
The 6th ed. of Nanotech France 2021 Int. Conference and Exhibition

Conference Speakers

Conference Chairs

Prof. James M. Hill

University of South Australia, Australia

Prof. James M. Hill has received two five year fellowships from the Australian Research Council; an ARC Senior Research Fellowship in 1997 to work on Granular Materials, and an ARC Australian Professorial Fellowship in 2004 to work on Nanomechanics. Since 1983 he has received 13 major research awards, including ARC Large Grants, ARC Discovery Projects, National Research Fellowship, National Teaching Company Scheme. He has published five books, and almost 300 research publications in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics. He is the recipient of the 2008 ANZIAM medal for contributions to research and the Applied Mathematics discipline.

Prof. James M. Hill is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. He has been an Associate Editor since 1982 of the ANZIAM Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, which is published by the Australian Mathematical Society. His work has received international recognition through his appointment to the Editorial Boards of four international journals: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Journal of Applied Mathematics and the Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, both published by Oxford University Press, Journal of Engineering Mathematics published by Kluwer Academic Press and Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids published by Sage Science Press.


Prof. Jacques Jupille

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), CNRS Paris, France

Prof Jacques Jupille is Leader of the group “Oxides in small dimensions” at Institut des Nanosciences de Paris. He’s since 2003 Senior scientist CNRS of 1st class. He’s working on the following research areas: Physical and chemical properties of surfaces and interfaces, from ultra-high-vacuum to ambient conditions, crystallographic and electronic structures, reactivity, catalytic activity, adhesion, wetting, hydration. Tools – Electron spectroscopies, near field microscopies (tunnel and atomic forces), vibrational spectroscopies (high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy), vacuum related techniques, synchrotron based techniques (x-ray diffraction and absorption edges), transmission electron microscopy.

Since 1979, he has been actively involved in the management and support of many societies and institutions including:

  • 1979 – 1986 Member of Section “Inorganic chemistry, catalysis and surfaces” of Comité National of CNRS, Chemistry Department of CNRS
  • 1982 – 1986 Member of the Council of the Chemistry Department of CNRS
  • 1993 – 1997 Member of the Program Committee “Chemistry absorption” of LURE
  • 1996 – Member of the “ Surface and Interfaces Section ” (Condensed Matter Division -  European Physical Society)
  • 1996 – Member of the ECOSS (European Conference On Surface Science) Bureau
  • 1996 – 2002 Member of the Program Committee “Solid state physics” of LURE.
  • 1998 – Member de Board of Editors of Surface Review and Letters
  • 1998 – 2004 Member of the Surface Science Division - International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA)
  • 1998 – Member of the Council of the French society of metallurgy and materials (SF2M)
  • 2001 – Member of the SF2M bureau
  • 2002 – 2006 Member of the Executive Committee of FEMS (Federation of European Societies of Materials)
  • 2003 – 2006 President of French Federation of Materials (FFM)
  • 2004 – 2008 Member of Section “Condensed Matter : organization and dynamics” of Comité National of CNRS, Physics Department of CNRS
  • 2005 – 2008 Member of the expert panel of the Section “Catalysis, Electrochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry” for recruitment of Junior Scientists, Chemistry Department of CNRS
  • 2005 – 2007 Vice-President of SF2M
  • 2007 – President of SF2M

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva Martins

Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal

Rodrigo Martins is full professor at FCT-NOVA- Portugal, President of the European Academy of Sciences; President of the International Union of Materials Research Societies; Full Professor at FCT-NOVA. Member of the:

Rodrigo Martins is the founder and director of the Centre of Excellence in Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Processes of Uninova; leader of the Materials, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies group of I3N/CENIMAT and its sub-director; member of the nomination committee of the EIT KIC Raw Materials, Editor in Chief of the journal Discover Materials. He is expert in the field of advanced functional materials, nanotechnologies, microelectronics, transparent electronics (pioneer) and paper electronics (inventor), with more than:

- 1050 papers, from which 677 in the WoK

- 2 books; editing 8 books; 1 pedagogic text book in Portuguese (900 pages); book chapters 28.

