
Sensors 2025 will provide a global forum for research scientists, engineers, and industry professionals to present their latest findings, innovations, and applications in sensors and sensing technologies. The conference will cover both theoretical and applied research, spanning sensors, biosensors, actuators, micro- and nanosystems, and emerging technologies.

Key topics will include sensing materials and fabrication, wireless sensor networks, nanotechnology, nanoengineered sensors and actuators, microfluidics, bioanalytical systems, micro-power generation, and more.

The conference themes are as follows:

  • Sensing principles, Modelling, and Evaluation
  • Sensor Materials, Fabrication, and Packaging
  • Chemical, Electrochemical, and Gas Sensors
  • Biosensors, Microfluidics, and Wearable Sensors
  • Optical and Photonic Sensors
  • Physical and Acoustic Sensors
  • Sensor Networks, IoT, and Edge Computing
  • Sensor Systems: Signal Processing, AI, and Interfaces
  • Actuators, Energy Harvesters, and Powering Sensors
  • Emerging Sensor Technologies and Industrial Applications

Taking place in the historic city of Rome, Italy, this event offers a unique opportunity for participants to engage in cutting-edge discussions while experiencing the rich cultural heritage of one of the world’s most iconic destinations.

Join us in Rome for the Sensors 2025, where cutting-edge research meets real-world applications!