
Composites International Conference

Conference Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Federico Paris Carballo

University of Seville, Spain

Industrial Engineer by the University of Seville in 1976, and PhD by the Politechnic University of Madrid in 1979, obtaining the PhD extraordinary Award.

Professor of Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures since 1981, Director of the Group of Elasticity and Strength of Materials of the School of Engineering at University of Seville.

Professor at the University of Oxford (UK), Virginia Tech (USA, 1992), Lulea Institute of Technology (Sweden, 1995) and NASA-Langley Research Center (USA, 1999).

Author of more than 600 publications including books, papers and contributions to conferences.

Founded in 2006 the Spin-off company of the University of Seville, TEAMS (Testing and Engineering of Aeronautical Materials and Structures), tier1 of Airbus in Materials and Structural Testing.

Director of the School of Engineering of Seville (2002-2006), President of the Spanish Composites Association (AEMAC, 1999-2005), President of the European Society for Composite Materials (ESCM, 2014-2016), Director of the Airbus Chair at the University of Seville since 2009.

Awards: Doctor Honoris Causa by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania, 1997), best Professor of the school awarded by the students (several years) and First Andalucía Award in Research in Engineering (2006), among others.


Prof. Robert J Young

University of Manchester, UK

Professor Young was educated at the University of Cambridge and became Professor of Polymer Science and Technology in Manchester in 1986. He was the founding Head of the School of Materials in the newly-formed University of Manchester in 2004, which is now the largest university materials department in the UK and the focus of major UK materials research initiatives. He is a Fellow of Royal Society (2013), Royal Academy of Engineering (2006) and Academy of Europe (2015). His main research interest is the relationships between structure and properties in polymers and composites. He has introduced of a number of revolutionary techniques that have given a completely new insight into the micromechanics of deformation in fibres and composites. In particular, he has pioneered the use of Raman spectroscopy for the analysis of deformation processes that take place at the molecular level. Over recent years he has extended this approach to the mechanics of deformation of graphene and other 2D materials in nanocomposites. His contribution in research has been recognised through numerous invitations to give Plenary and Keynote lectures at International Conferences and through the awards of the Griffith Medal (2002), Leslie Holliday Prize (2011), Swinburne Medal and Prize (2012) and Platinum Medal (2019) from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.


Prof. G. Richard Stephenson

Cellexcel Ltd, UK

Prof. G. Richard Stephenson is founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Cellexcel, Ltd and Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the University of East Anglia. With 40 years research experience in synthetic and materials chemistry, he has published over 160 academic papers in international journals, co-authored/edited 2 books and contributed 4 book chapters and 21 academic reviews. He is a long-term regular contributor to Chemistry & Industry, the Journal of the SCI (UK’s Society of Chemical Industry). He is an author of 10 patents, with 2 further current patent applications in the field of biocomposites. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Université de Caen, and Invited Professor at Université Paris VI and the Université Catholique de Louvain. Stephenson has been a member of Working Groups in four EU COST Actions and UEA’s lead in two EU Interreg grants: ‘Innovative Synthesis: Chemistry and Entrepreneurship’ and ‘Academy-Industry Chemistry-Channel’. Stephenson is a Chartered Chemist (CChem), a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK, and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), UK.

His main research interests include:

  • Improved biomaterials
  • Water resistant biocomposites
  • Chemical modification of cellulosic materials
  • Synthetic organic chemistry 

Prof. John Botsis

EPFL, Switzerland

John Botsis obtained his diplôme in civil engineering at the University of Patras, Greece in 1979.  He continued his education at Case Institute of Technology in Cleveland Ohio/USA, where he received his MS and Ph.D. 1984. After two years at the research centre for national defence in Athens he was nominated assistant professor at the University of Illinois in Chicago, associate in 1991 and full professor in 1995. In 1996, he was nominated professor of solids and structural mechanics at the EPFL. His activities cover experimental mechanics, fracture and fatigue of advanced materials including composites and biomaterials using novel experimental techniques, numerical methods and micromechanics. He has co-authored more than 150 journal papers, several book chapter and two textbooks. His research has been funded from the Swiss National Science Foundation, State Secretariat for Education and Research, Swiss commission for technology and innovation, EU and Swiss industry.