- Patents: granted patents 43; 16 pending.
- Talks: about 600 talks, from which 100 as plenary/key note speakers, 200 as invited and 200 as regular in main international and national conferences, symposia and workshops.
- Posters: about 300 in main international and national conferences, symposia and workshops

He is Member of the:

  • Steering Committee of European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies, EuMat.
  • Joint Innovation Centre for Advanced Material Sino-Portuguese.

Rodrigo Martins was decorated with the gold medal of merit and distinction by the Almada Municipality for his R&D achievements. ORCID: Webpage:   Click here for more details. 


Prof. Qingze Zou

Rutgers University, USA

Qingze Zou received the bachelor degree in automatic control from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, in 1994, the M.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1997, and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, in 2003.He is a Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA. Previously he had taught in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Iowa State University. His research interests are in advanced control tools for high-speed scanning probe microscope imaging, rapid broadband nanomechanical property measurement and mapping of soft and live biological materials, probe-based nanomanufacturing, micro-machining, and stomatal dynamics characterization and modeling. Prof. Zou received the NSF CAREER award in 2009, the O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award from the American Automatic Control Council (AACC) in 2010, the Best Paper in Mechatronics from the TC-Mechatronics of ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division in 2018. He is a Technical Editor of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (2014), Control Engineering Practice (2016), and Mechatronics (2015), and past Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control (2011-2014). He is a fellow of ASME.



Prof. Albert Polman

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Albert Polman is Scientific Group Leader at AMOLF, one of the research institutes of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where he heads the Program “Light management in new photovoltaic materials”. He is professor of Photonic Materials for Photovoltaics at the University of Amsterdam. Polman obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Utrecht, was post-doctoral researcher at AT&T Bell Laboratories, after which he became group leader at AMOLF where he also served as director from 2006-2013. He spent a sabbaticals at Caltech (Pasadena, CA, 2003-2004) and the University of New South Wales (Sydney, 2017-2018). Polman is one of the pioneers of the research field of nanophotonics: the control, understanding, and application of light at the nanoscale. Polman’s research group specializes in fundamental studies at the interface between optical physics and materials science, and has regularly demonstrated transfer of knowledge to applied concepts.

Polman’s group is the inventor of Angle-Resolved Cathodoluminescence Imaging Spectroscopy (ARCIS), a novel imaging technique with deep-subwavelength resolution. The ARCIS technique has been commercialized the start-up Delmic BV, of which Polman is co-founder. In 2014 Polman was awarded the MRS Materials Innovation and Characteriation Award for the development of the ARCIS technique.

Polman’s most recent research focuses on nanophotovoltaics, the study of light management at the nanoscale to realize solar cells with ultra-high efficiency that can be made at low costs. In 2012 he was awarded, together with Harry Atwater, the ENI Renewable Energy Award for his research on light management in photovoltaic materials.

Polman is an elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Fellow of the Materials Research Society (MRS) and the Optical Society of America (OSA), and recipient of ERC Advanced Investigator Grants (2011, 2016), the Frew Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Sciences (2017), the EPS Research into the Science of Light Prize (2017), the Physica Prize of the Dutch Physical Society (2014) and the Julius Springer Award for Applied Physics (2014). Polman’s group has published over 300 articles in international journals that are cited nearly 30.000 times.


Prof. Norbert Nickel

Institute of Silicon Photovoltaics, Germany

Skills and Expertise

Thin Films, Materials, Thin Film Deposition, Thin Films and Nanotechnology, Material Characterization, Condensed Matter Physics, Solid State Physics, Materials Science, Energy, Nanomaterials


