasser

INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal

Sascha Sadewasser is currently the Head of the Department of Quantum Materials, Science and Technology and is the Head of the Laboratory for Nanostructured Solar Cells. Sascha focuses his research in the areas of advanced concepts for chalcopyrite thin film solar cells and two-dimensional chalcogenide materials. He is an expert on Kelvin probe force microscopy, which he applies to the characterization of semiconductors and thin film solar cell materials. His group develops advanced solar cell concepts, ranging from passivation layers and micro-concentrator solar cells to quantum dot concepts and 2D chalcogenide materials for optoelectronic applications.

Sascha Sadewasser holds a Dipoma (1995) in Physics from the RWTH Aachen, Germany and a PhD (1999) from the Washington University St. Louis, MO, USA. He did a post-doc (1999-2003) at Hahn-Meitner Institute Berlin (Germany), and was a Ramón y Cajal scientist at the Centro Nacional de Microelectonica in Barcelona (Spain) Spain from 2003 to 2004. From 2005 until 2011 he was the group leader of the Nanoanalytics and Nanofabrication group at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (Germany) and the deputy head (2008-2011) of the Department for Heterogeneous Materialsystems. In 2011 he obtained his Habilitation in Experimental Physics from the Free University of Berlin, Germany. Since July 2011 he is the Principal Investigator of the Laboratory for Nanostructured Solar Cells (LaNaSc) at INL.


Prof. Francesca Peiró

University of Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Francesca Peiró, (Spain, 1965): received her PhD in Physics at the University of Barcelona (UB) in 1993 and worked as a TEM technician at the Scientific and Technological Centers of UB from 1988 to 1995. In1995 became Associated Professor at the Electronics Department of UB. From 2017 she is Full Professor in the Electronics and Biomedical Engineering Dept. She is the leader of the Laboratory of Electron Nanoscopy (LENS) of the research group Micro-nanotechnologies and Nanoscopies for electronic and photonic devices (MIND) of the University of Barcelona. LENS group has access to aberration corrected instruments in Spain (Madrid and Saragossa) in the frame of national projects (IMAGINE CSD2009-00013 and CTP2011-00018 respectively). She has supervised 11 PhD (5 more in development) and 5 post docs. She has been principal investigator of many national research projects and has participated in different bilateral international collaborations and EU projects. Her main field of research is transmission electron microscopy and related techniques applied to the characterisation of of III–V semiconductors and nanostructures, complex oxides for spintronics and nanomaterials for energy.


Prof. Florin Udrea

Cambridge University, UK

Florin Udrea is Professor of Semiconductor Engineering in Engineering Department in Cambridge University with over 20 years experience in power devices, high voltage and smart technologies, micro-sensors and MEMS.  He is one of the two founding members of CamSemi; a company dedicated to power ICs and power management. CamSemi has sold over 500 million units to date and has been recently awarded the prestigious Carbon Trust Innovation Award.  He is also the CTO and the founder of CCMOSS (Cambridge CMOS Sensors Ltd), a company dedicated to CMOS-based gas sensors. Finally, he is a co-founder and the CTO of Camutronics - a new spin-off company dedicated to power semiconductor devices.  Prof. Florin Udrea is an inventor of over 70 patents and has over 300 publications in journals and international conferences. He has received several awards from IEEE and Leverhulme. For his "outstanding contribution to British Engineering" he has received the Silver Medal from the Royal Academy of Engineering for 2012.


Prof. Lianxi Zheng

Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Lianxi Zheng received his BE degree in Electronic Engineering from Southeast University in China, and his Ph.D. in Physics from The University of Hong Kong.  He has worked in Los Alamos National Laboratory as a director’s postdoctoral fellow, CNT Technologies Inc. as a research scientist, and Nanyang Technological University as an assistant professor. He has made many significant contributions in the area of carbon nanotube, among which is his invention of a chemical-vapor-deposition method to make word-record long (40mm) CNTs. This technology was ranked as one of the top 50 technologies that have significantly impacted, or are expected to impact, the state of the art in nanotechnology, by Nanotech Briefs (NASA’s technical magazine) in 2005. During his career, he has gained several awards, including 2 Nano 50 Award from NASA, applied 3 US patents on CNT preparation, and published over 80 journal papers. He has been the treasurer and committee member of IEEE Nanotechnology Chapter (Singapore section), and a member of the editor board of several scientific journals.


