
Tribology International Conference 2022

Conference Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Erik Kuhn

Hamburg University of Apple. Sc, Germany

Erik Kuhn obtained his Ph.D. in Tribology from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. He is now professor at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Member of Editorial Board of Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, He’s Member of Reviewer Board of Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering: Tribology, Guest editor in Lubricants in 2017, 2019 and 2021, reviewer of international Tribology journals (Tribology International, Tribology Letters, Lubricants, etc.). He is also the organizer of the annual Arnold Tross Colloquium in Hamburg.


Prof. Marc Masen

Imperial College London, UK

Marc received his MSc and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Twente, The Netherlands. His PhD thesis was entitled Abrasive Tool Wear in Metal Forming Processes. Following his PhD he worked at the R&D centre of Hydro Aluminium with a focus on investigating the surface quality of aluminium extrusions. In 2006 he returned to Twente as a lecturer, initiating research into biotribology. In 2013 he joined Imperial College as a Senior Lecturer. Marc's main areas of research are:

  • Tribology of Human Tissue
  • Tribology of Elastomers and Polymers
  • Wear Prevention and Wear Mechanisms
  • Tribometer Development.

Recent work includes the development of analytical models for the contact and friction behaviour of compliant, visco-elastic materials, an investigation of the wear behaviour of UHMWPE for use in implants and the design of a novel portable tribometer that has been used in the development of a statistics-based model for friction forces in human skin contacts. He currently runs a research project in which engineers and clinicians collaborate to establish the relationship between friction or shear forces and the development of pressure ulcers.


Prof. Daniele Dini

Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Professor Daniele Dini FREng holds a Chair in Tribology at Imperial College London is a chartered engineer and a Fellow of the IMechE, the Institute of Physics, and the STLE. He is internationally recognised as a leader in the development and application of computational methods for studying applied mechanics and tribological problems.  His group is at the forefront of the development of multiscale and multidisciplinary high-fidelity approaches that capture the physics of critical interfaces, from the underlying molecular scale to the macroscale seen by engineer as performance, e.g. energy efficiency and reliability.

Prior to joining Imperial College in 2006, Professor Dini studied for a D.Phil. in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford (2004). During his PhD and postdoctoral career, Professor Dini worked with Rolls-Royce on projects associated with the design of aero-engines and made important contributions to contact mechanics and fretting problems as well as the development of modelling techniques to capture microstructural damage in polycrystalline materials. This practical application of his work has helped build links between the tribology and aerospace communities.  His early work led to the award of the Tribology Trust Bronze Medal in 2004 and the Thomas Bernard Hall Prize for the best paper in the IMechE Proceedings Part C in 2008 and again in 2010. Professor Dini’s research on contact modelling was honoured by the ASME K.L. Johnson Award in 2012.

More recently, Professor Dini has made very significant contributions to our ability to model and understand fluid film lubrication and the origins of friction.  During the last 10 years he has extended his research from the macro-scale into atomistic and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, to study solid/solid and solid/liquid interfaces, friction fundamentals and MD-continuum coupling techniques.  Recently he has employed reactive force field MD to study the influence of molecular structure on the chemo-mechanical behaviour of antiwear additives in contacts.  He has also developed new solutions and functional materials in the biomedical field in collaboration with medical doctors. These scientific breakthroughs have also been recognised by the IMechE Donald Julius Groen Prize in 2018 and the prestigious Peter Jost Tribology Award in 2021. His group performs fundamental research, while successfully supporting the application of tribology in industry, the strong links with industrial partners have led to the Imperial College President’s Award and Medal for Excellence in External Collaboration and Partnerships (2017). He has written more than 250 journal articles and has delivered more than 50 invited and keynote/plenary talks to discuss his innovative research in the last 10 years.


