
Nanometrology 2019 International Conference and Exhibition

Speaker's Details

Prof. Nathalie Destouches

University of Saint-Etienne, France

Nathalie is graduated in 1998 as an engineer in optics from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Marseille, France. She got her Ph. D. degree at Fresnel Institute and University of Aix-Marseille III in 2001. Her research work dealt with scattering and speckle interferometry for the characterization of both diffraction gratings and rough surfaces. Then she was a postdoctoral member at the Laboratory of Glasses in Montpellier, in the field of surface characterization at the nanometer scale. In 2002, she joined the Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et Instrumentation (LTSI), which became the Laboratory Hubert Curien (LabHC) in 2006, and the University Jean Monnet (UJM) where she’s currently professor. Since 2006, she’s leading the "Nanoparticles" team at LabHC where they use light to tailor the optical properties of metal nanoparticles.  She’s also the coordinator of master degree Optics Image Vision Multimedia and I serve as the scientific leader of the division "Perception engineering & white light processing" of the Laboratory of Excellence MANUTECH-SISE. She co-authored 55 articles in peer reviewed international journals, 1 book review, 3 book chapters, 3 patents