Prof. Ricardas Rotomskis

Vilnius university, Lithuania

Ricardas Rotomskis is a professor at the Vilnius University Laser Research center & Head of Biomedical physics laboratory at National Cancer Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania.

MS Vilnius University (1976) Diploma in Physics (Solid state physics), obtained his PhD in Biophysics (time resolved laser spectroscopy of biological objects) at Moscow M.V.Lomonosov State University (1982-1985; Moscow, Russia). 1987-1988 postdoctoral work in the Photosynthesis Department of Huygens Laboratory of Leiden University, Leiden (the Netherlands). He joined Department of Quantum Electronics of Vilnius University, Vilnius Lithuania in 1985. Associate professor 1993 1999, professor from 2000, and head of the laboratory of Biomedical Physics at Vilnius University Institute of Oncology from 2004.

Co-authored over 300 papers and reports (since 1990 over 120 papers in Web of Science Clarivate analytics, hindex-19, h10-39). 2 monographs, 8 textbooks 2-chapters in books were published with co-authors.

Main scientific interests: biophysics, biomedical physics, nanophotonics, biophotonics, nanomedicine, lasers application in life sciences and spectroscopy, photophysics and photochemistry of biologically active molecules in model and biological environment, lasers application in life sciences particularly those used in photosensitized tumour therapy; fluorescence methods in biomedical diagnostics and visualization; biomedical applications of nanotechnologies etc..

Member of European Society for Photobiology (ESP), member of Vilnius University Studies Committees for the education in Biophysics and Medical physics, head of Biophysics studies committee at Physics Faculty, a member of Lithuanian Doctoral studies committees for Biophysics, member of Mirror Group of the European Technology platform “NanoMedicine” representing Lithuania, a member of the LALS International Advisory Board, an expert of Lithuanian Science Council and Singapore National Medical Research Council.

Dr.Theodore Maiman Award at SPIE's International Biomedical Optics'93 Symposium in Los Angeles (USA). Scientific activity in the field of photosensitized tumour therapy in 1986-2001 was awarded Lithuanian Science Award in 2002.


Dr. Wendel Wohlleben

Material Physics, BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany

Wendel Wohlleben is Principal Scientist for characterization of nanomaterials at BASF, Dept. of Material Physics, second affiliation with Dept. of Experimental Toxicology and Ecology.

Conducts or leads research projects on advanced materials development and on the safety of nanomaterials, specifically GRACIOUS H2020 (grouping and read-across), PATROLS H2020 (alternative methods), SUN FP7 (Lifecycle testing), NanoDefine FP7 (identification and characterization), nanoGRAVUR BMBF (grouping), NanoRelease (Release testing). More than 100 papers and patents, h-index 42. Additional responsibilities on monitoring of novel analytical methods and their implementation at BASF, and on opportunity finding for novel advanced materials.

Wendel studied physics (minor: chemistry) at the University Heidelberg and at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. PhD in 2003 from University Munich with a biophysical thesis on energy harvesting in photosynthesis, performed at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics. Post-doc at Physical Chemistry, University Marburg. Visiting scientist relations at Dept. of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot and at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Boston.


Prof. Victor Puntes

Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain

Prof. Dr. Victor Puntes is ICREA Research Professor with joint appointments in Vall Hebron Institute de Recerca (VHIR) (2014) and at the (ICN2) (2005). He has co-authored of over 175 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, with more than 10.821 citations.


