
Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International conference

Conference Speakers

Conference Chairs

Prof. Alessandro Lavacchi

ICCOM, CNR, Firenze, Italy

Dr. Alessandro Lavacchi is the Editor-in-Chief of "Coatings", an international journal devoted to the material science and the application of thick and thin films. Dr. Lavacchi is a Research Scientist at the Istituto di Chimica dei Composti OrganoMetallici, Italian National Research Council (ICCOM-CNR). His research has been devoted to electrochemistry and the material science of surfaces and coatings. In the latest years his activity has been mainly focused on the development of catalytic nano-structured materials with a special emphasis on their application to the exploitation of biomass derived products in electrochemical devices. In this context he has contributed to the development of "facile" methods for the synthesis of platinum-free electrocatalysts for application in fuel cells, electrolyzers and raw chemical electro-synthesis. The activity resulted in the co-authorship of more than 50 papers in leading international journals and the monograph “Nanotechnology in Electrocatalysis for Energy” edited by Springer.


Dr. Mark D. Soucek

University of Akron, USA

Dr. Mark Soucek, a professor in the Department of Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron, will be awarded the prestigious American Chemical Society's Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Roy W. Tess Award in Coatings. This major award, which recognizes outstanding individual achievements and noteworthy contributions to coatings science, technology and engineering, confirms PMSE's long-standing and continuing support and dedication to excellence in the science, technology and engineering of coatings. During Dr. Soucek's exceptional career in the field of polymer coatings, he has made significant scientific contributions to the field, pioneered innovations and trained students in cutting edge coatings technology. Many of those students are now leaders in the field. Recognized as a leader in drying oil technologies, especially with regard to bio-based feedstocks, he has published more than 25 scientific papers in that area. He was also a major contributor to the renaissance of alkyd technology. He is among the leading authorities in reactive diluent technologies, replacing VOCs with solvating bio-based liquids that dissolve the polymeric binder and then participate in the film formation by reactive crosslinking into the coating. Dr. Soucek's research contributions have been well recognized by the coatings technical community. He has twice been awarded the Roon Award: once for his work with thermosetting latexes, and again for developing a new class of alkyd coatings. He was the recipient of the inaugural Gordon Award by the Coatings Tech Conference in 2000, and he was selected as a Gordon Award finalist for his work in UV-curable bio-based polymers in 2003. In 2004 and 2005, Mark received honorable mention for the Gordon Award for his core-shell latex work and UV-curing of unsaturated polyesters. Also in 2004, he was awarded the Innovation Award by Radtech (the European association for UV/EB technology) for his work in UV-curable coatings. He received the The Society for Protective Coatings Editor's Award for his work "Self-Stratifying Corrosion Resistant Coatings," and has published >150 peer reviewed technical papers on coating science, 15 book chapters. Dr. Soucek has 15 issued U.S. patents and pending patent applications. The Tess Award consists of $3,000 and an engraved plaque and will be presented at the Fall 2016 ACS Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, in conjunction with a symposium and an evening reception in honor of Dr. Soucek and other award winners.


Keynote Speakers

Prof. Klaus Friedrich

Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Prof. Klaus Friedrich obtained his PhD degree in Materials Science at the Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany in 1978. He was associated in 1980 as a Visiting Assistant Professor with the Center for Composite Materials, University of Delaware, USA. Funding for this stay as a Feodor Lynen Fellow was received from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Afterwards, i.e. between 1982 and 1990, he worked as a Professor for Polymers and Composites at the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany. In August 1990, Prof. Friedrich became Research Director for Materials Science at the Institute for Composite Materials (IVW), University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.

He acts also as a Scientific Board Member of various international journals in the fields of materials science, composites, and tribology. Together with his co-workers he has published more than 800 papers in refereed journals, books and conference proceedings. Further, he is editor of five books on “Friction and Wear of Polymer Composites”, “Application of Fracture Mechanics to Composite Materials”, “Advances in Composites Tribology”, “Polymer Composites: From Nano- to Macro-Scale”, and “Tribology of Polymeric Nanocomposites: Friction and Wear of Bulk Materials and Coatings”, respectively. He holds three honorary professorships from distinguished Chinese universities, and two honorary Dr.-degrees. In 2005, Prof. Friedrich was honoured as a World Fellow of the International Committee on Composite Materials (ICCM). Now, i.e. after his retirement from the director position of IVW, Prof. Friedrich acts as a research consultant for various institutes and industrial companies.