Prof. Giuseppe Carbone

Politecnico di Bari, Italy

Giuseppe Carbone received the MSc Mechanical Engineering Degree on February 1998 and in February 2002 the Ph. D. degree in Advanced Production Systems at Politecnico di Bari (Italy). He is currently Full Professor of Applied Mechanics, Head of the Department of Mechanics Mathematics and Management at Politecnico di Bari (Italy), and President of the Italian Tribology Association. In 2010 he founded the Tribology Lab at Polytechnic University of Bari. He has been Visiting Scientist at the Juelich Research Center (Germany) and at the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), Academic Visitor at the Imperial College London, and Visiting Scholar at University of North Texas. He is Research Associate at the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies of the National Council of Research - Italy. His scientific interests focus mainly on tribology, contact mechanics, viscoelastic materials, adhesion, biomimetics, mechanical transmissions, mechanical vibrations, system dynamics, soft robotics grips, swarm intelligence and complex systems. His research has been funded from National and European programmes and private companies with more than 8 million €. He is founding member of PoliMech s.r.l. a Spinoff company of Polytechnic University of Bari. He serves as Associate Editor of Chaos Solitons and Fractals, and of the Journal Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (Tribology Section). He is member of the Editorial Board of (i) Tribology International, (ii) Biomimetics, (iii) ISRN Tribology. He also served as Guest Editor of Tribology International, Biomimetics, Coatings, Lubricants, and Applied Science. His H-index is 40 (source: Scopus). He authored about 300 publications, of which about 165 in archive journals indexed in Scopus.


Prof. Juliette Cayer-Barrioz

LTDS - Ecole centrale de Lyon - CNRS UMR5513, France

Juliette Cayer-Barrioz graduated in physics in 1998 and in engineering from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2000 before obtaining her PhD in Materials Science from Centrale Lyon in 2003 and her habilitation in 2011. Since 2005, she has been associated with the CNRS. Her research activities at the Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes (LTDS) focus on the dynamics of lubricated interfaces, integrating surface phenomena, topography and physico-chemistry. Her multidisciplinary approach - based on unique experimental devices, numerical simulation and theoretical modelling - combines physics, interfacial chemistry and mechanics, rheology and friction. Now editor of Tribology Letters, prime journal addressing the fundamentals of tribology, she develops many international collaborations and co-organises the International Nanotribology Forum.

Her teaching activities at Ecole Centrale de Lyon, and beyond, address the physics and chemistry of interfaces and the rheology of complex media.


Dr. M. Abdul Samad

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KSA

Dr. Mohammed Abdul Samad is an Associate Professor and the Director of Tribology Lab in the ME Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, KSA. He earned his Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Singapore, Singapore. His main research interests include Micro\Nano tribology, thin films, coatings and surface engineering, polymer nano-composites, polymer nanocomposite coatings, and optimization techniques such as Taguchi methodology. He has about 80 journal papers in reputed journals on wide-ranging subjects and he presented his work at renowned conferences. He has been a principal investigator and a co-investigator in numerous funded projects and he is a recipient of the “Excellence in Research Award” in 2019 at KFUPM.


Prof. Maria Clelia Righi

University of Bologna, Italy

M. Clelia Righi is Full Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Bologna University. Her research activity focuses on the development and application of computational methods to understand and predict the behaviour of materials from first principles, particularly of surface and interface phenomena.

She adopted pioneering computational approaches in tribology and applied them for understanding chemical reactions activated by mechanical stresses and designing materials to reduce friction. In 2019 she received an ERC consolidator grant for the project “Advancing solid interfaces and lubricants by first principles material design” (SLIDE).

M. Clelia Righi is visiting professor at the Imperial College London, UK. She collaborates with different multinational companies and international experimental labs. She is part of the editorial boards of Coatings, Lubricants, Lubrication Science, and Scientific Reports.


Prof. Mohamed El Mansori

Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France

Mohamed EL MANSORI is a Professor at the Department of Mechanical, Materials Science and Manufacturing Engineering, Arts et Métiers ParisTech (France) where he leads the Mechanics, Surfaces and Material Processing Laboratory (MSMP-EA-7350)/Engineering. He is appointed as TEES Research Professor at TAMU (USA). He is the Director Program of TEES-TAMU-ENSAM joint research cluster. He served as Deputy General Director in Charge of Research & Innovation at the Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France. He also chaired the Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Research Group (LMPF-EA4106) at the Châlons-enChampagne campus. He was a founder and head of project of the creation of the MSMP laboratory, which is a multi-campus laboratory of the same institution including at Aix-en-Provence, Châlons-enChampagne and Lille.

