Prof. Pérez Trujillo is full Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). He has Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Chemistry, Materials Science and Nuclear Engineering with Honors and the Ph.D. In Chemistry with national prize. He has different periods in foreign Universities as Visiting Scholar and Visiting Professor at University of California at Los Angeles (USA), University of Southern California (USA), Stanford University (USA) and University of Toronto (Canada) Prof. Perez is Director of the Surface Engineering Laboratory at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid since 2000. His research activities are focused in the Area of high temperature Surface engineering for metallic materials in the area of coatings and oxidation aspects, and from experimental to computational approaches. One of his main research activities at the present time are in the field of high temperature corrosion of Nano-structured materials and coatings for energy applications. He has directed 30 PhD Thesis and Director of 40 R&D projects. He has published more than 135 articles in International Scientific Journals. He has been invited to joint 24 International committees for international conferences, and Chairperson of 4 International Conferences.
Research Interest
Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Coatings, Materials for extreme environments, CSP Materials, High Temperature Corrosion Monitoring.
Prof. Zhengyi Jiang is a Senior Professor at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He is an expert in the area of materials processing and manufacturing, and is an experienced researcher in the theory, simulation and practice of microforming and micromanufacturing of metals. Jiang successfully established the first research area base on micromanufacturing and developed a world-class research group and research laboratory in micromanufacturing. He was awarded two prestigious Australia Research Council (ARC) 5-year Australian Research Fellowships (2008-2012, 2002-2006) to carry out breakthrough research on the quality control of thin strip in cold rolling. He has also been awarded an ARC Future Fellowship (Professorial level) (2012-2016) and two ARC Discovery Projects (2015-2017, 2010-2012), to conduct novel research on micromanufacturing. He has published 3 monographs, 5 edited books, 3 book chapters and over 460 peer-reviewed journal articles.
Dr. Mark Soucek, a professor in the Department of Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron, will be awarded the prestigious American Chemical Society's Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Roy W. Tess Award in Coatings. This major award, which recognizes outstanding individual achievements and noteworthy contributions to coatings science, technology and engineering, confirms PMSE's long-standing and continuing support and dedication to excellence in the science, technology and engineering of coatings. During Dr. Soucek's exceptional career in the field of polymer coatings, he has made significant scientific contributions to the field, pioneered innovations and trained students in cutting edge coatings technology. Many of those students are now leaders in the field. Recognized as a leader in drying oil technologies, especially with regard to bio-based feedstocks, he has published more than 25 scientific papers in that area. He was also a major contributor to the renaissance of alkyd technology. He is among the leading authorities in reactive diluent technologies, replacing VOCs with solvating bio-based liquids that dissolve the polymeric binder and then participate in the film formation by reactive crosslinking into the coating. Dr. Soucek's research contributions have been well recognized by the coatings technical community. He has twice been awarded the Roon Award: once for his work with thermosetting latexes, and again for developing a new class of alkyd coatings. He was the recipient of the inaugural Gordon Award by the Coatings Tech Conference in 2000, and he was selected as a Gordon Award finalist for his work in UV-curable bio-based polymers in 2003. In 2004 and 2005, Mark received honorable mention for the Gordon Award for his core-shell latex work and UV-curing of unsaturated polyesters. Also in 2004, he was awarded the Innovation Award by Radtech (the European association for UV/EB technology) for his work in UV-curable coatings. He received the The Society for Protective Coatings Editor's Award for his work "Self-Stratifying Corrosion Resistant Coatings," and has published >150 peer reviewed technical papers on coating science, 15 book chapters. Dr. Soucek has 15 issued U.S. patents and pending patent applications. The Tess Award consists of $3,000 and an engraved plaque and will be presented at the Fall 2016 ACS Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, in conjunction with a symposium and an evening reception in honor of Dr. Soucek and other award winners.
