
The 2nd Ed. of the Sensors Technologies International conference - Sensors 2022

Conference Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Núria Aliaga-Alcalde

Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona, Spain

Núria Aliaga-Alcalde is ICREA Professor ( at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Spain, where she is part of the "Functional Surfaces and Interfaces" Research Unit and leader of the group FunNanoSurf, "Functional Nanomaterials & Surfaces" ( She completed her PhD in 2003 at Indiana University, USA, and did postdoctoral research at the Max Planck Institut für Bioanorganische Chemie, Germany, and Leiden University, The Netherlands. In 2007 she started as an ICREA Junior Researcher at the University of Barcelona (UB), becoming ICREA Professor in 2012 at the ICMAB. Her current research focuses on the design and characterization of molecular-based materials, including their nanostructuration and application, taking advantage of their magnetic, electronic and fluorescent properties in bulk, on surfaces, and as individual active components in nanodevices.

Prof. Riccarda Antiochia

University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy

Riccarda Antiochia is Associate Professor at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). She received a MSc degree in Chemistry with honors in 1992 and a MSc degree in Pharmacy with honors in 2009 both at Sapienza University of Rome. In 1994 received the Diploma of Imperial College at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London and in 1996 received a Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences at Sapienza University of Rome. She was awarded of the national scientific qualifications as Full Professor for the scientific sectors CHIM/01, Analytical Chemistry, in 2018, and MED/46, Applied Medical Technologies, in 2019.

She is a Member of the Steering Committee of CNIS, Research Center for Biotechnology applied to Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome from 2011. She is author of 90 papers on international peer-reviewed scientific journals, 3 book chapters and 1 monography.

Her scientific activity is focused on the fields of biotechnology, nanotechnology and analytical chemistry. The main area of research is the design, development and application of electrochemical biosensors for biomedical, food and environmental analysis. More recently, she is involved in the characterization of new nanostructured materials for electrode modification in second- and third-generation electrochemical biosensors, biofuel cells and microneedles-based biosensors development.

Prof. Evangelos V Hristoforou

National TU of Athens, Greece

Evangelos Hristoforou was born in 1961 in Thessaloniki, Greece. He received the D. Eng degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from King’s College, University of London, UK, in 1991. He serves as Professor of Electronic Materials and Director of the Laboratory of Electronic Sensors at the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens. His research topics include magnetic materials, methods and sensors for energy and health innovation. He has published more than 170 ISI journal papers (h-index=30), presented more than 50 invited presentations in international conferences and holds 5 international patents.

His research topics include:

  • Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers, the most important product being a method and devices for magnetic monitoring of the stress tensor distribution in ferromgnetic steels. Other sensors and materials developed up to now refer to position and displacement sensors, magnetometers and their applications, magnetic cardiograph, mass flowmeters etc.
  • Hybrid electric systems, the most important innovation related to the production of hydrogen from water below 300C. Other systems developed in the lab refer to the production of excellent quality bio-fuel from wastes & carbon, energy harvesting, battery rejuvenation, scrubber development etc.
  • Magnetic techniques for biomedical applications, where the most important applications are related to the production of valuable ingredients from agricultural products, desalination, sewage and algae cultivation using selective magnetic separation by employing magnetic nanoparticles. Other products are related to the development of magnetic particle imaging, thrombolysis catheters, as well as water/amino-acid structural studies.

Dr. Loretta L. del Mercato

Institute of Nanotechnology of CNR, Italy

Loretta L. del Mercato, is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Nanotechnology of Cnr (Nanotec-Cnr) in Lecce, Italy, where she coordinates the 3D Cell Sensing group. She earned her Biotechnology degree in 2004 from the University "Federico II" of Naples (IT) and PhD in "Materials and Innovative Technologies" in 2007 from the Scuola Superiore “ISUFI” of University of Lecce (IT). She was post-doctoral researcher at Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, from 2008 to 2010, and then Junior Researcher at the Nanoscience Institute of Cnr in Lecce. In 2015, she became Principal Investigator at the newly funded Nanotechnology Institute of Cnr in Lecce. Her expertise includes nanostructured systems and biomaterials for medical applications, combining optical imaging and computational techniques. She has led several national and international projects, receiving notable grants such as the ERC Starting Grant (2017) and the My First AIRC Grant (2019). She was visiting researcher in Spain (2009), Germany (2013), Netherlands (2015), and Brazil (2023). Since 2018, she has been on the Supervisory Board of the Technopole for Precision Medicine of Apulia (Tecnomed Puglia) and, since December 2022, coordinates the Center of Excellence for Advanced NanoBiomaterials and Technologies (CoE-NBT) in Lecce (IT). Additionally, she is founder and member of the Italian Pancreatic Cancer Community (I-PCC) and the “ERC in Italy” Association and serves as a grant evaluator for several funding agencies and journal reviewer/editor. More info here:

Prof. Grigoris Kaltsas

University of West Attica, Greece

Prof. Grigoris Kaltsas joined the Institute of Microelectronics of NCSR "Demokritos" in 1993 as a Ph.D. student. He received his Ph.D. in development and characterization of integrated thermal flow sensors, from the National Technical University of Athens in 1998. He is now Professor at the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of West Attica. Prof. G. Kaltsas has participated and coordinated several European and national research projects funded by various foundations and industries. He has collaborated with many European research groups from various courtiers within the framework of several projects. He has published more than 170 papers in refereed journals and major conferences and he is an author of 5 patents, two of them being PCTs. He has been awarded by the minister of development by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology for the patent “Flow meter and special designed packaging for use in medical equipment for breath control”. He has more than 1080 citations with an h-index of 19 (source: He has participated in various committees and boards related to electronics – microsystems - sensors research and education. He was the Technical Program Committee chair for Eurosensors 2011, which was held in Athens. He is in the editorial board of MDPI Sensors Journal and Micromachines Journal. He is also a member of the International Program Committee of several major conferences in the area of Sensors and Micro-Nano Devices. He has presented several invited talks in various organizations regarding sensors, microsystems and microfluidics research and development, while he is an active referee in major journals in the microsystem area. He is the founder and the head of the Laboratory of “Microsystems, Sensors, Embedded Devices and Automation (microSENSES)” ( The microSENSES laboratory was established in order to enhance the research activities in the general field of microsystems, sensors, microfluidics and embedded devices. His research is mainly focusing in the following topics: Printed electronics, Flexible devices, Development of microsystems, Sensors, New microsystem technologies, Bio-sensors and bio-systems, Microfluidics, Embedded systems.

Dr. Nuria Castell

Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norway

Dr Castell is senior research scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) with more than 15 years of experience on air pollution research with a particular emphasis on air quality monitoring and modelling in urban and regional scales.

Her current research focuses in the exploitation of novel monitoring technologies and crowdsourced air quality observations to complement existing monitoring systems in the characterization and assessment of indoor and outdoor air pollution. She’s involved in the exploitation of low-cost sensor platforms for various applications including spatial mapping, visualization, uncertainty analysis, and personal exposure estimates.

She work for the European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation (ETC/ACM), to assist the European Environment Agency (EEA) in its support to EU policy on air pollution and climate change mitigation and to support further harmonising European monitoring networks and reporting obligations on air pollution and climate change.

In the last 3 years she led European and National projects (e.g. Citi-Sense-MOB, CrowdAir, GIRECON-CITY) focused in the use of low-cost sensors, perception data and citizen engagement. Her research research results have been published in conferences, peer-reviewed scientific journals, and technical documents. She also supervised the master thesis of University students in the exploitation of crowdsourced air quality observations.

Prof. Liviu Movileanu

Syracuse University, USA

Liviu Movileanu is now a Professor of Physics at Syracuse University, Departments of Physics and Biomedical and Chemical Engineering. His expertise areas include single-molecule and membrane biophysics, chemical and synthetic biology, biosensors, and functional biomaterials. Liviu Movileanu is also affiliated with the BioInspired Institute, Syracuse, New York. Currently, his research group is funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Christos Riziotis

National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece

Dr. Christos RIZIOTIS is a faculty Researcher at the Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute of the National Hellenic Research Foundation -NHRF, Athens, Greece where he is leading the activity "Applied Photonics-Materials and Devices". He holds a Ph.D. in Photonics from Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK (2001), an M.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunications and a Degree in Physics both from National University of Athens. His research interests and work cover the areas of photonic materials, integrated optics, direct laser writing & micromachining, fibre sensors, optical communications, nanophotonics, plasmonics, with successfully demonstrated applications in defence industry, Structural Health Monitoring, industrial process monitoring,  chemical sensors and biomedical / healthcare applications. He has participated or developed a number of collaborations and R&D projects with industry (Pirelli Cavi, Southampton Photonics, Stratophase, MBDA Missile Systems, Kleemann Lifts S.A., Bayern Chemie Propellants GmbH etc) and has authored a wide thematic range of research publications, holding also three (3) international patents. He is reviewer in over 30 technical Journals, Member of Editorial Board in several Journals in sensors, materials and instrumentation, and organizer of four Journals' special issues in optical materials and sensing. He was the Chair of the 6th IC-MAST "International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers" and serves as committee member in a number of international conferences. He serves also as Management Committee Member for a number of research academic networks like COST Actions in the areas of sensing, novel materials, manufacturing, and healthcare, while served also as expert in the IEC Standardization Committee for Fibre Optic Sensors.