
The 10th edition of the European Graphene Forum - EGF 2025

Conference Papers

Conference proceedings paper

A conference proceedings paper is a short conference paper (2 to 4 pages including the references list) to be published online under SETCOR web site in the conference proceedings.

You need to follow the proceedings template (click here) when preparing your conference proceedings paper.

The conference proceedings paper submission is not mandatory. If you decided to submit a proceedings paper for the conference, it should be done through your SETCOR web site user account (The same used for the abstract submission and the registration).

Conference Journal paper

To submit a journal paper, you need to choose one of or the below conference journal(s) and follow their paper template and submission rules.

The journal paper submission is not mandatory. If you decided to submit a journal paper for the conference, it should be done through your user account under SETCOR web site.


The papers (Proceedings and Journal) submission option under the user account is to be activated after the registration to the conference. You can submit your paper(s) any time after that until the submission deadline. However, please note that the papers reviews will start only after the last submission deadline including any extension.


The Journals partners of the conference:

Below is the list of Journals partners of the conference. Click below on the journal's title or banner and you will be redirected to the journal's web site for the details.

After your registration to the conference, you can submit your journal paper, to one of these journals through your SETCOR web site user account.