
The International Conference on Surfaces, coatings and interfaces - SurfCoat Korea 2019 is a 3-days event to be held in parallel to Surtech Korea 2019 and Coating Korea 2019 Expo from March 27 to 29, 2019 in the Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Seoul, Rep. of Korea.


Click here for the Korean language web site version.


The conference provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in the fields of surfaces, coatings and interfaces engineering, discusses recent advances and current problems, and points out the prospective development of the field.  Contributions are expected to be in line with the surface treatments and coatings processes, and their properties/performance. The conference targets scientists, engineers, managers, innovators, and entrepreneurs. It will provide opportunities for the delegates to exchange face-to-face their novel ideas and experiences with the international experts during plenary & invited talks, oral presentations and posters sessions.


The SurfCoat Korea 2019 conference topics include:


  • Surface treatments and coatings deposition, functionalization, modelling and characterization
  • Interface and interaction science, adhesion and Adhesives
  • Multi-functional, composite/ hybrid, graded and multilayers coatings
  • Smart surfaces and coatings, Self-healing surfaces
  • Surface nanoengineering, nanocoatings and Ultra-Thin Films
  • Graphene coatings/films
  • Hydro-, ice- and oleophobic/philic surfaces
  • Tribological coatings, wear and corrosion protection
  • Cold and Thermal spraying (PVD, CVD, ...), thermochemical, Electro- and electroless plating
  • Surface engineering/ coatings in sustainable energy, conversion, optical, electric, photovoltaic and magnetic applications
  • Biointerfaces, Biomedical/ Bioactive surfaces and coatings

Keynote Speakers

Prof. André Anders

Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), Germany (to be confirmed)

Prof. Koji Sugioka

RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Japan

Dr.Ing. Arnold Gillner

Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Germany

Prof. Ulrich Schmid

Microsystems Technology, TU Wien Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems, Austria

Prof. Holger Kersten

University Kiel, Germany

Prof. Li Hua

Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering- Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Prof. Hana Barankova

Uppsala University, Sweden

Prof. Agnès Granier

Institut des Matériaux de Nantes, France

Prof. Jyh-Wei Lee

Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan

Prof. Rimantas Ramanauskas

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania

Prof. Andreas Gerdes

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Prof. Karin Stana Kleinschek

University of Maribor, Slovenija

Prof. Tiberiu Minea

Paris-Saclay University, France

Prof. Li Hua

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Prof. Xiao-Tao Hao

Shandong University, China

Prof. Jung-Sik Yoon

National Fusion Research Institute, Rep of Korea

Prof. Byeong-Soo Bae

Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST, Rep of Korea

Prof. Alessandro Pezzella

University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy

Dr. Jörg Vetter

Oerlikon Balzers Coating, Germany

Dr. Zaoli Zhang

Erich Schmid institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria


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