Albert R. Ellingboe, PhD. Has been Research Director of the Plasma Research Laboratory at Dublin City University since 2000. In this role he heads a group that develops the engineering-physics of plasma sources and their applications. Most recently the group has invented engineering systems that enable the application of scalable, high-VHF, capacitively coupled, plasma sources for large area applications including 450mm and LCD manufacturing.Prior to joining DCU, Dr. Ellingboe was Sr. Member of Engineering Staff at Lam Research Corp. where he was the key technologist in the development of the 300mm Exelan dielectric etch chamber including design and development of the rf-system, the plasma facing components, and the gas distribution and pumping. Prior to Lam Dr. Ellingboe help positions at AKT, Varian, and IBM, with responsibilities of R&D leading to tech transfer to manufacturing.Dr. Ellingboe received a BS degree in Applied Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in the USA, and a PhD in Plasma Physics from The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Tomas Kubart graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. In 2005, he received PhD from the same university. At present, he leads the Thin Films group at the Department of Solid State Electronics at Uppsala University. The group has a long tradition of research on plasma technologies, especially magnetron sputtering. At present, Tomas is focusing on highly ionized deposition techniques and novel techniques for high quality thin films, especially oxides for electronics and energy applications.
Prof Uroš Cvelbar was born on Oct 26th 1975 in Ljubljana and graduated in 2000 from The School of Physics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU and become a part of the Plasma Laboratory at the Institute for Surface Engineering (ITPO). In 2001, he was awarded the Best YoungResearcher Fellowship and the MSZS grant. Dr Cvelbar’s Ph.D. was awarded in 2005 in the area of Materials Science and Plasma Technologies by the University of Ljubljana. Dr Cvelbar also has a Master of Business Administration degree. At present, he is a Senior Research Scientist and Deputy-head of Department F4 at the Jozef Stefan Institute, a prime research institution in Slovenia. He also works part-time as professor and teaches mostly postgraduate courses in Ljubljana, and some other European Universities like University of Barcelona, Tomas Bata University, etc. Additionaly, he is envolved as science leader in Centers of Excellence –Center for Polymer Materials (Polimat). He has been an invited speaker at a number of prestigious international conferences and during visits to a number of top research universities worldwide. As a researcher, Dr Cvelbar also worked at CPAT Laboratories at the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse (France), at the National University of Singapore (Singapore), University of Louisville (USA), Institute of Electronic Materials Technology in Warsaw (Poland), and at the CSIRO and University of Sydney (Australia). He was a Chief and Co-Chief Investigator on many MSZS (ARRS), industry as well as EU Framework projects. He is member ofECS board of Devision for Dielectric Science and Technology and executive board member of Plasma Nanoscience. Dr Cvelbar’s bibliography in the last 5 years contains more than 200 items, including 60 international scientific papers, 164 conference presentations, 27 invited talks, 3 patent applications, and 10 patents. In recent years he has been working on electrical discharges, plasma phenomena, plasma nanotechnology, plasma nanofabrication and synthesis of nanowires, selective etching, plasma cleaning, plasma characterisation, and plasma sterilisation and functionalisation of biocompatible materials including polymers.
David Holec studied mathematics and physics at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. After completing his Ph.D. in materials science from University of Cambridge, UK, he has joined the group of Prof. Paul H. Mayrhofer at Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria, in 2008. In 2016 David obtained his Habilitation (Venia Docenti) in the field of “Computational Materials Science”. He is heading Computational Materials Science group at Department of Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben. Austria. The focus on his research spans from electronic structure calculations through atomistic modelling to continuum mechanics, and covers topics related to structural and functioncal materials such phase stability, mechanical properties, structural defects, functionalisation of surfaces, nanoparticles or electronic and optical properties. He has published more than 120 papers in peer-review journals leading to h-index of 25.
Distinguished Professor Chris Berndt joined Swinburne in early 2008 as the founding Professor of Surface Science and Interface Engineering. This followed his role as founding Professor of Surface and Interface Engineering at James Cook University, a tenured professor position at Stony Brook University (where he remains Adjunct Professor) and appointments at the NASA-Lewis Research Center in Cleveland as a Fellow of the Institute for Aerospace Propulsion and Power where he worked on thermal barrier coatings.
Professor Berndt's professional responsibilities gravitate around the Thermal Spray Society of the ASM of which he has been a member since 1991. He was appointed as the Vice President of this society in 2000 and President in 2002. He was the Proceedings Editor for the Thermal Spray Conferences held in the USA from 1992-2003. He was inducted into the Thermal Spray Hall of Fame in 2007 and is editor/co-editor of 10 conference proceedings on thermal spray.
Professor Berndt is the Founding Editor, and now Editor Emeritus, for the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. He is a member of some 13 professional societies in the materials, mechanical, manufacturing and biomedical fields and has more than 550 publications in the field of materials science and engineering. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Institution of Engineers, a Fellow of ASM International, a Fellow of The Institution of Metallurgists (UK), and of ASME, ACS and ACerS. He is also a Chartered Engineer (UK), a Professional Engineer (Australia), and a Member of the College of Bioengineers (Australia).
