Giuseppe Carbone received the MSc Mechanical Engineering Degree on February 1998 and in February 2002 the Ph. D. degree in Advanced Production Systems at Politecnico di Bari (Italy). He is currently Full Professor of Applied Mechanics, Head of the Department of Mechanics Mathematics and Management at Politecnico di Bari (Italy), and President of the Italian Tribology Association. In 2010 he founded the Tribology Lab at Polytechnic University of Bari. He has been Visiting Scientist at the Juelich Research Center (Germany) and at the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), Academic Visitor at the Imperial College London, and Visiting Scholar at University of North Texas. He is Research Associate at the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies of the National Council of Research - Italy. His scientific interests focus mainly on tribology, contact mechanics, viscoelastic materials, adhesion, biomimetics, mechanical transmissions, mechanical vibrations, system dynamics, soft robotics grips, swarm intelligence and complex systems. His research has been funded from National and European programmes and private companies with more than 8 million €. He is founding member of PoliMech s.r.l. a Spinoff company of Polytechnic University of Bari. He serves as Associate Editor of Chaos Solitons and Fractals, and of the Journal Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (Tribology Section). He is member of the Editorial Board of (i) Tribology International, (ii) Biomimetics, (iii) ISRN Tribology. He also served as Guest Editor of Tribology International, Biomimetics, Coatings, Lubricants, and Applied Science. His H-index is 40 (source: Scopus). He authored about 300 publications, of which about 165 in archive journals indexed in Scopus.
Prof. Alicia de Andrés is PhD in Physics by the Autonomous University of Madrid and, since 2008, Research Professor at the Materials Science Institute in Madrid – Spanish Council for Scientific Research (ICMM - CSIC). Leader of the Graphene based hybrid materials group and head of the Optical Spectroscopies Laboratory. She has authored over 150 ISI publications and leaded or participated in projects funded by national, regional and European agencies as well as industrial companies.
Her research over the past 15 years has focused on the development and study of materials with applications in spintronics and optoelectronics seeking the correlation between properties and structure/morphology at nano and micro scales. She is regular user of synchrotron radiation facilities. At present her interests are mainly focused in:
Professor Vasilev is currently a Matthew Flinders Professor and a Professor of Biomedical Nanotechnology in the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University. He is also the Director of the Biomedical Nanoengineering Laboratory, which he established after joining Flinders University. Prior to taking a position at Flinders University, Professor Vasilev had built and led at The University of South Australia (UniSA) a large and highly productive team, which grew to more than 20 postdocs and PhD students, a size of a small research centre. His team is well connected having deep collaborative networks within Australia and internationally, and is strongly engaged with industry, end users, government agencies and community.
Professor Vasilev has attracted in excess of 25M dollars in research funding from Government competitive grants and Industry, published more than 300 papers and has been awarded several prestigious Research Fellowships from ARC, NHMRC and the Humboldt Foundation, and other awards such as the John A. Brodie Medal for achievements in Chemical Engineering in 2016, the election of a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) in 2017 and a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials in 2022. His contribution to UniSA has been recognised by several awards including the UniSA Research Excellence Award in the Mid-Career category (2018), and the Division of ITEE Excellence Award for Leadership in Research (2018), and the UniSA Interdisciplinary Award (2019) for his work across disciplines.
The foundation of Professor Vasilev’s research program is his revolutionary approach to the nanoengineering of plasma polymer films, which vastly expanded the opportunities for this technology. His established international reputation and leadership in his field evident (in addition to the awards mentioned above) by regular invitations to deliver plenary and keynote lectures at international conferences, and prestigious universities, institutes and companies around the world. His publications have been cited more than 12,500 times and his H-index = 63 (M-index ~ 3).
Professor Vasilev’s research has a strong translational focus. He has a track record of working with commercial partners to industrialise biomedical technologies. These include leading large commercial projects such as a $5M CRC-P project together with Motherson Australia Pty Ltd on a technology for bladder cancer diagnostics, a $6M IMCRC project with Corin Group on antibacterial surface modification for orthopaedic implants, and a $1.3M project with Anizop Holdings on antibacterial surface modification for dental implants. His translational work involving the entire spectrum of activities from research discoveries to commercial products was a key strength allowing him to win in 2020 (commenced in 2022) the prestigious and highly competitive NHMRC Investigator Award ($2,738,000 over 5 year).
