
The 2nd Ed. of the Sensors Technologies International conference - Sensors 2022

Speaker's Details

Dr. Nuria Castell

Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norway

Dr Castell is senior research scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) with more than 15 years of experience on air pollution research with a particular emphasis on air quality monitoring and modelling in urban and regional scales.

Her current research focuses in the exploitation of novel monitoring technologies and crowdsourced air quality observations to complement existing monitoring systems in the characterization and assessment of indoor and outdoor air pollution. She’s involved in the exploitation of low-cost sensor platforms for various applications including spatial mapping, visualization, uncertainty analysis, and personal exposure estimates.

She work for the European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation (ETC/ACM), to assist the European Environment Agency (EEA) in its support to EU policy on air pollution and climate change mitigation and to support further harmonising European monitoring networks and reporting obligations on air pollution and climate change.

In the last 3 years she led European and National projects (e.g. Citi-Sense-MOB, CrowdAir, GIRECON-CITY) focused in the use of low-cost sensors, perception data and citizen engagement. Her research research results have been published in conferences, peer-reviewed scientific journals, and technical documents. She also supervised the master thesis of University students in the exploitation of crowdsourced air quality observations.