
3rd Edition Smart Materials and Surfaces - SMS Conference and Exhibition

Speaker's Details

Dr. Francisco M. Fernandes

Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris UPMC, UMR 7574/ Collège de France, France

Francisco M. Fernandes obtained a degree in Chemistry and a MSci in Environmental Sciences from the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal. He later moved to Madrid, Spain to pursue a PhD under Prof. Ruiz-Hitzky guidance at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid, focusing on the interface between biopolymers and clay minerals to develop bionanocomposite materials. In 2011, he integrated the Condensed Matter Chemistry Laboratory of Paris as a post-doctoral fellow to work on the application of spray drying to the development of collagen-based materials. He was appointed assistant professor at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in 2013 to work in the Materials & Biology team within the LCMCP.
His current research interests span the large field of biomaterials. In particular, he is interested in the integration of biological functions in exogenous materials by adaptating materials science processing techniques to meet the requirements of living matter.