Prof. Dr. D. Depla has received his Master Degree in Chemistry in 1991 at Ghent University (Belgium). In 1996 he promoted with a PhD thesis in Solid State Chemistry on spray drying of precursors for superconductors. After a short period as senior scientist in the Department of Solid State Sciences, he became in 1999 Professor at the same department. His research focuses on the fundamental aspects of reactive magnetron sputter deposition. He has shown the importance of ion implantation on this process, and explained the discharge voltage behavior during reactive sputter deposition. In this way, his continuous research in this area resulted in several publications. He is now head of the research group “Dedicated research on advanced films and targets(DRAFT)” in the same department. More details can be found on He is now the president of the Belgian Vaccum Society.
Auezhan Amanov is currently an Associate Professor at Tampere University in Finland. He is the head of the Tribology and Surface Modification research group. He is an active member of several professional societies, including STLE and KTS. With over 170 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and a Hirsch index of 37, his research primarily focuses on enhancing the wear resistance of various materials through surface treatment techniques
Professor Yang obtained his Bachelor and Master degrees from University of Science and Technology of China in 1999 and 2002, respectively, and Ph.D. degree from the Institute for Composite Materials at Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany in 2006. He was a PostDoc Research Associate in Beckman Institute at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 2006 to 2008. He joined Nanyang Technological University as an Assistant Professor from 2008 to 2016. He received Wilfried Ensinger Award supported by the Scientific Alliance of the University Professors of Polymer Technology (WAK) Germany (2008) and Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Inspirational Teaching Award from NTU (2013). He has been Editorial Board Member of Composites Communications and Recent Patents on Materials Science. Professor Yang’s research interfaces multidisciplinary areas ranging from chemistry, materials engineering to mechanics. He has extensive academic and industrial research experiences in composites and multifunctional materials and completed more than 10 projects supported by government and industrial partners since 2009 in composites design and manufacturing, self-healing materials, energy efficient materials for building, and graphene-based multifunctional materials. His current research interests include using materials genome approach to design and fabricate bioinspired composites and structures and multifunctional materials, and to investigate their mechanical properties.
Prof. Jie Tao is currently a professor at College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). From February 2001 to January 2002, he worked in the Manchester Materials Science Centre at the University of Manchester and UMIST as a visiting scholar. He was the dean of the College of Materials Science and Technology, NUAA from 1998-2008. Now he is the director of Institute of Advanced Materials and Forming Technology, NUAA. He has become Ford Motor Company Professor of materials science at NUAA since 2008. His current research interests are mainly focused on functional coatings, fiber metal laminates and forming technology of metallic materials. He has published 260 papers and 4 books, and acquired 36 patents granted.
Jose L. is currently Ikerbasque Professor and Head of Functional Surfaces and Coatings. He carried out his doctoral studies in Mechanical Engineering at the University of New Hampshire (USA) on the impact of coating architecture on the hardness, friction and wear of nanocomposite tribological coatings. From 2014 to 2019, he has been the director of the Surface Engineering and Precision Institute (SEPI) at the University of Cranfield (United Kingdom) and co-Director of the Centre of Doctoral Training in Ultra-precision Engineering along with Cambridge University. Previously he worked in the academic sector (at the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), in the industrial sector of renewable energies at Abengoa Research and in the field of tool materials and coatings at the company Oerlikon Balzers in Liechtenstein. He has published more than 110 scientific articles and has been inventor of more than 24 national and international patent applications in new materials and coatings for solar energy, catalysis and tools. He has been the main organizer of several international conferences and symposiums in the field of surface engineering and has acted as associate editor of several international scientific journals.