Prof. Dr. Puntes has participated in 29 research projects funded by the by the European Union, the Spanish Government and private companies, launching numerous collaborations with national and international groups, participating in interdisciplinary panels and cooperation projects. He is co-founder of several spin offs, two of them based on licensed patents (2 of 9) of Puntes group: (2013-present) Applied Nanoparticles Co-founder and Scientific Director, spin off company of the ICN2 and UAB sponsored by Fundación Repsol. Prize Top 11 StartUp South Summit 2016.


(2009-2012) Centre for BioNanosafety and Sustainability (CNBSS), Scientific director. Dedicated to the investigation, analysis, co-development and education of nanotechnology with responsibility (following Responsible Research and Innovation –RRI- Principles). (2005-present) Endor technologies, Co-founder  a company dedicated at cosmetics and nanobiomedicine. (2007-present) Nanonica, Scientific Advisor, Swiss based company dedicated to invest on nanotechnology. (2009- present) Nanotargeting, Scientific Advisor, start-up company, Spain, dedicated to the development of our patent on cisPt delivered with AuNPs.


Prof. Ursel Bangert

University of Limerick, Ireland

Ursel Bangert is Bernal Chair in Microscopy and Imaging at the University of Limerick (UL), following positions of Lecturer and Reader at the Universities of Surrey and Manchester, and a career of ~30 years in the area of electron microscopy. She has pioneered low loss EELS for highly spatially resolved electronic structure studies as well as single atom EELS, and, having worked on electron microscopy of graphene since its discovery with the Manchester Graphene Group, was first to conduct atomic resolution HAADF and low loss EELS (plasmon) studies on graphene. Her research achievements are documented in >200 peer-reviewed papers, as well as book chapters, prolific conference contributions and outreach events. Her current research focuses on tailoring the functionality of 2-D materials beyond graphene, including conducting, agile domain walls in ferroelectrics, for application in nano-, quantum- and (novel) dynamic electronic devices. 


Apart from previous responsibilities of overseeing the Manchester electron optical facilities, she has been heavily involved as Co-I with various facilities, e.g., the UK EPSRC Daresbury SuperSTEM, and has participated in creating >€24 Mio of research funding. Following the acquisition of Ireland’s first double corrected, monochromated (S)TEM at UL with full, modern spectroscopic and in-situ facilities from funding she secured, her current activity involves establishing high-end and novel electron microscopy techniques at UL. She is visiting professor at the Ernst Ruska Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electron at the Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany.


Dr. Ali Adawi

Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Hull, United Kingdom

Dr Ali Adawi is a senior lecturer in physics whose research focuses on areas of organic and inorganic semiconductor nanostructures, nanophotonics and their technological applications.

His current research interests include hybrid organic / inorganic two-dimensional photonic crystal nano-cavities, plasmonic and hybrid plasmonic/photonic nanopatch antennas for highly efficient nano-light sources, Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and the development of plasmonic nano-gaps for single molecule detection, near-zero refractive index metamaterials for directive emission and the spectroscopy of organic and inorganic nanomaterials.

Dr Ali Adawi has more than 40 research publications and one patent.


Dr. Hui-Lin Chang

Micron Technology, Manassas VA, USA

Dr. Hui-Lin Chang is currently a Senior Member of Technical Staff in GlobalFoundries. Her previous work experience includes working in Samsung Electronics in South Korea as a Principal Engineer and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC) as a Technical Manager in Hsin Chu, Taiwan, as well as a Senior Researcher in National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. She served as a technical program committee member at the 6th International Conference on Mechanical Science and Engineering (ICMSE2015), organized by the International Association of Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IAASET).

Hui-Lin Chang was awarded a PhD in Material Science and Engineering from National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan in 2002. She also received an Executive Master’s degree of Business Administration (EMBA) from National Chiao Tung University and the University of California – Berkeley in 2010. In addition, in 2016, she was designated a Stanford Certified Project Manager by the Stanford University Center for Professional Development.

Hui-Lin Chang has been awarded 24 patents by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), many of which have also been published by the USPTO's counterpart in China, the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO). In addition to her many granted patents, she is a named inventor of 10 pending patent applications. Hui-Lin Chang’s contributions to the existing academic literature and industrial practices related to fracture mechanisms of nanoelectronic devices, in particular her novel testing approaches, are truly original and significant.


