
NANOTECH MEET Tunisia 2014 joint international conferences

Speaker's Details

Prof. Erich Sackmann

Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biophysics, Technische Universitat Munchen- Germany

Prof. Erich Sackmann is considered to be the founder of biophysics in Germany. In the German Physical Society, he initiated and established a work group for biophysics. His working area is influenced by numerous interdisciplinary and international co-operations, which also led to three Collaborate Research Centres in the German Research Foundation. In recognition of the groundbreaking results of his research on understanding the dynamics of membranes and biopolymer networks, the mechanical properties of cells as well as cell surface interaction, Erich Sackmann received the Stern-Gerlach Prize of the Germany Physical Society in 2006. Since 2007, he is involved with his current research project “Fundamental Physics” in the Technische Universität München’s Institute for Advanced Study.