Prof. Dimitris Argyropoulos

North Carolina State University, USA

Professor of Chemistry at North Carolina State University. He has also served as a Finland Distinguished Professor of Chemistry with the department of Chemstry of the University of Helsinki, Finland and Distinguished visiting Professor with the centre for Advanced Materials and the Department of Chemistry King Abdulaziz University, Jedah, Saudi Arabia.

Professor Argyropoulos’s research team is internationally recognized for his leading contributions to Green Chemistry using cellulose and lignin wood-based polymers. His work focuses at promoting our understanding of the structure and reactivity of such polymers and the development of novel NMR and material science techniques for the structural elucidation and upgrading of these biopolymers. The efforts of his research group have been disseminated in excess of 250 scientific papers, numerous scientific conferences invited presentations and patents. Professor Argyropoulos is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, International Academy of Wood science and the Chemical Institute of Canada.


Prof. De-Yi Wang

IMDEA Materials Institute, Spain

(ORCID: 0000-0002-0499-6138) is Senior Researcher and Program Leader of Novel Materials at IMDEA Materials Institute in Madrid, and is leading the Group of High-Performance Polymer Nanocomposites. He is an expert on high-performance fire-retardant polymeric materials and holds the guest Professorship in four Universities. He has published more than 280 academic papers in international academic journals and edited 1 book as Editor in the field of flame-retardant material. In recent years, he has participated in over 30 projects (28 as Principal Investigator or Coordinator) from the European Commission, international public entities, national and industrial sectors. In 2012, he was appointed as Academic Consultant on environmentally friendly fire-retardant materials by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO. In 2016, he elected the Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK. In 2023, he has been admitted as the Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials (FIAAM) in Sweden. Currently, he serves as Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in Polymer and Associated Editor of Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, on the Editorial Boards of other 6 international academic journals.

His main research interests include:

  •  Eco-benign and sustainable fire-retardant polymers
  •  Multifunctional nanomaterials and smart sensors
  •  High performance polymer-based composites and/or nanocomposites
  •  Fire behaviours and fire retarding mechanisms
  •  Fire-safe energy storage materials
  •  Bio-based polymers and phase change materials



Prof. Suong Van Hoa

Concordia University, Canada

Dr. Suong Van Hoa has been working on composites materials and structures since 1979. He has worked on many aspects of composites, from analysis, design, to manufacturing and development of new materials and structures made of composites. He has been working with many companies and institutions from many countries. Dr. Hoa established the Concordia Center for Composites (CONCOM) since 1983 and it was accepted by the board of Governors of Concordia University since 1993. Dr. Hoa has been Director of CONCOM since 1993.

Dr. Hoa was given the title of Concordia University Research Fellow in 2006. He was appointed Concordia University Research Chair in Materials and Composites since 2001. He has been Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Industrial Chair in Automated Composites Manufacturing since 2012. This NSERC chair is supported by Bombardier Aerospace, Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Ltd., Emergia Aerospace, Composites Atlantic and Delastek Ltd. Dr. Hoa is Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fellow of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME), Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada.

Dr. Hoa received The Ralph R. Teetor award from the Society of Automotive Engineers in 1980. He received the G.H. Duggan medal from CSME in 1996, the NSERC Synergy award in 2006, the ADRIQ (Association des Directeurs de Recherche Industrielle du Quebec) in 2006 and 2009, the Pratt and Whitney Research fellow in 2008, the Nano Academia from Nanoqubec in 2008, the American Society for Composites Destech award in 2011, and the Agora medal from the Palais des Congres of Montreal in 2011.


