
The International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces

Speaker's Details

Prof. Abraham Atta Ogwu

West of Scotland University, UK

Professor Abraham Ogwu is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FinstP) and Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM). He served on the Fellowship election panel of the institute of physics (2007-2011) in the materials physics section. He has held previous academic appointments at the School of Materials, University of Manchester, England and the School of Engineering, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland and in overseas universities before joining the University of the West of Scotland in 2002 as Professor of Thin Film devices, Nanotechnology and Biomaterials. He was on leave of absence between 2008-2010 as Rector/Vice-Chancellor of an African government owned University of Science and Technology, which was admitted to membership of the association of commonwealth universities during his tenure. I was a member of the governing council (court) of the former University of Paisley (now UWS) and the policy and resources committee of the institution from 2005 to 2008. I was an Academic staff and Warden of the University residences at the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, U.K. from 1999-2002 and principal investigator at then Northern Ireland nanotechnology centre.. I was a visiting scientist at the University of Toronto, Canada in 1998, hosted by Professor Tom Coyle in Materials Science and Engineering. I was a visiting Professor at the Surface Engineering group, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal in 2003, hosted by the late Professor Jose Gracio and at the Technical University of Lodz, Poland, hosted by Professor Stanislaw Mitura in 2005. I set up and led the only Materials 2008 RAE unit of assessment submission in Scotland, based in UWS, which was ranked 12/20 in the U.K. I am currently on the Editorial board of four Materials Science journals including the international Journal of molecular engineering. I have been a keynote speaker, member of the scientific and organising committee of major conferences in Nano/biomaterials in the U.K, Europe and Asia. I review research funding applications in the U.K. (EPSRC), Canada (MITACS) and for other overseas governments. I am regularly invited as external assessor for Professorship/Readership appointment in U.K universities (Russell group and post-92) and overseas. I have been a PhD examiner for Universities in Europe, Asia and Australia. In the fields of materials science and engineering/applied physics.