Dr. Lionel Cervera Gontard

University of Cadiz, Spain

Lionel Cervera Gontard has developed his professional career in technology companies, R+D centers and universities. He holds a BsC degree in Physics and an MsC in Microelectronics from the University of Seville, Spain. He has been a member of the Royal Microscopy Society, a Fellow of the Spanish Microscopy Society and the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence. He has been recipient of several awards including entrepreneurship awards. In 2001 he participated on an spin-off devoted to the design of smart imaging devices including state-of-the-art silicon retinas. In 2007 Lionel got a PhD in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy of the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) focused on the characterization of catalytic nanomaterials applying and developing advanced techniques of electron microscopy. After his PhD he moved to the Danish Technical University (Denmark) with an HC Oersted Fellowship “for attracting Highly Talented researchers”. He was part of the founding team of the Center for Electron Nanoscopy (CEN), the most advanced European center in electron microscopy at the time. In 2010, he spent a year at the University of Oxford working on the prototyping of radhard sensors for electrons. Lionel rejoined the Spanish research system as part of the European H2020 project Al-NanoFunc (2011-2014) for establishing an advanced electron microscopy facility. Nowadays, Lionel is funded at the University of Cádiz for carrying research in applied metrology using Computer Vision, with a strong focus on technology transfer with companies in the context of the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Currently he leads a R&D project that involves the development of neuromorphic sensors for efficient nanometrology in the field of electron microscopy.


Talk title: Advances in nanometrology with electron microscopy


Prof. Jos Haverkort

Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Dr. Jos Haverkort is an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology. He currently specializes on III/V semiconductor nanowires for photovoltaic applications, solar water splitting and LEDs. He is also involved in the study of hexagonal SiGe nanowires for photovoltaics and light emission. Under his guidance, an 11.1% efficiency InP nanowire array solar cell was reported in 2013. Recently, a top-down etched InP nanowire solar cell was developed with an efficiency of 17.8%. This cell allowed a comparison between a planar and a nanowire solar cell and generated important insight into the fundamentals of a solar cell.


Dr. Ana Luísa Daniel da Silva

University of Aveiro, Portugal

Ana Luísa Daniel-da-Silva completed her PhD in Materials Science in 2005 (University of Alicante, Spain). Since June 2009, she is Researcher at CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials and Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro. Her main scientific interests concern the development of nanostructured materials including functional nanoparticles and nanocomposites for applications in nanomedicine, bionanotechnology and water remediation. In particular, she is interested in novel strategies for surface modification with biopolymers and synthetic routes for preparing nanomaterials with innovative and enhanced properties, aiming the development of green nanosorbents and biocompatible nanomaterials. She is author/co-author of 2 patents, 11 book chapters and around 90 papers in SCI-indexed journals. Also, she is co-author of the book "Surface Chemistry of Colloidal Nanocrystals" (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021) and has co-edited the book "Nanocomposite Particles for Bio-applications: Materials and Bio-interfaces" (Pan Stanford, 2011). She has been strongly involved in several teaching activities namely by lecturing topics for post-graduation students within the subjects Nanochemistry and Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry. As part of her academic activities, she has been involved in communicating chemistry for non-specialized audiences, in particular issues related to Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials


Prof. Andrei Kholkin

University of Aveiro, Portugal

Andrei L. Kholkin received the Ph.D. degree from the A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 1987.,He held research positions at IFW, Dresden, Germany, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, and Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA. He is currently a Research Coordinator and the Head of the Laboratory of Advanced Microscopy of Nanomaterials, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. His laboratory develops multifunctional materials and scanning probe microscopy techniques. He has authored or coauthored over 500 technical papers in this area including numerous reviews and book chapters.,Dr. Kholkin is a member of the Ferroelectric Standing Committee of IEEE, the Materials Research Society, and the Portuguese Materials Society. He was a recipient of the Excellency Award from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and Ferroelectrics Recognition Award of IEEE. He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control and a member of editorial boards of several journals.


Dr. Laetitia Philippe

Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland

Laetitia Philippe is group leader in Electrochemistry in the Laboratory of Mechanics of Materials and Nanostructures at EMPA. She received a PhD degree in Physical chemistry at the University of Manchester (ex UMIST), UK in 2002 and she did a post-doc at TU-Delft afterwards. She is lecturer at EPFL since 2012. The small re-search group led by Dr L. Philippe at the Laboratory of Mechanics of Materials and Nanostructures started its scientific activities at the interface of physics and chemistry in April 2008. In her research, she uses electrochemical means to create well-ordered nanostructured materials, compact layers and microdevices, featuring exquisitely defined geometry, controlled surface chemistry, and tunable physical/mechanical properties.

