
The Plasma Processing and Technology International Conference - Plasma Tech 2025, will highlight both advances in fundamental understanding of processing plasmas and their interactions with matter, and the importance of these interactions in emerging and existing applications.

The covered topics/ sessions are as follow:

  • Atomic and molecular processes in plasmas
  • Collision cross sections
  • Fundamentals of low temperature plasmas
  • Plasma-surface interactions
  • Catalytic reactions with plasmas
  • Plasma sources design and characterization
  • Plasma diagnostics
  • Modelling and numerical simulations of plasmas and surfaces
  • Atmospheric/high-pressure plasmas
  • Plasmas in (contact with) liquids / plasma-liquid interaction
  • Plasma processing of materials, including etching and deposition
  • Plasma -deposited protective and tribological coatings
  • Plasma -deposited coatings for optical, electronical and other functionalities
  • Plasma application for nanotechnologies
  • Plasma application for biology, medicine, and agriculture
  • Plasma application for environmental issues and resource recovery

In addition to the main conference sessions covering the event topics, different focus sessions/symposia. These focus sessions offer the conference participants the opportunity to go more into depth with one specific topic.

The Plasma Processing and Technology International Conference - Plasma Tech 2025, will be held jointly to the Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International conference - SICT 2025 and Tribology 2025.

All registered participants of the PlasmaTech 2025, can attend all the sessions of the SICT 2025 and Tribology 2025 free of charge.

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Holger Kersten

University Kiel, Germany

Prof. Michael Keidar

The George Washington University, USA

Prof. Luís L. Alves

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. Jochen Schein

University of Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany

Prof. Gerrit Kroesen

Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Prof. Pavel Baroch

University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic

Prof. Tiberiu Minea

Paris-Sud University, France

Dr. Nevena Puac

Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia

Prof. André Anders

Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), Germany (to be confirmed)

Prof. Yasunori Tanaka

Kanazawa University, Japan

Prof. Arutiun Ehiasarian

Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Dr. Luka Hansen

Kiel University, Germany