Prof. Soam Prakash

Department of Zoology, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Deemed University, Agra, India

Joined erstwhile REI degree College: 1978 as Instructer, Lecturer in 1989, Senior Lecturer in 1994 Reader in1999, Associate Professor in 2009 and Professor in 2010-onwards. Subjects of Interest are Helminthology, Parasitology, Microbiology, Ecology, Environmental Parasitology, Environmental Parasitology, Immunology, Microbiology, Advances in Parasitology, Advance Tech.  Molecular Parasitology,Ph. D’s in Vector Control Biotechnology and Molecular Parasitology, Nanobiotechnology, Molecular Parasitology and Microbiology.

Projects Sanctioned-8 Major projects awarded from DST, UGC, AICTE  worth  1 crore 

Supervised-Ph.Ds - 6, M.Phil - 24, M.Sc -  66 dissertations.

Expert Panel-DST, New Delhi for Animal Sciences and Zoology, ICGEB, JNU, CDRI  etc. Reviewing of International Journal-28 (American journal of Microbiology, American journal of nanotechnology, Parasitology Reearch, Indian Journal of Microbiology, Parasitology International, Current Science etc. Fellowship-Academy of Zoology, Fellow of National Environmental Science Academy. Membership-Life member, National  Academy of Science, Allahabad,India,American Mosquito Control Association, Indian Society of Parasitology.

Golden Man of the Year”Award by the International Success Awareness Society, New Delhi India, 2005. at New Delhi., Vijay Ratan” Year Award by the India International Friendship Society, New Delhi, 2005 at Cannought Hotel New Delhi after acknowledging his service in Science as well as in Society., Scientist of the Year Award for 2006 by National Environmental Science Academy, Best Teacher Awardat I.I.SC. Bangalore in 1994 in orientation programme 1986- best research paper  presented in NESA in 1986 in  a National convention, Best Paper presentation Award –NSA -1984


Prof. Ngamta Thamwattana

University of Newcastle, Australia

After receiving her first class honours in mathematics at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Ngamta joined UOW in 2001 to undertake her PhD studies in the field of granular mechanics. She was then awarded an Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Australian Research Council to develop mathematical models for applications of nanomaterials in biology and medicine, which continues to be her area of focus. She investigates modelling electro-rheological fluids, the mechanics of carbon nanostructures, nanomaterials used in biology and medicine and protein and other polymer chain structures using the calculus of variations. Thamwattana has a number of her research publications appearing in top fully-refereed international journals, such as the Proceedings of the Royal Society, and an impressive citation record. She is the winner of the 2014 Vice-Chancellor’s Emerging Research Award and received the 2014 J.H.Michell Medal from the Australian Mathematical Society.


Invited Speakers

Prof. Changhyun Roh

Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Rep. of Korea

Changhyun Roh received his Ph.D degree at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea in 2007. Now he is Senior Researcher/Associate Professor at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute/University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea. His current research interests include functional materials, environmental science, nanotechnology, biotechnology and interdisciplinary research. He has published more than 90 research articles in SCI(E) journals and 19 patents. Several projects are ongoing as a project investigator.


Dr. B. Imran AVCI

Department of Physics and Astronomy VU University, The Netherlands

B. Imran Akca (Avci) got her BS degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bilkent University, Turkey in 2006 with a focus on photonics and medical imaging. She received her PhD degree from the Integrated Optical Microsytems Group at the University of Twente, The Netherlands in 2012. During her PhD research she applied her strong integrated optics knowledge into an emerging imaging modality, i.e. optical coherence tomogprahy (OCT) to reduce the cost and size of these bulky systems. She was one of the few researchers working on portable, cheap and compact OCT systems in the world. Between 2013-2015  she was a postdoctoral researcher at Prof. Yun’s research lab at Harvard Medical School. She worked on a novel functional imaging system called OCT vibrography for assessing corneal biomechanical properties. In 2015, she received VENI grant and came back to the Netherlands as a post-doctoral researcher at the Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Prof. Ton G. van Leeuwen’s group. In 2016, she received Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship. As of September 2017, she is an assistant professor on the tenure track at the VU University Amsterdam, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Biophotonics and Medical Imaging Group. Her research combines integrated optics with different imaging and sensing modalities in order to realize novel portable, affordable and higher sensitivity devices.