Professor Vasilev is deeply involved with various research funding bodies, currently being a member (by invitation) of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Medical Research Advisory Group, NHMRC GRP (Grant Review Panel), a member of the Advisory Committee of the Australia-India Scientific Research Fund and a member of the College of Assessors of the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Science Funding, amongst others. He is also a member of Brandon Capital BioCatalyst Investment Review Committee
Jochen Schein studied electrical engineering at the Ruhr University and had his Phd in plasma technology in 1996. From 1996 to 1998 he was a postdoc in plasma diagnostics at the Department for Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota (USA). He then moved to Alameda Applied Sciences Corp. as a Principal Scientist. in California (USA), where he worked in the field of satellite propulsion. From 2004 to 2006 he was a Senior Scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on the National Ignition Facility's fusion experiments in that laboratory. Since August 2006 he is a professor at the Institute for Plasma Technology and Mathematics within the Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich. His research interests are in plasma physics, plasma technology and satellite propulsion.
S. Béchu received the Ph.D. degree in Molecular Physics from Paris-Sud University, France, in 1996. He obtained a permanent position at CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) as researcher in 1997. He is research director at CNRS since 2017. His first field of interest was electric propulsion at ICARE lab. in Orleans (France) where he developed plasma diagnostics. Since 2004, at LPSC Lab. in Grenoble (France) his body of research is devoted to plasma diagnostics and ECR (2.45 GHz) plasma sources. Recently, he performed VUV-absorption experiments at SOLEIL synchrotron (DESIRS beam line) on H2, D2 ro-vibrationally excited molecules.
Himanshu Mishra is an Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering and a principal investigator at the Water Desalination and Reuse Center at KAUST. His Group investigates physical and chemical phenomena at interfaces of water with air, oils, and perfluorinated coatings such as wetting, surface forces, electrification, and proton-catalyzed reactions. Technologies developed in his Group range from sustainable mulches for growing more food/biomass with less water in arid regions, to perfluorocarbon-free gas-entrapping microtextured surfaces (GEMS) for drag reduction. He has published 40 peer-reviewed articles in top journals, including Nature Communications, Science Advances, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and journals of the American Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry. He holds nine granted/pending patents.
Dr. Qi Hua Fan received his Ph.D. in applied physics from the University of Aveiro in 1999. He is currently an Associate Professor at Michigan State University with joint appointment in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science. He is also a member of the Fraunhofer Center for Coatings and Diamond Technologies. Dr. Fan’s research interests include plasma sources for large-area coatings and plasma processing of nanostructured materials for energy harvesting, energy storage, and electro-optical devices. Dr. Fan teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in ECE and CheMS departments. Typical courses include Plasma-Assisted Materials Processing, Thin Film Optics and Engineering, and Materials Science.
Expert in plasma processing and chemical characterization of surfaces for various industrial application. Nowadays the research activity is mainly focused on the following fields:
Prof JG Broughton role within the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics includes both teaching and research. Within his teaching role, he cover the fundamentals of engineering, stress analysis and design. His research role includes managing projects and leading the Joining Technlogy Research Centre.
Since completing his PhD on the 'Enhancement of structures using bonded composite materials' he participated in numerous and quite diverse industrial and international research projects. These include repair and rehabilitation of historic timber structures, qualification and classification guidelines and test procedures for strengthening systems bonded to civil structures, the development of next generation aerospace composite wing ribs and, more recently, bonded lightweight electric motors.
The Joining Technology Research Centre has been leading research and knowledge-transfer activities in the field of joining since 1968. The Centre provides access to a unique combination of interdisciplinary engineering and scientific skills, covering the use of adhesives and sealants for the aerospace, automotive and civil sectors. Prof James main interests are centred around:
Dr. Mohammed Abdul Samad is an Associate Professor and the Director of Tribology Lab in the ME Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, KSA. He earned his Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Singapore, Singapore. His main research interests include Micro\Nano tribology, thin films, coatings and surface engineering, polymer nano-composites, polymer nanocomposite coatings, and optimization techniques such as Taguchi methodology. He has about 80 journal papers in reputed journals on wide-ranging subjects and he presented his work at renowned conferences. He has been a principal investigator and a co-investigator in numerous funded projects and he is a recipient of the “Excellence in Research Award” in 2019 at KFUPM.