He received B.Sc degree in Physics from the University of Hassan II (Casablanca, Morocco:1993), and Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (Nancy, France:1997) followed by employment as a post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Advanced Friction Studies of the Southern Illinois University, USA. He, then, joined the research group at the ERMES (Nancy, France) for five years to conduct research on “the tribological behavior of engineering materials, especially under the influence of electro-magnetic environment”. His current research interests in ParisTech include the interface of thermo-mechanic characteristics of both metallic and composite materials and physics behind their tribological and manufacturing performance. The research activities carried out in the last decade were interdisciplinary by their very nature. They have been engulfed to the issues concerning the tribological characteristics of engineering systems and multiscale advanced and smart manufacturing processes. These activities have led to the formation of a new research team which conceived and developed the concept of multi-scale process signature in conjunction with a new tribo-energetic approach for the fundamental understanding of smart and sustainable manufacturing processes involving lightweight synthetic and/or natural reinforced composite materials, energy-efficient manufacturing processes, advanced tribological studies and new process development for improved product performance and sustainability, etc. The main interest of this approach was, in its capability, to "bridge the gap" between the traditional approaches of academia and the industrial requirements. These resulted in a strong publication record of more than 160 papers in JCR referenced international journals and more than 200 international and national conference proceedings. He has taught many short courses on tribology in multiscale manufacturing processes. Several invitations to technical/scientific meetings and international conferences testify his strong international exposure.


Prof. Carsten Gachot

Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Carsten Gachot received his PhD from the Saarland University in Germany in 2012 where he studied the effects of laser interference patterning on the microstructure and topography of metallic surfaces with a focus on tribological applications under Prof. Dr. Frank Mücklich and Prof. Dr. Martin H. Müser. For this work, Dr. Gachot was awarded by the European Honda initiation grant in 2011. Prof. Gachot was academic visitor at the tribology Group at the Imperial College London and is currently the head of the tribology research Group at the Vienna University of Technology. Additionally, Prof. Gachot is a visiting Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University in Santiago de Chile and chief editor of the peer reviewed journal "Industrial Lubrication and Tribology of the Emerald Publishing Group Leeds UK.

Research Topics:

  • Tribofilm formation in machine elements
  • Materials Tribology
  • Surface Engineering
  • Wear Processes
  • Contact Mechanics at different length scales

Prof. Andreas Rosenkranz

University of Chile, Chile

Andreas Rosenkranz is currently professor for material-oriented tribology at the University of Chile, Chile. He obtained his Diploma (2010) and PhD (2015) degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from the Saarland University, Germany. His main research focus lays on the possibility to reduce friction and wear by either surface functionalization or the use of nanoparticles. He has authored more than 60 peer-reviewed journal publications. He is an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow and editor for the peer-reviewed journal “Industrial Lubrication and Tribology” of the Emerald Publishing Group Leeds UK.


Prof. Jason Stokes

The University of Queensland, Australia

Jason Stokes is Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering and the Deputy Associate Dean of Research (Research Training) for the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology. His formal qualifications include a Bachelor of Engineering (Chem) and PhD from The University of Melbourne, Australia. He spent 10 years (1999 – 2008) as a research scientist and manager at Unilever's Discovery laboratory in the United Kingdom and joined The University of Queensland in 2008. 

Jason has substantial track record concerning the rheology and tribology of a broad range of complex fluids, multiphase fluids, and soft matter systems. His research includes pioneering new measurement techniques in viscoelastic lubrication and soft-contact tribology for use in food-oral processing and bio-tribology research. The impact of his research is demonstrated by his substantial partnerships with industry, where instrumental (incl. tribology), structural and sensory techniques are uniquely utilised to enable rational design dairy and plant-based foods and beverages.  He awarded a Special Commendation for Industry Engagement in Graduate Research from 2020 Australian Council of Graduate Research Excellence.