She is interested in materials and structures whose properties can be tuned or opti-mized by variations in size, geometry, crystallinity, composition or surface. This “make and measure” strategy is applied primarily to problems related to mechanical devices, biomedical materials, culture heritage surfaces, renewable energies and magnetism. She is the author or co-author of around 100 publications, organized several international conferences, and is co-founder of one start-up.


Prof. Gerardo F. Goya

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Dr. Gerardo F. Goya currently holds the position of Associate Professor at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. He earned his PhD degree from the University of La Plata, Argentina. From 2001 to 2007, he served as an Associate Professor at the Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), where he established and managed the mechanochemistry laboratory within the Materials Physics Department (DFMT). Upon joining the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragón (INA) at the University of Zaragoza in 2005, he initiated and consolidated a new research direction focusing on nanomagnetism and the biomedical applications of nanoparticles (NPs), particularly magnetic hyperthermia. Notable achievements during this period include the development of novel synthesis methods for magnetic NPs with enhanced control over size and magnetic properties. Additionally, he successfully demonstrated the 'Trojan Horse strategy' for oncologic therapy by inducing cell death with magnetic hyperthermia in dendritic-cell primary cultures. He conducted several studies investigating the interaction between magnetic NPs and various biological agents. In terms of technological advancements, Professor Goya led the design, development, and construction of unique equipment for measuring power absorption in magnetic hyperthermia. This pioneering system, incorporating numerous technological enhancements, was designed to function as a fully automatic measuring platform. The innovative developments of this period served as the foundation for the establishment of a spin-off company from the University of Zaragoza, where he serves as a co-founder and scientific advisor.  Through collaborations with prominent parasitologists, immunologists, and medical professionals, the group has successfully established a shared platform in biomedicine, facilitating the coordination of highly innovative multinational projects.


Prof. Fabian Kiessling

RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Fabian Kiessling studied Medicine in Heidelberg. Until 2008, he worked in the Departments of Radiology and Medical Physics in Radiology of the German Cancer Research Center. In parallel, he did his clinical training at the University of Heidelberg and received the board certification as Radiologist. Since 2008 he is leading the Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging at the RWTH Aachen University, is one of the directors of the Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering of RWTH and since 2018 coordinates the Aachen site of Fraunhofer MEVIS.

Professor Kiessling is in the Editorial board of several scientific journals including Radiology, European Radiology, European Radiology Experimental, Molecular Imaging and Biology and Nanotheranostics.

He is currently secretary of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI), founding member of the ESMI working group “Image Guided Therapy and Drug Delivery (IGTDD)“ and he was chairman of the “Molecular Imaging” subcommittee of the European Society for Radiology (ESR). Furthermore, he was program chair of the World Molecular Imaging Conference (WMIS) in New York in 2016.

Aim of his research is the development of novel diagnostic probes, nanomedicines, and imaging tools for a disease specific diagnosis and therapy monitoring. He authored over 300 publications and book chapters, edited three books and received multiple research awards.


Dr. Larysa Baraban

Helmholtz Center Dresden Rossendorf, Institute of Radiopharmaceutical cancer research, Germany

Dr Larysa Baraban completed her PhD in the University of Konstanz, Germany in 2008 in the Department of Physics. After a stint as a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Pierre and Marie Curie, France, she moved to TU Dresden, Germany, where she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow from 2011 until 2013. She is currently a group leader of Bionanosensorics in the same university. Dr Baraban’s research revolves around the use of nanomaterial-based biosensors and systems, flexible sensors for point-of-care diagnostics, microfluidics for high throughput biochemical analysis, artificial nano- and micromachines and magnetic soft matter.


