
Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International conference

Speaker's Details

Prof. Stéphane Béchu

CNRS- Grenoble University, France

S. Béchu received the Ph.D. degree in Molecular Physics from Paris-Sud University, France, in 1996. He obtained a permanent position at CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) as researcher in 1997. He is research director at CNRS since 2017. His first field of interest was electric propulsion at ICARE lab. in Orleans (France) where he developed plasma diagnostics. Since 2004, at LPSC Lab. in Grenoble (France) his body of research is devoted to plasma diagnostics and ECR (2.45 GHz) plasma sources. Recently, he performed VUV-absorption experiments at SOLEIL synchrotron (DESIRS beam line) on H2, D2 ro-vibrationally excited molecules.