Prof Kwang Leong Choy was a Violette and Samuel Glasstone Research Fellow at Oxford where she has developed flame assisted vapour deposition (a variant of CVD) of films, before joining Imperial College in 1994 as a Governor's Lecturer. In 2001, she was promoted to Reader for her pioneering research on the innovative non-vacuum Electrostatic Spray Assisted Vapour Deposition (ESAVD) method at Imperial College London. She has been the recipient of the Grunfeld Medal and Prize from Institute of Materials (UK) for the recognition of her contribution to innovative coating materials/processes and later she has founded a spin-out company known as IMPT Ltd to exploit the ESAVD technology. ESAVD is capable of addressing the increasing industrial demand in cost-effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing of high performance ceramic films with fine structural and composition control at the nanoscale level for high value added engineering applications. ESAVD has been exploited and being scaled-up by industry for the manufacture of functional films for capacitors, selective gas separation, reforming catalyst and thermal barrier coatings for gas turbine blades, biocompatible thin films, and transparent conducting oxide films for display and solar cell applications. She has been invited to publish her work on ESAVD and edited a book on “Innovative Processing of Films and Nanocrystalline Powders” by Imperial College Press (2002).
She came to Nottingham in October 2002 to take up a Professorship in Materials. She was the research director of University Innovation Centre in Aero Engine with AVIC. While at Nottingham, her team has invented a novel Aerosol-Assisted Ion Deposition (AAID) process and developed super thin polymeric films and nanocomposite coatings with unique physical and chemical properties. The method is being exploited to put sub-micron/micron thick high performance polymeric coatings on steels to create high value added products, as well as developing solid lubricant coatings and high performance nanocomposite coatings for tribological applications, ceramic coatings and next generation multifunctional films for deicing, antifogging and anti-lightning applications in aerospace. She is working closely with numerous leading research institutions and industrial companies to exploit the sustainable and cost-effective ESAVD and AAID technologies, as well as novel coating materials for engineering applications. Over the past four years, Professor Choy’s work has led to her participation in numerous multimillion pounds interdisciplinary research programmes. These include EU, EPSRC and government flagship grants, as well as research contracts and collaboration to develop new engineering products with particular characteristics with industrial companies such as Rolls-Royce, Aero Engine Control, EADS, Oxford Instruments, QinetiQ, DSTL, BG/Advantica and IMPT. She has been the international expert reviewer for Ontario Research Fund, Hong Kong Productivity Council and Greek Ministry of Education/European Commission. She has been awarded Guest Professorships at the University of Uppsala (2001/03), Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE, 2010/2012), and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientist (2011/2013).
Kazuhiko Sakaki is a Professor since 2014 at Shinshu University within the Materials Processing and Design Engineering research group working in the area of Metal making/Resorce production engineering. He obtained his Doctor of Engineering degree from Shinshu University in 1999 and a Master of gradutae school in 1986. He served as engineer at Toshiba Corporation from 1988 to 1993. In 2019, he was awarded the IWAKI Award (Special prize) , Achievement name Basic research on cold spray method and development of application examples. He's now president of the Japan Thermal Spray Society. He was actively involved in differents academic societies such as The Japan Welding Engineering Society, Surface Modification Research and Technology Committee, Japan Institute of Light Metals, Japanese Society for Engineering Education, ASMInternational/TSS, Japan Institute of Metals, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering and Japan Thermal Spraying Society.
Prof. Takumi Chikada is a Lecturer in Faculty of Science at Shizuoka University, Japan. He received a Ph.D. in engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2011. After working as an assistant professor in the University of Tokyo, he started his career as a principal investigator in Shizuoka University in 2014. He has been dedicated to research on multi-functional coatings for the applications to hydrogen-related technology for more than 15 years and gained international recognition in the field of fusion technology. He was awarded the eighth Miya-Abdou Award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to the Field of Nuclear Technology (MA-FNT Award) in 2019. He is currently a Guest Editor of Special Issue “Advances in Ceramic Coatings” in an international journal “Coatings”.
Dr. Alfred Tok Iing Yoong (PK; PhD, NTU; C.Eng, MIMMM; MBA, NTU) has been a faculty member in the School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) since 2003. He studied Mechanical Engineering at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia, and graduated with First Class Honours in 1995. He was also conferred the Dean’s Award for Excellence for being the top graduate. After graduation, he worked as a mechanical engineer at ST Aerospace Engineering. In 1997, he was awarded 2 scholarships at Nanyang Technological University to pursue his PhD in Mechanical Engineering. He obtained his MBA (Dean’s List) in 2009 from the Nanyang Business School. In the same year, he was appointed Division Head of Materials Technology in MSE (till 2012). Since 2011, he has been the Deputy Director of the Institute for Sports Research in NTU. His research areas focus on the processing and applications of inorganic materials in the areas of biosensors and renewable / sustainable energy. He also consults extensively for companies from various industries.