
Composites International Conference

Speaker's Details

Prof. Federico Paris Carballo

University of Seville, Spain

Industrial Engineer by the University of Seville in 1976, and PhD by the Politechnic University of Madrid in 1979, obtaining the PhD extraordinary Award.

Professor of Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures since 1981, Director of the Group of Elasticity and Strength of Materials of the School of Engineering at University of Seville.

Professor at the University of Oxford (UK), Virginia Tech (USA, 1992), Lulea Institute of Technology (Sweden, 1995) and NASA-Langley Research Center (USA, 1999).

Author of more than 600 publications including books, papers and contributions to conferences.

Founded in 2006 the Spin-off company of the University of Seville, TEAMS (Testing and Engineering of Aeronautical Materials and Structures), tier1 of Airbus in Materials and Structural Testing.

Director of the School of Engineering of Seville (2002-2006), President of the Spanish Composites Association (AEMAC, 1999-2005), President of the European Society for Composite Materials (ESCM, 2014-2016), Director of the Airbus Chair at the University of Seville since 2009.

Awards: Doctor Honoris Causa by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania, 1997), best Professor of the school awarded by the students (several years) and First Andalucía Award in Research in Engineering (2006), among others.