Prof Urgen is graduated from Istanbul Technical University Metallurgical Engineering Department in 1977. After completing his master's and doctoral studies at the same university, he became an assistant professor in the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at İTÜ in 1991. He became a professor in 1996. He currently works as a faculty member in the same department and leads the Surface Treatments Research Group.
After receiving his bachelor's degree, he spent a year in Postdoctoral Studies at the Max-Planck Institute, Metal Research Department. He was the head of the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at İTÜ between 2002 and 2005 and the coordinator of the interdisciplinary Materials Science and engineering program supported by DPT in the scope of Advanced Technologies in engineering project between 2002 and 2011. He continues his research in the field of surface treatment science and technologies (corrosion and corrosion protection, electrolytic metal coating, vacuum coating techniques, anodic oxidation, hard coatings and tribology of hard coatings).
He has been working for many years at both academic and industrial service level on corrosion and corrosion protection. He is a member of the Turkish corrosion Society, UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers, AVS, ACS. He represents Turkey at the European Academy of surface treatments (EAST) and the International corrosion Council (ICF). There are over 150 publications published in international and national journals. He has given over 15 speeches as an invited speaker at national and international meetings, organized numerous National and International Congress Symposiums and participated in the organizing boards. He also undertook the duties of conducting and researching in various public and private sector funded projects. He has a total of 7 international patents, three of which are published, four of which are made application.
Prof Tung main research focuses on:
Professor Raman Singh’s primary research interests are in the relationship of Nano-/microstructure and Environment-assisted degradation and fracture of metallic and composite materials, and Nanotechnology for Advanced Mitigation of such Degradations. He has also worked extensively on use of advanced materials (e.g., graphene) for corrosion mitigation, and stress corrosion cracking, and corrosion and corrosion-mitigation of magnesium alloys (including for the use of magnesium alloys for aerospace, defence and bioimplant applications).
Prof Singh’s professional distinctions and recognitions include: editor of a unique book on non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of corrosion, editor of a book on cracking of welds, editor-in-chief of two journals, member the Editorial Boards of a few journals, leader/chairperson of a few international conferences and regular plenary/keynote lectures at international conferences, over 235 peer-reviewed international journal publications, 15 book chapters/books and over 100 reviewed conference publications, and several competitive research grants (that includes 4 Discovery, 7 Linkage and one ITRH grants of Australian Research Council).
Prof Singh has supervised 50 PhD students. His vibrant research group at Monash University comprised/comproses of PhD students from different disciplines (Mechanical, Chemical, Materials and Civil Engineering, and Science) as well as from different cultural backgrounds (Australian, Middle-eastern, Chinese, Malaysian, Indian, African, American and Israeli).
Cristina Canal Barnils (Barcelona 1977) is Associate professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), head of the PlasmaMedLab(obriu en una finestra nova): Plasmas for BioMedical Applications Laboratory and of the Medical Technologies: Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering research group at the IRSJD(open in new window).
Before joining UPC, she did different research stages at pre and postdoctoral level in different national and international research centres. She has participated and lead a number of research projects, as well as technology transfer projects in the areas of Textile materials, Biomaterials and Cold Plasmas. Her research has led to above 60 publications, and several invited conferences. Her research has been recognized with different awards, including the L’Oreal-Unesco fellowship “For Young Women in Science” (2012), the “2018 Early Career Award in Plasma Medicine“ and the ICREA Acadèmia 2020.
Her interests are focused in cold plasmas for biomedical applications, particularly: i. Surface modification of biomaterials to control parameters such as adhesion or biological behaviour; ii. Control of drug release from biomaterials; and iii. Therapeutical appications of cold plasmas, for instance, in bone cancers.
She is currently ERC APACHE project(open in new window) Starting Grant leader in a project in the field of atmospheric pressure plasma therapy, her main axis of research being currently focused in the atmospheric pressure plasma therapy of bone cancer treatment in combination with biomaterials.
Enric Bertran-Serra is a Professor of Applied Physics of Barcelona University and a Member of the IN2UB (Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of Barcelona University). He is the Director and a responsible Scientist of FEMAN research group on Physics and Engineering of Amorphous Materials and Nanostructures. He has published more than 300 papers in reputed journals and is the author of more than 15 patents.
Professor at Paul Sabatier Toulouse University, Director of LAPLACE (~350 members, 150 permanent staff), manager during 5 years of a research team (~30 members) – Responsible ~10 research contracts (academic and in partnerships with industry) – Specialist in theory and simulation of cold plasma physics – Author of more than 60 papers in peer reviewed journals, more than 80 international conferences, 3 patents, 10 invited lectures, 3 book chapter – 15 PhD thesis supervised.