Dr. Claire Wilhelm

Paris Diderot University, France

Claire Wilhelm is a biophysicist. She was recruited as staff CNRS scientist (Condensed Matter section) in 2003, after obtaining her PhD in 2002 in soft matter physics. Since then, she has oriented the research to the biomedical field. Her works during this last decade lied at the crossroads of magnetism, biophysics and nanomedicine and were resolutely multidisciplinary, taking advantage of the physical properties of magnetic nanoparticles to develop more effective treatments and new methods of medical investigation. She was appointed CNRS research director in 2013 and senior research director in 2018. She received the CNRS bronze medal in 2011, the Louis Ancel prize in 2014, and a ERC consolidator grant in 2014 devoted to magnetic tissue engineering and biotransformation of nanoparticles in living tissues. She has co-authored 140+ publications (10 000+ citations, h-index 51) and she delivered 60+ invited lectures.


Talk Title: Nanoparticles-mediated approaches to cancer therapy and tissue engineering


Dr. James Bowen

University of Birmingham, UK

James is from the UK, where he studied chemical engineering at the University of Birmingham. He completed his PhD researching nanoscale adhesion in 2006, studying in the School of Chemistry at the same university under the supervision of Prof. Jon Preece and Prof. Kevin Kendall FRS. He then joined the group of Prof. Mike Adams during which time he researched the adhesive properties of liquid nanofilms. From 2009-2014 he designed and managed the ERDF-funded Science City Advanced Materials Laboratory, during which time he worked with 50 companies on 90 projects. In 2015 he took up a lectureship in the School of Engineering and Innovation at the Open University, since which time he has developed his research group and expanded cross-disciplinary collaboration within the STEM Faculty.

James’ research interests cover a wide range of topics regarding surfaces, nanomaterials, and materials characterisation techniques. He is particularly interested in developing new methods for performing atomic force microscopy and nanoscale tribological testing. His group and collaborators are currently investigating novel materials and surface treatments for regenerative medicine, the acoustic properties of nanostructured surfaces, structure-property relationships in avian eggshells, and microwave heating for lunar habitat construction.


Talk title: Manufacture and calibration of high stiffness AFM cantilevers


Dr. Maria Losurdo

Institute of Nanotechnology - CNR-NANOTEC, Italy

Maria Losurdo is currently a Director of Research in the Institute of Nanotechnology at National Council of Research, and Professor of Materials Engineering at the University of Bari (Italy).

She received her Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the University of Bari, Italy, in 1994. Her thesis received the Award “Outstanding PhD thesis in Chemistry “G. Stampacchia” from the Università “La Sapienza” of Rome. She later had scholarships at the Ecole Polytechnique of Palaiseau (France) and the Department of Chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC-USA).

She has been Adjunct Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University, North Carolina-USA, and invited lecturer at the Chemistry Department of Shandong University, China. She has been Coordinator and Principal Investigator of various European projects under the 7th FP and H2020 on nanotechnologies. Several of these have been recognised by the EU as Success Stories.

Her awards include a Diploma Recognition from the Optical Society of Americas (OSA), a Horiba SaS Industry Award for “Contribution to Innovation and Dissemination of Opical methodologies to Material Science” a ”Best Paper Award” of the MRS-Material Research Society.

She currently serves as a member of the editorial boards of “The European Physical Journal: Applied Physics” and of “Nanomaterials”.

She is the holder of 2 patents in the USA. Her current research interests include nanomaterials, nanofabrication, optical spectroscopies, photocatalysis, energy harvesting and storage, nanophotonics, plasmonics, biosensing and their applications.

She is the author or coauthor of 300 Science Citation Index (SCI) journal papers, editor or co-editor of 2 books with Springer-Verlag on Ellipsometry and Nanomaterials, 5 e-booklets and 7 book chapters, including the Handbook of Crystal Growth, with topics ranging from nanomaterials, nanotechnology, energy, plasmonics, and biosensing to optical metrology.


