
Tribology International Conference 2024

Conference Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Auezhan Amanov

Tampere University, Finland

Auezhan Amanov is currently an Associate Professor at Tampere University in Finland. He is the head of the Tribology and Surface Modification research group. He is an active member of several professional societies, including STLE and KTS. With over 170 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and a Hirsch index of 37, his research primarily focuses on enhancing the wear resistance of various materials through surface treatment techniques


Prof. Giuseppe Carbone

Politecnico di Bari, Italy

Giuseppe Carbone received the MSc Mechanical Engineering Degree on February 1998 and in February 2002 the Ph. D. degree in Advanced Production Systems at Politecnico di Bari (Italy). He is currently Full Professor of Applied Mechanics, Head of the Department of Mechanics Mathematics and Management at Politecnico di Bari (Italy), and President of the Italian Tribology Association. In 2010 he founded the Tribology Lab at Polytechnic University of Bari. He has been Visiting Scientist at the Juelich Research Center (Germany) and at the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), Academic Visitor at the Imperial College London, and Visiting Scholar at University of North Texas. He is Research Associate at the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies of the National Council of Research - Italy. His scientific interests focus mainly on tribology, contact mechanics, viscoelastic materials, adhesion, biomimetics, mechanical transmissions, mechanical vibrations, system dynamics, soft robotics grips, swarm intelligence and complex systems. His research has been funded from National and European programmes and private companies with more than 8 million €. He is founding member of PoliMech s.r.l. a Spinoff company of Polytechnic University of Bari. He serves as Associate Editor of Chaos Solitons and Fractals, and of the Journal Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (Tribology Section). He is member of the Editorial Board of (i) Tribology International, (ii) Biomimetics, (iii) ISRN Tribology. He also served as Guest Editor of Tribology International, Biomimetics, Coatings, Lubricants, and Applied Science. His H-index is 40 (source: Scopus). He authored about 300 publications, of which about 165 in archive journals indexed in Scopus.


Prof. Margaret M. Stack,

University of Strathclyde, UK

Professor Margaret Stack, BE MSc PhD DSc has been based in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, since January 2001. She was awarded a DSc from UMIST (University of Manchester) in 2003 based on her published work. She is the author of 140 papers on wear (solid particle erosion, sliding wear and micro-abrasion) of materials in corrosive environments and has presented the work at over 50 national and international conferences. Much of her work has focused on the development of mechanistic maps to describe materials behaviour in tribo-corrosion conditions (in dry and in wet environments), and on the development of mathematical models of these processes. Professor Stack is a member of several editorial boards including Tribology International and Open Applied Physics. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and is currently the UK representative to the EFC working party on Tribo-Corrosion.

Professor Margaret Stack research interests include tribo-corrosion of engineering materials in oil and gas conversikon, renewable energy technologies and bio-medical engineering environments. The interactions of tribology and corrosion are complex and they involve many different variables. Professor Stack has pioneered the concept of the tribo-corrosion map in aqueous conditions which addresses this issue and provides an engineering tool for controlling the process and optimizing the material surface modification for exposure to these environments. She has presented her work at over 70 conferences to date and has published over 200 papers.


Prof. Carsten Gachot

Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Carsten Gachot received his PhD from the Saarland University in Germany in 2012 where he studied the effects of laser interference patterning on the microstructure and topography of metallic surfaces with a focus on tribological applications under Prof. Dr. Frank Mücklich and Prof. Dr. Martin H. Müser. For this work, Dr. Gachot was awarded by the European Honda initiation grant in 2011. Prof. Gachot was academic visitor at the tribology Group at the Imperial College London and is currently the head of the tribology research Group at the Vienna University of Technology. Additionally, Prof. Gachot is a visiting Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University in Santiago de Chile and chief editor of the peer reviewed journal "Industrial Lubrication and Tribology of the Emerald Publishing Group Leeds UK.

Research Topics:

  • Tribofilm formation in machine elements
  • Materials Tribology
  • Surface Engineering
  • Wear Processes
  • Contact Mechanics at different length scales

Prof. Daniele Dini

Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Professor Daniele Dini FREng holds a Chair in Tribology at Imperial College London is a chartered engineer and a Fellow of the IMechE, the Institute of Physics, and the STLE. He is internationally recognised as a leader in the development and application of computational methods for studying applied mechanics and tribological problems.  His group is at the forefront of the development of multiscale and multidisciplinary high-fidelity approaches that capture the physics of critical interfaces, from the underlying molecular scale to the macroscale seen by engineer as performance, e.g. energy efficiency and reliability.

Prior to joining Imperial College in 2006, Professor Dini studied for a D.Phil. in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford (2004). During his PhD and postdoctoral career, Professor Dini worked with Rolls-Royce on projects associated with the design of aero-engines and made important contributions to contact mechanics and fretting problems as well as the development of modelling techniques to capture microstructural damage in polycrystalline materials. This practical application of his work has helped build links between the tribology and aerospace communities.  His early work led to the award of the Tribology Trust Bronze Medal in 2004 and the Thomas Bernard Hall Prize for the best paper in the IMechE Proceedings Part C in 2008 and again in 2010. Professor Dini’s research on contact modelling was honoured by the ASME K.L. Johnson Award in 2012.

More recently, Professor Dini has made very significant contributions to our ability to model and understand fluid film lubrication and the origins of friction.  During the last 10 years he has extended his research from the macro-scale into atomistic and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, to study solid/solid and solid/liquid interfaces, friction fundamentals and MD-continuum coupling techniques.  Recently he has employed reactive force field MD to study the influence of molecular structure on the chemo-mechanical behaviour of antiwear additives in contacts.  He has also developed new solutions and functional materials in the biomedical field in collaboration with medical doctors. These scientific breakthroughs have also been recognised by the IMechE Donald Julius Groen Prize in 2018 and the prestigious Peter Jost Tribology Award in 2021. His group performs fundamental research, while successfully supporting the application of tribology in industry, the strong links with industrial partners have led to the Imperial College President’s Award and Medal for Excellence in External Collaboration and Partnerships (2017). He has written more than 250 journal articles and has delivered more than 50 invited and keynote/plenary talks to discuss his innovative research in the last 10 years.


Dr.-Ing. Ewald Badisch

AC2T Research GmbH, Austria

Ewald Badisch is currently key researcher for functional surfaces as well as member of the scientific management at the Austrian Centre of Competence for Tribology (AC2T). He was graduated in materials science in 2000 from the University of Leoben and obtained his PhD degree in 2003. The PhD thesis was focussed on “Tribological Investigations of Tool Steels and Low-Friction Coatings”. After finishing his PhD, he then joined AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Centre of Competence for Tribology - as a researcher. His research fields of interest are industrial maintenance and wear protection, new technologies in tribology (e.g. additive manufacturing), design and application of tribological coatings (ranging from µm to mm – PVD thin films, thermal spray coatings, hardfacings and laser claddings), tribology under extreme conditions (CO2 corrosion, high temperature tribology, hydrogen atmosphere). He has published ~100 papers in various international peer-reviewed journals with about 3100 citations and a Hirsch index of 31 (google scholar).