Prof. Javier Gonzalez-Benito

University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

J. González began his scientific career at the Complutense U. of Madrid in 1992 studying cyclodextrins inclusion complexes. He joined UC3M in 1993 to carry out his PhD thesis on polymer composite materials. He was specialized in characterization of polymers and composites. In 2001, he carried out a research stay with the Polymers + Technologies group at the U. País Vasco and later, for one year, at the Macromolecular Department of Case Western Reserve University studying dissolution processes of polymers. In 2003, he obtained a position as tenured at UC3M and began a new line of research on composite materials seeking new applications in dentistry. In 2022 he gets the Full professor position at the UC3M. Thanks to a stay at the University of California Santa Bárbara in 2005 he was specialized in atomic force microscopy, AFM, being the head of the AFM Laboratory at the UC3M. In 2006 he created the research group "Group of Polymeric Composite Materials and Interphases", with the new line of research, Multifunctional Nanocomposite Materials based on Thermoplastic matrices”. One of its biggest challenges has been to achieve uniform dispersion of nanoparticles within thermoplastic polymers. In order to do this, a new method based on high-energy ball milling was developed, being able to prepare and study new materials with special electrical and antibacterial properties with potential applications in electronics, medicine and food industry. Besides, he has made several basic scientific contributions with high impact. He studied macromolecular dynamics through the use of spectroscopic techniques and he developed nanoscale experimental methods for determining key parameters in the area of materials science, such as the coefficient of thermal expansion. In recent years he has collaborated with the Group of Chemistry of the University of Navarra studying antibacterial nanocomposite materials. At this time, one of his main aims is focused on developing new methods of preparation of nanocomposite materials based on a technique called "Solution Blow Spinning", SBS, which allows preparing polymeric nonwoven nanofiber mats with potential applications in medicine among others. In 2015, J. González joined the Biomaterials Group of the NIST (USA) to increase his knowledge on polymer preparation using SBS and cell adhesion using Single Cell Force Spectroscopy. He collaborates within the framework of a confidentiality agreement with the Foundation of the Health Institute of La Paz on a "Method of application of polymers in the healing process of biological tissues" and also with the Institute of Tropical Health of the U. de Navarra. He is a member of the Royal Spanish Chemical Society and of the Specialized Polymers Group. He has participated in more than 25 national, regional or European research projects, being the IP in 8 of them. His entire scientific career has allowed him to publish 120 articles in SCI journals, several book chapters, 106 communications to congresses and he participates as Editorial Board member of Polymer Composites and Nanocomposites Section of the scientific journal “Polymers” being also guest editor in three special issues.


Prof. Lola Gonzalez- Garcia

INM–Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Germany

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lola González-García is a chemist and material scientist, co-author of more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific publications, with expertise in functional materials design and fabrication. After completing her Chemistry degree (2007), she pursued a master's degree in Material Science at University of Sevilla. In 2013, she obtained her PhD degree for her research on thin films for photonic and photovoltaic applications conducted at the Institute of Material Science of Sevilla (CSIC-USE). Currently, L.G.G. works at the INM–Leibniz Institute for New Materials since 2014, where her research focus is the development of soft electronic materials. She is head of the junior group Electrofluids funded by the homonymous ERC-Starting Grant project in 2021. Recently, she was appointed associated Junior Professor at Saarland University.


Prof. Hom Dhakal

University of Portsmouth, UK

I am Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Portsmouth. I lead the Advanced Polymers and Composites (APC) Research Group. I'm also a Docent (Visiting) Professor of Biobased Composite Materials at the Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business at the University of Borås, Sweden.

My expertise include the design and development of sustainable lightweight composite materials, and their testing and characterisation. My research has benefited many industries through the development of a range of new sustainable materials, formulations and manufacturing processes.

I'm published in over 150 international peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. I've been a guest editor for a number of journals and I'm a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Composites Science, Journal of Research on Engineering Structures & Materials, and the Material Chemistry section of the Journal of Molecules. I also serve as a member of scientific committees and as an evaluator for various research projects.

After the successful publication of the first book I co-authored in 2018, entitled Repair of Polymer Composites: Methodology, Techniques and Challenges, my second co-authored book Sustainable Composites for Lightweight Applications will be published in October 2020 by Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier Ltd).

I'm a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a member of the American Society for Composites (ASC), and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), and the Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining (IOM3) (FIMMM).


I have over 30 years of teaching and research experience in the field of mechanical engineering, materials and manufacturing. I became a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in February 2019.

In recognition of my work, I was a Visiting Professor with the University of Toronto, Canada in 2017, where I worked in the Faculty of Forestry, undertaking research work in the field of composites and biocomposites. This research collaboration is ongoing.

Before joining the University of Portsmouth in 2008, I was a Lecturer in Mechanical and Marine Engineering at the University of Plymouth. I was also a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Tribhuvan University in Nepal for over five

years. In addition to my academic career, I have many years of experience working with various manufacturing companies.

I've also served as the external panel member for MSC courses and Engineering Doctorate Programmes associated with different universities in the UK. I've been the external examiner for MSc Advanced Materials and Additive Manufacturing (on-campus and online learning) at the University of Derby since September 2016.