Dr. Naoufal Bahlawane

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg

Naoufal Bahlawane is a Lead Research and Technology Associate at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. He graduated in Physicochemical Analysis and received a PhD in Materials Engineering from Claude Bernard University, Lyon, France. He was awarded the JISTEC and AvH fellowships to perform research at Kyushu National Industrial Research Institute in Japan and at Bielefeld University, Germany. As a research group leader at Bielefeld University, where he obtained a habilitation and Venia Legendi in Physical Chemistry, Naoufal Bahlawane has investigated aspects related to the chemistry of deposition and the interplay between the materials’ structure-properties and surface reactivity. His current research activities rely on surface chemistry for the design of functional and smart coatings with tunable physicochemical properties to address specific needs as those associated with optics, thermal management and energy storage.


Dr. Mark D. Soucek

University of Akron, USA

Dr. Mark Soucek, a professor in the Department of Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron, will be awarded the prestigious American Chemical Society's Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Roy W. Tess Award in Coatings. This major award, which recognizes outstanding individual achievements and noteworthy contributions to coatings science, technology and engineering, confirms PMSE's long-standing and continuing support and dedication to excellence in the science, technology and engineering of coatings. During Dr. Soucek's exceptional career in the field of polymer coatings, he has made significant scientific contributions to the field, pioneered innovations and trained students in cutting edge coatings technology. Many of those students are now leaders in the field. Recognized as a leader in drying oil technologies, especially with regard to bio-based feedstocks, he has published more than 25 scientific papers in that area. He was also a major contributor to the renaissance of alkyd technology. He is among the leading authorities in reactive diluent technologies, replacing VOCs with solvating bio-based liquids that dissolve the polymeric binder and then participate in the film formation by reactive crosslinking into the coating. Dr. Soucek's research contributions have been well recognized by the coatings technical community. He has twice been awarded the Roon Award: once for his work with thermosetting latexes, and again for developing a new class of alkyd coatings. He was the recipient of the inaugural Gordon Award by the Coatings Tech Conference in 2000, and he was selected as a Gordon Award finalist for his work in UV-curable bio-based polymers in 2003. In 2004 and 2005, Mark received honorable mention for the Gordon Award for his core-shell latex work and UV-curing of unsaturated polyesters. Also in 2004, he was awarded the Innovation Award by Radtech (the European association for UV/EB technology) for his work in UV-curable coatings. He received the The Society for Protective Coatings Editor's Award for his work "Self-Stratifying Corrosion Resistant Coatings," and has published >150 peer reviewed technical papers on coating science, 15 book chapters. Dr. Soucek has 15 issued U.S. patents and pending patent applications. The Tess Award consists of $3,000 and an engraved plaque and will be presented at the Fall 2016 ACS Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, in conjunction with a symposium and an evening reception in honor of Dr. Soucek and other award winners.


Prof. Auezhan Amanov

Tampere University, Finland

Prof. Auezhan Amanov is currently professor at Tampere University, Finland. He joined in 2015 the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Sun Moon University, Rep of Korea as associate professor. Prof. Amanov was a director of the Institute for Manufacturing System Technology. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Sun Moon University in 2011. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Tokyo University of Science (Japan) from 2012 to 2014. He is a member of STLE, TMS, ASM, AIST, and KTS societies. He got several Best Paper Awards (SMT28, NanoToday 2015, MSEA2018, etc. He has published over 150 papers in various international peer-reviewed journals with a Hirsch index of 31. His recent research interests focus on materials engineering, tribology, corrosion, and fatigue properties of materials including coatings and additive manufacturing through the application of surface severe plastic deformation (S2PD).


Prof. Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf

Integrated Mechanical Material Corrosion Consulting, USA

Professor Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf is the Vice President of Integrated Mechanical Material Corrosion Consulting (IM2C), Texas, USA, a Full Professor at Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute, Egypt, and a Former Full Professor of Manufacturing Engineering at University of Texas, USA. He has 27 years of experience working in R&D with a blend of both industrial and academic leadership. He is the recipient of numerous national and international prizes and awards including the Humboldt Research Award for Experienced Scientists, at Max Planck Institute, Germany; Fulbright Scholar, NSF, and Dept. of Energy Fellowships, USA; Shoman Award in Engineering Science; and the State Prize of Egypt in Advanced Science and Technology, and more. He is a member of TMS-USA, EPSRC-UK, European Science Foundation - College of Expert Reviewers, Fulbright Alumni, Alexander von Humboldt Alumni, Max Planck Institute Alumni, etc.