Joachim Albrecht is professor for physics and thin film technology at Aalen University since 2008 and is one of the founders of the Research Institute for Innovative Surfaces, FINO, in 2014. He received his PhD from the University of Stuttgart in 2001 and spent several years as senior scientist and group leader at the Max-Planck-Institutes in Stuttgart, Germany. His interests focus on tribology, surface patterning, wetting, superconductivity and magnetic imaging. Using a combination of microstructuring and coating to produce films and surfaces with tailored properties is the main idea behind his work. He authors more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and is reviewer for more than 20 journals.
Juliette Cayer-Barrioz graduated in physics in 1998 and in engineering from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2000 before obtaining her PhD in Materials Science from Centrale Lyon in 2003 and her habilitation in 2011. Since 2005, she has been associated with the CNRS. Her research activities at the Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes (LTDS) focus on the dynamics of lubricated interfaces, integrating surface phenomena, topography and physico-chemistry. Her multidisciplinary approach - based on unique experimental devices, numerical simulation and theoretical modelling - combines physics, interfacial chemistry and mechanics, rheology and friction. Now editor of Tribology Letters, prime journal addressing the fundamentals of tribology, she develops many international collaborations and co-organises the International Nanotribology Forum.
Her teaching activities at Ecole Centrale de Lyon, and beyond, address the physics and chemistry of interfaces and the rheology of complex media.
Auezhan Amanov is currently an Associate Professor at Tampere University in Finland. He is the head of the Tribology and Surface Modification research group. He is an active member of several professional societies, including STLE and KTS. With over 170 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and a Hirsch index of 37, his research primarily focuses on enhancing the wear resistance of various materials through surface treatment techniques
Dr. Ramón Escobar Galindo (10-01-1973) is a Full Professor at the University of Seville in the Department of Applied Physics I (2019-). Graduated in Physical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1997 (Spain) received his doctorate in 2003 from the Technical University of Delft (Netherlands). He initially developed his scientific career at the Institute of Materials Science in Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) and at the Autonomous University of Madrid (2004-2014). Subsequently, he worked for 3 years (2014-2017) as director of the Materials program in the solar thermal energy department at Abengoa Research. Between 2017-2019 he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Materials Sciences and Metallurgical Engineering and Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Cádiz. In 2015, he completed his training with a Master in Technology Management awarded by Loyola University (Spain) and Georgetown University (USA). He has been a professor (2008-2009) at the Department of Applied Physics at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and associate professor (2012-2014) at the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M). Internationally, he has taught at the MsC course "Functional Coatings and Thin Films" at Cranfield University in the United Kingdom (2015-2017) and at the Summer School at Shantou University in China (2017).
Dr. Escobar has participated in more than 25 R&D projects (being the principal investigator in 13 of them) including national (Cenit, CDTI, Consolider, Retos) and European (FP6, FP7, H2020) programs as well as contracts with companies. His main lines of research have focused on the development of advanced multifunctional materials in thin films for energy applications (in particular concentrated solar thermal energy), optical and biomedical applications. Co-author of 117 published scientific articles (H index = 25) and more than 160 contributions to international conferences (including more than 25 invited or plenary conferences). He has co-directed 4 doctoral theses and is a co-inventor of 4 patents. Between 2013 and 2016 he was the representative of Spain in the International Union of Science and Technology Del Vacío, (IUVSTA) in the Thin Films division. Since 2019 he is a member of the scientific committee of the Spanish Association of Vacuum and its Applications (ASEVA) and of the Commission for the synchrotron beamline time allocation of the Spanish CRG SPLINE in BM25 at ESRF. He belongs to the Spanish Society of Materials (SOCIEMAT) and the Royal Spanish Physical Society (RSEF) as well as to the AENOR GET15 / GT 5 committee "Physicochemical characterization of surfaces".
Dr. Coltelli is an associate professor at the University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering and holds a degree in chemistry and PhD in chemical science from the University of Pisa. She has 20 years of experience in materials science and technology, in particular polymers, biopolymers, blends, and composites, especially related to their interaction with the environment. She is the author and co-author of more than 70 publications in international journals, a book related to the reuse of polymers, and three patents related to added-value polymeric blends obtained from recycled materials.