Prof. Luís Dias Carlos

University of Aveiro, Portugal

Luís António Dias Carlos got his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Évora, Portugal, in 1995 working on photoluminescence of polymer electrolytes incorporating lanthanide salts. Currently, he is Full Professor at the University of Aveiro, Physics Department. Since 2009 he has been the vice-director of the Centre for Research in Ceramics and Composite Materials (CICECO) at Aveiro, Portugal (with ca. 420 people, CICECO, is one of the largest European institute in the Materials and Nano fields). He is member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences (Physics section) since 2011 and was visiting professor of S. Paulo State University (UNESP), Araraquara, S.P. Brazil (1999, 2012 and 2013), and of University of Montpellier 2, France (2008). Luís Carlos is co-author of 2 international patents, ca. 300 papers and book chapters with ca. 6350 citations (Hirsch’ index h of 43) and co-guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (2010). In 2004 he received the Portuguese Science Foundation prize for Scientific Excellence.


Dr. Andrea Mario Rossi

National Institute of Metrological Research Turin, Italy

Andrea Mario Rossi currently he is head of Chemical Physical and Nanotechnology program at the Italian Metrological Institute of Research (INRiM). He has received his doctorate in physics from the Polytechnic of Turin. In 1996 he received a scholarship “Marie Curie” and worked at the CIEMAT Madrid (ES). In 1999 he worked as a visiting researcher at the F. Julich (D) working on neuronal growth. In 2005 he worked three years as research associate at the University of Maryland and NIST (USA) working on the development of bio-sensors.

He has played and plays the role of WP leader in three European EMRP metrological projects and he has coordinated the European project FP7: Shape-engineered TiO2 nanoparticles for metrology of functional properties: set design rules from material synthesis to nanostructured devices, SetNanoMetro (

His main interests are in the emerging techniques of analysis, using nanotechnology and vibrational spectroscopies, in the food metrology field.


Talk title: A methods for recognition and quantification of TiO2 nanoparticles in binary mixtures by Raman spectroscopy


Prof. Elvira Fortunato

New University of Lisbon, Portugal

Elvira Fortunato is full professor in Materials Science Department of Faculty of Science and Technology of New University of Lisbon, a Fellow of the Portuguese Engineering Academy since 2009 and decorated with the grade of Grand Officer of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator by the President of the Republic in 2010, due to her scientific achievements worldwide. In 2015 she was appointed by the Portuguese President Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Celebrations of the National Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities.

She was also a member of the Portuguese National Scientific and Technological Council between 2012-2015 and a member of the advisory board of DG CONNECT (2014-2015).

Currently she is the director of the Institute of Nanomaterials, Nanofabrication and Nanomodeling and of CENIMAT. She is member of the board of trustees of Luso-American Foundation (Portugal/USA, 2013-2020), Vice-Rector of NOVA and Scientific Council for Exact Sciences and Engineering, Coordinator at FCT-MCTES.

Fortunato pioneered European research on transparent electronics, namely thin-film transistors based on oxide semiconductors, demonstrating that oxide materials can be used as true semiconductors. In 2008, she earns in the 1st ERC edition an AdG for the project “Invisible”, considered a success story. In the same year she demonstrated with her colleagues the possibility to make the first paper transistor, starting a new field in the area of paper electronics.

Fortunato published over 500 papers and during the last 10 years got more than 18 International prizes and distinctions for her work (e.g: Elvira Fortunato was awarded with the Blaise Pascal Medal from the European Academy of Sciences (2016); IDTechEx USA 2009 (paper transistor); European Woman Innovation prize, Finland 2011).

In 2017 (September 20) Elvira Fortunato will receive the Czochralski award from E-MRS in recognition of her achievements in the field of the Advanced Materials Science.

Since November 2016 she integrates the High Level Group for the Scientifc Advise Mechanism of the European Commission.


Dr. Jose María Ulloa

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Jose María Ulloa is Senior Researcher at the Institute for Optoelectronic Systems and Microtechnology (ISOM) of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), and Associate Professor at the Materials Science Department. He received the PhD degree from the Telecommunications Engineering School of UPM in 2005. From 2005 to 2008 he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Photonic and Semiconductor Nanophysics group at the Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands), working on the cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy analysis of self-assembled quantum dots at the atomic scale. In 2008 he joined the ISOM-UPM, where he leads a small research group dedicated to the molecular beam epitaxy growth and characterization of novel GaAs-based nanostructure architectures involving Sb and N, and to their application to photovoltaics. He is particularly interested in developing strategies to go beyond strain and band structure engineering to accurate wavefunction engineering in nanostructures. He is author or co-author of 6 book chapters and 110 papers in JCR indexed journals. He has received several fellowships and awards, such as the prestigious Ramón y Cajal Research Fellowship, the special UPM’s PhD award and the Young Researcher Medal from the Spanish Royal Engineering Academy.