Dr. Makhlouf has published over 200 journal articles, as well as 17 books and handbooks for Springer and Elsevier on a broad range of cross‐disciplinary research fields including advanced multifunctional materials, nanotechnology, smart coatings, corrosion, biomaterials, waste/water treatment, and materials for energy applications.  Dr. Makhlouf has served as both a Senior Editor and board member of many international journals, as well as a reviewer for several international funding agencies in USA, Germany, UK, Qatar, Belgium, EU, Georgia, Kazakhstan. He is a Consultant and Reviewer for several universities such as Ghent University, University of Luxembourg, University of Texas, Al-Imam University, American University in Sharjah, Tezpur University, Jazan University, King Saud University, University of Hail, and Advisory Editor for Elsevier USA. He effectively supervised and graduated 10 PhD and master’s students, and 3 postdoctoral scientists.


Prof. Bert Ellingboe

Dublin City University, Ireland

Albert R. Ellingboe, PhD. Has been Research Director of the Plasma Research Laboratory at  Dublin  City  University  since  2000.  In  this  role  he  heads  a  group that  develops  the engineering-physics of plasma sources and their applications. Most recently the group has invented  engineering  systems  that  enable  the  application  of  scalable,  high-VHF, capacitively coupled, plasma sources for large area applications including 450mm and LCD manufacturing.Prior to joining DCU, Dr. Ellingboe was Sr. Member of Engineering Staff at Lam Research Corp.  where  he  was  the  key  technologist  in  the  development  of  the  300mm  Exelan dielectric etch chamber including design and development of the rf-system, the plasma facing components, and the gas distribution and pumping. Prior to Lam Dr. Ellingboe help positions at AKT, Varian, and IBM, with responsibilities of R&D leading to tech transfer to manufacturing.Dr. Ellingboe received a BS degree in Applied Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in the USA, and a PhD in Plasma Physics from The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.


Prof. Marcela Bilek

University of Sydney, Australia

Professor Marcela Bilek holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK, a BSc from the University of Sydney and an MBA from the Rochester Institute of Technology, USA. Prior to her present appointment as Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Sydney (since 2000), she worked as a visiting Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, USA, held a visiting Professorship at the Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg in Germany and a Research Fellowship at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK.

Professor Bilek heads the Applied and Plasma Physics Research Group. Research projects in these areas are a stimulating mix of fundamental physics and practical applications, in areas which include materials physics, plasma deposition and processing, thin film materials, vacuum glazing, renewable and sustainable energy and cross-disciplinary research in the areas of biointerfaces and medicine.

Marcela has received a number of honours for her work including the Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year in 2002, an ARC Federation Fellowship and an MIT TR100 Young Innovator award in 2003, the Australian Academy of Science Pawsey Medal in 2004 an Australian Innovation Challenge Award in 2011 and an ARC Future Fellowship in 2012. In 2013 she was elected to the Fellowship of the American Physical Society (APS) "for outstanding contributions to the physics of plasma processing, resulting in plasma sources, processes and materials with applications to industries ranging from information technology to biomedicine". In 2015 she was elected to the Fellowship of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) "for contributions to the science and application of plasma processes for materials modification and synthesis".


Dr. Monica Bollani

Photonic and Nanotechnology Institute, Italy

Monica Bollani, is a researcher at IFN in LNESS laboratory (Como, Italy). She obtained a European PhD in 2000 in Materials Physics (Marseille,France) and until 2004, she moved to a research post-doc position targeting the SiGe epitaxial growth at the ETH in Zurich (CH). Then she became a researcher at CNR in Italy working in the semiconductor growth and, starting form 2009, in optical and electron-beam lithography group in L-NESS, mainly dedicated to nano-fabrication of low-dimensional semiconductor systems. She is responsible of the nano and microfabrication activity on semiconductor materials at LNESS laboratory. She has a broad and multi-disciplinary education integrated by an extended experience in sensors fabrication, in photonics and plasmonic, project management and lab and clean room operations.

