
Nanotech Middle East 2020 Conference and Exhibition

Speaker's Details

Prof. Amal Al Ghaferi

Khalifa University, UAE

Dr. Amal is an Assistant Professor in the area of Materials Science and Engineering. She obtained her Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pittsburgh in January 2007. Prior joining Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Dr. Al Ghaferi was an assistant Professor at the Physics Department at UAE University in Al Ain, where she got her academic experience in teaching fundamental and advance courses in Physics.

Dr. Al Ghaferi's research interest is in nanotechnology and how to implement nanotechnology in the renewable energy field. Her main teaching Interests include: Materials for Energy Applications; Electrochemical Processing of Materials on the Nanoscale; Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion; Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering Nanotechnology, Organic Memory Devices, Organic/inorganic Photovoltaic Devices, etc.