
Nanometrology 2021 International Conference

Media Partners

AZoNano educates and informs a worldwide audience of researchers, engineers and scientists with the latest industry news, information and insights from the Nanotechnology industry.

AZoNano has a highly experienced editorial team which keeps you up to date with breaking news, research and innovations from the world of Nanotechnology.

MDPI Materials - Open Access Journal

Materials (ISSN 1996-1944; CODEN: MATEG9) is an open access journal of materials science and engineering published semi-monthly online by MDPI. Materials was launched in 2008. The journal covers eighteen comprehensive sessions: Biomaterials, Energy Materials, Advanced Composites, Structure Analysis and Characterization, Porous Materials, Manufacturing Processes and Systems, Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, Smart Materials, Thin Films, Catalytic Materials, Carbon Materials, Materials Chemistry, Materials Physics, Optics and Photonics, Corrosion and Materials Degradation, Construction and Building Materials, Materials Simulation and Design. The distinguished and dedicated editorial board and our strict peer-review process ensure the highest degree of scientific rigor and review of all published articles. Materials provides a unique opportunity to contribute high-quality articles and to take advantage of its large readership.

Aims and Scope: Materials provides a forum for publishing papers that advance in-depth understandings of the relationships between the structures, properties, applications or functions of all classes of materials. We aim to encourage various scientific communities to publish their original experimental and theoretical research, as well as their reviews.

Author Benefits:
Open Access Unlimited and free access for readers
• No Copyright Constraints Retain copyright of your work and free use of your article
• Impact Factor: 2.972 (2018)
5-Year Impact Factor: 3.532 (2018)
• Thorough Peer-Review
• Coverage by Leading Indexing Services SCIE-Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics, formerly Thomson Reuters), Compendex (EI), Scopus (Elsevier)
• No Space Constraints, No Extra Space or Color Charges No restriction on the length of the papers, number of figures or colors