Dr. Stefania Sabella

The Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Italy

Dr. Stefania Sabella is Researcher at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genova. She holds a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry and a multidisciplinary background spanning from nanotechnology, to nanotoxicology, analytical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and biochemistry. Author of about 40 papers, 5 patents, 2 book chapters, she is Task Leader in NanoREG1_ Framework 7 research project, WP leader in ITS-NANO_ Framework 7 research project, P.I. for IIT in NanoREG2_H2020, IIT member of GRAPHENE_FP7-ICT-FET Flagship. S.S is Committee member of ISO/TC 229/JWG2 and CEN/TC 352/WG 1/PG 2. She is also author of several contributions (invited and oral) to international conferences.


Main Research interests


In particular, her current works focus on:

- Molecular mechanisms governing NP-cell interactions;

- NP grouping  by physical-chemical properties/mode of actions;

- Standardized analytical protocols/methods to characterize NP fate in biofluids relevant for human exposure and for nanoregulatory;

- Bio-nano-material design with theranostic properties based on biomimicry of natural biological transporters (BSA NPs).


Dr. Weifu SUN

Beijing Institute of Technology, P. R. China

Since he was awarded PhD degree in December of 2012 from University of New South Wales (Australia),  Dr. Weifu SUN subsequently pursued postdoctoral training at the University of New South Wales (2013-2014), University of Sydney (2014-2015), University of Birmingham (2016-2017) and University College London (UCL, 2017-2018) prior to joining Beijing Institute of Technology as a Professor since January, 2018.

His main research areas involve nanoparticle science and technology, and functional nanomaterials, including solid mechanics, nanomechanics, molecular modelling and functional nanomaterials. So far, he has authored 42 peer-reviewed journal papers, including Adv. Func. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A, Nanoscale, Appl. Catal. B, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces, etc.


Dr. Marco Faustini

LCMCP UMR7574, Sorbonne University-Collège de France/CNRS, France

Marco Faustini is Associate Professor at Sorbonne University in Paris.  He graduated from the University of Trento (Italy) and obtained his Ph.D. from the University Pierre Marie Curie (Paris, France) working on sol-gel self-assembled materials. He was then a postdoctoral researcher at POSTECH (South Korea), focusing on the synthesis of MOFs by microfluidic approaches. His current research aims at engineering evaporative processes to shape and activate nanomaterials. The main goal is to reproduce life-like functionalities (optical, mechanical, thermal) into artificial materials. For his research he has been granted by an ERC Starting Grant in 2018.


Prof. Myrtil Kahn

University of Toulouse , France

Prof. Myrtil Kahn from the Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination at CNRS in Toulouse. Prof. Kahn is widely known for designing efficient organometallic pathways towards metal oxides nanoparticles and a development of NMR spectroscopy for the characterization of nanoparticles.


Dr. Valerio Voliani

Center for Nanotechnology Innovation, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy

Valerio Voliani is a researcher at Center for Nanotechnology Innovation, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. He has obtained his MSc in Chemistry and PhD in Molecular Biophysics from Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy). His efforts are devoted in filling the gap between inorganic nanomaterials and clinical applications by addressing the issue of metal persistence after the designed action. By applying the “ultrasmall-in-nano approach”, he has recently developed the “passion fruit-like nano-architectures”: an all-in-one inorganic nanomaterial able to jointly combine most of the intriguing behaviors of metal nanoparticles with their excretion from organism. His work is supported by an individual grant from Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC). He is also actively engaged in scientific disseminations in High Schools and to community.