Projects (Activities in the last 5 years):

- 2023-2025: She is coordinator (principal investigator) of the Italian PRIN 2022 PNRR project (ACONITE: Food safety via microbial detection with photonics nanoresonators, Grant n° P2022HRTYH).

- 2021-2025: She is involved in European FET-OPEN project in the CNR unit (X-PIC project, “e-Xtreme ultraviolet to soft-X-ray Photonic Integrated Circuits”, Grant n°964588) as responsible of validation of new technological platform for the development of a EUV - soft X-ray integrated photonics.

- 2022-2024: together with the IFN - CNR colleagues in Trento, she obtained the funding of a project linked to photonics for agrifood (EPOCALE, “Flexible photonic platforms for the detection of Bacillus cereus in Food production”).

- 2019 – 2023: she was coordinator (principal investigator) of the European project NARCISO (FET-OPEN, grant n° 828890, “NAtuRal instability of semiConductors thIn SOlid films for sensing and photonic applications”).

- 2020-2024: she is unit CNR responsible in the Italian PRIN project NOMEN (NOnlinear photonics with metal-less NAnoantennas and Metasurfaces, grant n° 2017MP7F8F).

- 2017-2023: she was unit CNR responsible in the European project SONAR (MSCA-RISE, grant n° 734690 “Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in doped semiconductor nanocrystals”).

- 2019 – 2023: she was work package responsible (devices fabrication) for the Italian ASI project QUASIX (Sorgente integrata di singoli fotoni in silicio per comunicazioni quantistiche nello spazio, Integrated single photon source in silicon for quantum communications in the space). n. 2019 5 U.0

Decision-making role in congresses or scientific events:

She was part of the organizing committee of the 8th ESPS-NIS conference (Como, 14-18 June 2010), the organizing committee of FisMat2013 conference (Milano, 9-14 September 2013), the organizing committee of MNE 2021 conference (Torino, September 20th - 23rd, 2021), the organizing committee of ISTDM-ICSI2023 conference (Como, 21-25 May 2023).

She was also involved in the scientific advisory committee for the XTOP 2014 Conference (Grenoble, Sept. 2014,, for the plasmonic school, scheduled for July 2016 ( ), for the SPIE Photonics Europe, call “Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications”, 3-7 April 2022, Strasbourg, France for D-Photon 2023 conference (Bari, July 2023

Starting from September 2023, she is member of the international steering committee of the MNE congress, the most important committee linked to nano and microfabrication events in Europe.

Dr. Bollani has also been active in the dissemination area by organizing for several photonic science introduction events to students at primary and secondary schools in Milan or at MEETmeTONIGHT event in Milano. Starting from 2017, she is responsible of Pint of Science events in Milano, also obtaining the involvement and funding of private companies and associations (


Prof. Tiberiu Minea

Paris-Saclay University, France

Tiberiu MINEA is the Director since 2015 of the first plasma physics laboratory in France - Laboratory of Physics of Gases and Plasma (LPGP) - founded in 1965 at University Paris-Sud. He got full Professor position since 2008 in the same University, the Docent degree in 2006 and the Ph.D. in 1998. He is the head of the group Theory and Modeling of Plasmas-Discharge and Surfaces at LPGP since 2006. Prior, he was full time CNRS senior scientist with the Jean Rouxel Material Institute in Nantes, France. He coordinated over thirty research projects and has been involved in many others. His research is deeply related to plasma physics and plasma processing, particularly coating and novel plasma devices for technological applications. In 2016 he was awarded by the Romanian Academy of Science. He was the president of the Plasma division of the French Physical Society (2010-2013), the President of the French Federation of the Scientific Societies (F2S) formed by the Physical, Optical, Electrical and Vacuum Societies (2014-2017). At present, he is the Vice-President of the F2S and the President of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the French Vacuum Society (FVS) since 2013 where he acts as member of the board since 2008.


Dr. Hans Poulis

TU Delft, Netherlands

Dr Poulis is an Assistant Professor Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of The Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands since 2016. He obtained a PhD thesis at The Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands (Faculty of Mechanical engineering) in 1993. He was Senior researcher at the Adhesion Institute of The Delft University of Technology from 1996 to 2007 and Managing director since 2007.

