
Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International conference

Speaker's Details

Dr.-Ing. Ewald Badisch

AC2T Research GmbH, Austria

Ewald Badisch is currently key researcher for functional surfaces as well as member of the scientific management at the Austrian Centre of Competence for Tribology (AC2T). He was graduated in materials science in 2000 from the University of Leoben and obtained his PhD degree in 2003. The PhD thesis was focussed on “Tribological Investigations of Tool Steels and Low-Friction Coatings”. After finishing his PhD, he then joined AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Centre of Competence for Tribology - as a researcher. His research fields of interest are industrial maintenance and wear protection, new technologies in tribology (e.g. additive manufacturing), design and application of tribological coatings (ranging from µm to mm – PVD thin films, thermal spray coatings, hardfacings and laser claddings), tribology under extreme conditions (CO2 corrosion, high temperature tribology, hydrogen atmosphere). He has published ~100 papers in various international peer-reviewed journals with about 3100 citations and a Hirsch index of 31 (google scholar).