Dr. Anna Laura Pisello

University of Perugia, Italy

Dr. Anna Laura Pisello is currently working as Assistant professor of Applied Physics, Post-doc Research Fellow at University of Perugia, Italy and Research Associate at Virginia Tech University. She obtained her PhD in Energy Engineering from University of Perugia. In past she worked as Research Associate at Columbia University. She also invited to deliver lectures in number of international seminars, and also presented in meeting at national and international level. She is also serving as referee and member of editorial board in number of international journals. She is member of following committee, Constitution of the Italian Alliance for Innovative Building Skin Solutions and “Cool” within the 15th CIRIAF National Congress. Environmental footprint and sustainable development, Perugia. She has published 190 articles in journals and 40 conference proceedings. Dr. Anna Laura received number of honors include Award of the Italian Association of Thermal-Physical Properties Association, Best paper award at the 3rd International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island in Venice, Italy, Award per Energy Engineering, selected as the best idea to be presented at MED Solutions.


Dr. Tapas Sen

University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom

Tapas completed his first degree in Chemistry (BSc. Hons) followed by a Master in Physical Chemistry (MSc) and a PhD in Materials Chemistry from the premier research institution, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India. He worked at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel during 1997 to 1999 in the world leading Solid state NMR group as a post-doctoral visiting scientist. He then moved to UK in February 2000 and worked as a postdoctoral Research Fellow in the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester (2000-2003) on an industrial project funded by ICI Synetix. He later worked on multimillion Euro projects under EU framework V and VI programmes (2003-2008) in various parts of UK before joining as a lecturer in Chemistry (December 2008) at the University of Central Lancashire. Currently he is leading the Nano-biomaterials Research group dedicated on researching in the area of nanomaterials and their applications in separation science, drug delivery, industrial catalysis and bio-sensors. Currently the group is running three multinational projects in collaboration with world leaders from academia and industries.  Tapas organised the first International Symposium on Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in March 2016. 


Dr. Chedly Tizaoui

Swansea University, UK

Dr Chedly Tizaoui, FIChemE, is an Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering at Swansea University, UK. He has research interests in water and wastewater treatment with focus on advanced oxidation and separation processes. He particularly targets his research to address challenging issues related to water quality, waste valorisation, Circular Economy, and more recently COVID-19 disinfection. So far, Tizaoui has supervised to successful completion over 20 PhD and Postdoc researchers and has published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences as well as authoring technical reports for industry and governmental organisations. He received research funding from major funding bodies and industry and he sits on the editorial boards of several peer-reviewed scientific journals.


Prof. Dorothea Brüggemann

University of Bremen, Germany

Prof Brüggemann research focus is on synthetic ECM systems from protein and polysaccharide nanofibres. We have developed a novel extrusion approach through alumina nanopores to prepare synthetic ECM scaffolds from various biopolymer nanofibres. The morphology and nanotopography of these nanofibre assemblies is analysed with electron microscopy. Currently, we explore how the composition of such novel protein composites can be adjusted on the nanoscale and how the hierarchical fibre assembly can be controlled on a microscopic level. The biological functionality of our extruded nanofibres is studied in cell culture test systems and molecular binding experiments, for instance using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring. With these synthetic ECM scaffolds we aim at a precise control of cellular functions like cell adhesion, proliferation and alignment, which we monitor with fluorescence microscopy.