Prof. Alessandro Ruggiero

University of Salerno, Italy

Alessandro Ruggiero, PhD from 1999 to 2005 was Assistant Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Salerno, where he has been an Associate Professor with the Department of Industrial Engineering since 2005 till today. In 2017 he received the National qualification to Full Professor in Applied Mechanics. He authored more than 220 scientific papers on prestigious indexed international journals and national and international proceedings. He is included in the “Stanford lists of the best influencer Researcher of the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 onthe world”. He serves as Editor, member of the Editorial Board and reviewer for many WoS/SCOPUS indexed International Scientific Journals, and as evaluator of national and international research projects.

He cooperates with numerous international Universities and prestigious Research Centers. He is member of the PhD Committee in Industrial Engineering (University of Salerno) and Production and Industrial Design (Polytechnic University of Madrid -SP- from 2018). He serves as vice-President of the International Advisory Board of the Czech University of Life Science in Prague (Czechia). He is member of the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science IFToMM -Technical Committee for Tribology- and National Coordinator of Italian AIMETA Tribology Group -GAIT.

He is founder and CEO of the Academic Spinoff and innovative Startup ACOUSTICLAB srl. His current research interests are focused on (bio) tribology, biomechanics, in-silico wear calculation of artificial human synovial joints, but they include also dynamics of mechanical systems, noise and vibration measurements, mechanical measurement and diagnostic on mechanical systems.


Dr. Noël Brunetière

CNRS -Poitiers University, France

Noël Brunetière is a senior scientist at the CNRS (French research council). He is working in the field of tribology and more particularly on mechanical seals at the Pprime Institute of Poitiers (France) since 1997. He received his PhD degree from the University of Poitiers, in the field of mechanics in 2001. He is associated editors of several journals including ASME Journal of Tribology and ImechE Journal of Engineering tribology. His main research topics are mixed lubrication modeling by multi-scale methods, surface texturing in lubrication, two-phases fluid lubrication and acoustic levitation.


Prof. Ronkainen Helena

VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland

Helena Ronkainen received Dr. Tech degree in 2001 in the Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto University). She has over 30 years’ experience in tribology research covering friction and wear of materials and coatings, DLC films in particular. Also lubrication related studies, and overall industrial application related research had been in for focus. She has close to 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles and about 120 other articles, including conference papers. She has given invited presentations in international conferences, and she has graded several PhD candidates. She has been the project manager in numerous national and international projects including several EU projects.


Prof. Mitjan Kalin

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dr. Kalin’s areas of research are the wear and friction mechanisms of advanced materials, nanoscale interface phenomena, and boundary films for novel green-lubrication technologies, including his recognized contribution to the lubrication of DLC coatings. He has given 55 invited lectures world-wide and has published over 170 peer-reviewed journal papers with 4000 citations and an H-index of 36. He also published 10 book chapters, 3 books and holds 11 patents, including USA and EU patents. In his career he has led 40 large, 3-year projects, half of them international. He also collaborated in industrial projects with renowned companies in Europe, Japan and the USA in over 150 R&D projects. He has received several awards, including the ASME Burt L. Newkirk Award (2006) and Fellow of STLE (2012). He is a member of International engineering academy and Slovenian Academy of Engineering. Since 2012 he serves as the Editor of Lubrication Science. He is a Full Professor and in term of 2017-2021 the Dean at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, where he is the Head of the Laboratory for Tribology and Interface Nanotechnology. He is also elected as Executive Board Member and Deputy President of the International Tribology Council (ITC).


Prof. Joachim Albrecht

Aalen University, Germany

Joachim Albrecht is professor for physics and thin film technology at Aalen University since 2008 and is one of the founders of the Research Institute for Innovative Surfaces, FINO, in 2014. He received his PhD from the University of Stuttgart in 2001 and spent several years as senior scientist and group leader at the Max-Planck-Institutes in Stuttgart, Germany. His interests focus on tribology, surface patterning, wetting, superconductivity and magnetic imaging. Using a combination of microstructuring and coating to produce films and surfaces with tailored properties is the main idea behind his work. He authors more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and is reviewer for more than 20 journals.