His research work focus on:

  •  Surface pre-treatment of plastics and metals
  • Durability of adhesive bonds (creep, outdoor exposure, accelerated testing)
  • Development of very stable adhesives for conservation purposes
  • The aging behaviour of animal glues

He is member of scientific of different international adhesion and adhesives conferences and Chair ‘Dutch Adhesion Society” since 2008.


Dr. Zaoli Zhang

Erich Schmid institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria

Dr. Zaoli Zhang holds a senior scientist and group leader position at the Erich Schmid institute of Materials Science, Austrian Academy of Sciences. He studied materials physics, and received his PhD at the University of Science and Technology Beijing in 1997, completed his habilitation at the University of Leoben, Austria, in 2013. In 2000 – 2008, he worked at the Max-Planck institute for Metals Research in Stuttgart, and then he held a staff scientist position at the Fritz-Haber Institute and at the University of Ulm. His research fields cover electron microscopy and spectroscopy analysis of various structured and functional materials. Of special interests are interface-triggered phenomena in heterointerface structures, and deformation-induced phenomena in nanostructured materials, as well as structural evolution process with in-situ TEM/HRTEM and spherical aberration-corrected microcopy techniques. He is heading a TEM research group at the institute, and supervises PhD students and postdocs, and makes a great effort to correlate the structure with property of materials at the atomic scale. He has published around 110 peer-reviewed articles.


Prof. Fabienne Poncin-Epaillard

French National Research institute, France

My research activity is mainly focused around the study of interface mechanisms between a cold plasma and a polymer surface. All aspects of this type of chemistry are prospected: modification (or functionalization) and texturing of a polymer or a filler, plasma polymerization (or deposition) as well as plasma-induced polymerization. The applied research strategy is based on studies of the plasma phase, on the plasma - surface interface and on the treated surface properties for the development of new surfaces involved in biomaterial, toxic gas detection, adhesion, optics, aeronautics fields.... This is illustrated by the supervision of 25 Phd students and 12 postdoctoral fellows, 180 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, by my involvement in various European (COST, STREP), French (ANR, FUI) programs and numerous industrial collaborations.


Dr. Xinchun Chen

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Assistant Prof. Dr. Xinchun Chen is currently Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Tsinghua University/China. He received a doctor‘s degree from The University of Tokyo in 2014, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. After that, he worked on a postdoctoral position at the State Key Laboratory of Tribology at Tsinghua University/China for two years before obtaining his current position. His research focuses on surface science and nanotribology, and on superlubricity mechanisms of carbon-based materials.


Prof. Yu Yan

University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Prof. Yu Yan is currently working in the University of Science and Technology Beijing. He graduated with a Bachelor degree from the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB). In 2006 he received a Ph.D in Engineering from the University of Leeds, UK. After two years post-doctoral training, he worked as an Academic Research Fellow. In 2009, he was appointed as the Enterprise Associate for Nano technology in the University of Leeds. He took the professorship from the USTB in 2010. He received the Outstanding Students Abroad Award in 2006 and the Tribology Bronze Medal in 2008. His papers won the first prize of the Best Paper Award from the Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection in 2011 and 2014. He has published over 100 scientific papers and edited three books. The total citation is over 1500 and the H-index is 22.He is now an associate editor for “Anti-corrosion Methods and Materials” and on the editorial board for four other journals. His research interests include tribo-corrosion of biomedical materials; hydrogen embrittlement for high strength steels; materials genome engineering.


Prof. Herman Terryn

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Herman Terryn is full professor at the Faculty of Engineering of VUB with a chair in Surface Science and Engineering in research group Electrochemical and Surface Engineering of the department MACH ‘Materials and Chemistry’. He is teaching several courses on Material Science for the bachelor students within the Faculty of Applied Engineering at VUB. He is also teaching within the Brussels Faculty of Engineering, at Université Libre de Bruxelles and University of Ghent. Herman is part time professor in the group Corrosion and Electrochemical of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Tu Delft. Currently he is cluster leader of Durability of Materials within the Dutch top research center M2i-Materials Innovations Institute.

His research focuses on surface treatments, coatings and surface analysis of different materials. In 2012, he was granted with a Methusalem project, which provides long term and structural funding for excellent Flemish researchers. Since 2007, he is the responsible chairman for research of the Faculty of Applied Engineering within the VUB research council (474 web of science papers,h-factor 47). He supervised 54  defended Ph.D’s and currently working with 19 on going Phd’s.

