
The 6th ed. of Nanotech France 2021 Int. Conference and Exhibition

Speaker's Details

Dr. Andrea Mario Rossi

National Institute of Metrological Research Turin, Italy

Andrea Mario Rossi currently he is head of Chemical Physical and Nanotechnology program at the Italian Metrological Institute of Research (INRiM). He has received his doctorate in physics from the Polytechnic of Turin. In 1996 he received a scholarship “Marie Curie” and worked at the CIEMAT Madrid (ES). In 1999 he worked as a visiting researcher at the F. Julich (D) working on neuronal growth. In 2005 he worked three years as research associate at the University of Maryland and NIST (USA) working on the development of bio-sensors.

He has played and plays the role of WP leader in three European EMRP metrological projects and he has coordinated the European project FP7: Shape-engineered TiO2 nanoparticles for metrology of functional properties: set design rules from material synthesis to nanostructured devices, SetNanoMetro (

His main interests are in the emerging techniques of analysis, using nanotechnology and vibrational spectroscopies, in the food metrology field.


Talk title: A methods for recognition and quantification of TiO2 nanoparticles in binary mixtures by Raman spectroscopy