Dr. Martin Thomas Horsch

High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, Germany

Martin Thomas Horsch graduated with a diploma degree in computer science from the University of Stuttgart (2006) and with a doctorate in mechanical engineering from the University of Paderborn (2010). In 2011, he was appointed as a junior professor at TU Kaiserslautern, where he obtained the habilitation in computational engineering (2016). In 2018, he joined STFC Daresbury Laboratory and, in 2020, the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart


Dr. Ghozlene Mekhloufi

University Paris Saclay, France

Dr. Mekhloufi is an agro-food engineer who obtained her PhD in "Biotechnological and Food Processes" from the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, France. She is since 2006, an Associate Professor in Physics and Biophysics at the Faculty of Pharmacy (University Paris Saclay, France). Her main research activities consists in formulating and characterizing emulsions / nanoemulsions stabilized by biopolymers such as proteins and polysaccharides. The formulated pharmaceutical and / or cosmetic emulsions are part of the current trend of natural and biodegradable products without synthetic surfactants that are potentially irritating and toxic.


Dr. Ling Peng

Interdisciplinary Center on Nanoscience in Marseille (CINaM), French National Scientific Research Center (CNRS), France

Dr. Ling Peng is a research director in the Interdisciplinary Center on Nanoscience in Marseille (CINaM) at the French National Scientific Research Center (CNRS) in France. She carried her undergraduate study in polymer chemistry with Prof. Chen Rongshi at Nanjing University in China, her PhD program in organic chemistry with Prof. Albert Eschenmoser at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland, and her postdoctoral research in Pharmacy with Prof. Maurice Goeldner at Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg in France. She was recruited as a research scientist in CNRS in 1997, promoted as a CNRS research director in 2008, and then 1st class Research Director in 2015.

Dr. Ling PENG has been working actively at the interface of chemistry and biology, and in particular, developing functional dendrimers for biomedical applications, molecular probes for exploring biological events and nucleoside analogues for drug discovery. She has established bio-inspired structurally flexible dendrimers for nucleic acid delivery. Recently, she has inaugurated the concept of self-assembling supramolecular dendrimers, and applied this concept to deliver various natural product drugs, biopharmaceutics and imaging agents for cancer treatment and imaging. One of these dendrimers has been scheduled for clinical study. Dr. Ling PENG has co-authored more than 100 scientific papers, 8 patents and 14 book chapters. She has also coordinated and participated various European projects and networks. Dr. Ling PENG is currently working on implementing the multifunctional dendrimer nanotechnology-based drug delivery and bioimaging for establishing theranostics for personalized medicine, and her research team has been labelled by La Ligue contre Le Cancer in France since 2016.

Dr. Ling PENG was awarded with the Prize of Dr & Mme Henri Labbé of the French Academy of Sciences in 2017 and the Distinguished Member of French Chemical Society in 2020.


Dr. Raul Arenal

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Dr. Raul Arenal received his Ph.D. in Solid State Physics from Univ. Paris-Sud (Orsay, France, 2005) and in 2013, he obtained his Habilitation (HDR) also at this University (now, Paris-Saclay University). He joined the Electron Microscopy Center in Argonne National Lab. (ANL, USA) as post doctoral fellow. In 2007, he became research scientist (Chargé de Recherches) at the CNRS (France; LEM, ONERA-CNRS). From 2010 to 2011, he was visiting scientist (sabbatical position) at the Laboratorio de Microscopias Avanzadas (LMA) at the Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon (INA) of the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). Since 2012, Dr. Arenal is on leave from the CNRS, and he is currently ARAID senior research scientist at the LMA, INMA, CSIC-U. Zaragoza. Since 2018, he is the Director of the TEM area of the LMA-INA. Dr. Arenal has published more than 200 papers in refereed journals ( and edited one book (Springer).
Arenal’s broad area of research interest lies in electron microscopy focused on materials science and nanoscience: TEM (EELS, HR(S)TEM, electron diffraction, electron tomography). These studies are mainly focused on the growth mechanism, structural and physical properties of low dimensional materials based on carbon, boron and nitrogen as well as other nano-structures (in particular, metallic nano-objects for plasmonic/photonic interest). Among his scientific activities, Dr. Arenal is the chair of the HeteroNanoCarb conference series ( focused on graphene, NT and related 1D-2D nanomaterials