He is also Founder and Editor Proceedings of the  Symposium on Aluminium Surface Science and Technogies and representative for Belgium for the International Corrosion Council (ICC). He was a Plenary & keynote lectures at important conferences: Gordon Conference, ECASIA, EUROCORR, ISE, Electrochemical Society Meetings, Passivity Meeting, Corrosion NACE, EMCR,ASST, Metallurgy, Alusil, etc.

He’s also:

  • responsible for modules on Surface Treatments and Corrosion of aluminium wich received Leonardo Da Vinci Helsinki Award 2006 and Bronze LifeLong Learning EU policy Award Berlin 2007 (Alumatter Leonardo Da Vinci Program). 
  • Methusalem Grant holder 7 year (2011-2023) personal research grant Flemish Gouvernment  'Design and Prediction of Nanostructured Metal Surfaces' (NANOMET) 7 M Euro.
  • Winner of the Eu-Award European Federation of Corrosion   2014, Pisa Italy
  • Honored with the Franqcui Chair “Durability of materials” 2016 at University of Antwerp
  • Corrosion H.H Uhlig Award Electrochemical Society  2017, Washinghton, USA
  • Honorary Professor China USTB, Beijing
  • Fellow Chinese Corrosion Society

Prof. Boxin Zhao

University of Waterloo, Canada

Dr. Boxin Zhao is a professor in the department of Chemical Engineering Professor and a member of the Waterloo Institute of Nanotechnology, Institute for Polymer Research, Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology at the University of Waterloo in Canada. He obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the McMaster University in 2004, worked as a postdoc at UCSB in 2005-2008. He established the Surface Science and Bionanomaterials Laboratory at the University of Waterloo in 2008 and has been the head of the laboratory since then. The laboratory has been well known for its interdisciplinary research capacity to take on both fundamental and applied research projects, and has collaborated widely with industrial partners to address industrial challenges and societal needs. His research interests include smart polymers, sustainable polymers, microplastic degradation, antimicrobial coatings and composites, hydrogels, bionanomaterials, soft materials and interface, biomimetic adhesion, electrically conductive polymers and adhesives, soft robotic devices, advanced manufacturing, etc. He has 100+ peer-refereed papers on the top journals including Macromolecules, Advanced Materials, Nature Materials, and Progress in Polymer Sciences, and has delivered many presentations in national and international conferences.

For more details, please see


Dr. Marco Alfano

University of Waterloo, Canada

Marco Alfano is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at University of Waterloo. Before his appointment he served as an Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) at Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Calabria (UNICAL), Italy, from 2012 to 2019. His research covers the mechanics of solids and layered structures, such as composite materials and adhesive bonded joints. The interplay between manufacturing and structural performance is a highlight of Marco’s recent research work, which enjoys an even balance between analytical, computational and experimental methods in fracture mechanics. Marco is an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives (Elsevier) and the Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology (Taylor and Francis).


Prof. Ludmila B. Boinovich

The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Prof.Ludmila Boinovich is a professor and Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry Moscow, RUSSIA. The research activities of L.B. Boinovich, both theoretical and experimental, have been centered on molecular and surface physics. Her research interests include the studying of wetting phenomena; the development of new physical mechanisms of surface forces determining the stability of colloid systems and liquid interlayers;the development of ellipsometric and spectroscopic methods of investigation of properties of sub-thin liquid and solid films, the application of digital image processing for investigation of three-phase equilibrium.


Dr. Nickolay Nickolaevich Andreev

The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Dr. N.N. Аndreev graduated from the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University, defended a Ph.D. thesis in 1987 and a doctoral thesis in 2004. He has been working at A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry since 1979. He has been a Head of Laboratory since 2002 till the present time. He repeatedly obtained medals of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements. He has published 150 scientific works and is an author of 15 inventions. He is a member of Editorial Boards of the journals “Korroziya: materialy i zashchita” (“Corrosion: metals and protection”, in Russian) and  “Praktika protivokorrozionnoi zashchity” (“Practice of corrosion protection”, in Russian). N.N. Аndreev is an expert in volatile and migrating corrosion inhibitors.
